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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Pick up a couple pieces of trash today for earth day. If everyone in the forum picked up 2 pieces it would make a difference!

    1. BillM


      I filled a garbage bag the other day while looking for spawning steelies. People are disgusting


  2. that jets game was entertaining, and the crowd was just the best. Its a shame that they couldnt hold the lead I was really cheering for them. Oh well.
  3. shoot deer, they taste more delicious anyways.
  4. hopefully I can get into something Saturday, Bill's convinced me to give err the old shot. Never caught a brown in my life, so it should be interesting.
  5. ive wanted to fish those shallows of jordan for a while, my girlfriends parents have a place 10 minutes from there. It was torture eating lunch at the lake house watching folks troll through there.
  6. that karlson hit is as clean as can be, he hit shoulder to shoulder, the impact was so extreme that the momentum cause the rest of his body to subsequently also collide with karlson. The refs didnt do the best job in that game, but at the end of it the better team won. We once again see that goaltending is about 60% of the equation. I can tell you Price wouldnt have let that OT winner in and that's the difference maker. Id be surprised to see either goalies in Ottawa next year. I think Montreal might actually sweep, Ottawa just isnt big enough to slow Montreal down, its going to take one of the big bruising teams to stop them and the way you will beat montreal is to keep them off the score sheet. I am not sure anyone in the east is capable. Jesus Montreal should be pretty happy about not having to play Winnipeg or the Ducks, everyone would have broken wrists then.
  7. http://www.stthomastimesjournal.com/2012/12/27/mnr-lays-financial-charge-after-a-ridgetown-resident-disrupts-two-men-attempting-to-harvest-geese-on-private-property this seems to happen more often than youd think. What she did is against the law, call the cops so that she doesn't do it again.
  8. remember the golden goal? No one hated crosby then. The guy has already done it all and hes only 28.
  9. driving distance is a lot like sizing caught fish. I know one guy that can drive the ball 300 and hes got a card. I think your concerns about hitting 250 are because you are the only one being honest. The longest par 5's are only 550 yards, if you hit 250 on your drive and then 2 shots at 150 you are GIR even on a really long par 4 at most you will be 180 out. the best golfers i know all <10 handicap 2 putt or less every hole and dont miss from short. Scoring is done from <50 yards.
  10. Big Buck, NH is one of my favourite courses of all time, and ive played some pretty prestigious ones. If anyone is in the GB area Parry Sound is an unbelievably good track for a fantastic value. I suggest early tee times as pace can be horrible on a Saturday, just like any other public course. The course itself has some absolutely stunning holes encompassing the natural rocky surroundings, I highly highly recommend it. Guys all complaining about the driver, boys dont you remember? Shoot for show putt for dough, 60 percent of strokes are on the green!
  11. I really enjoyed the Pittsburgh Ny game and that Jets game for the first period before it was bed time was awesome. You can be sure ill be watching the central time games. The detroit lightning game was kinda meh same goes with the St Louis Minnesota game. I thought the blues were gonna look better, they are probably gonna go out first round yet again.
  12. i used to golf a lot in highschool, was a member at North Halton GCC in Georgetown for 3 years handicap was down into the 18 range. Now im lucky if i get out 3 times a year and break 100 ughhh. Its too friggin expensive for a 20 something with a mortgage. Im garbage but my friends are all damn good. The guy i golf with the most is a CPGA pro. Ive gotten to play some fantastic courses simply because I was with him. Usually during a break in teh summer i get out to Parry Sound Golf and Country Club, shot my best round ever there an 87!
  13. I walk my dog every morning and its awesome to see the changes of seasons for me it was the arrival of birds every morning it seemed a new species showed up at the park. The cardinals came first, then the sparrows, then the robins. After that rain last week the nightcrawlers were out and the robins were gorging.
  14. stone's arm has a "microfracture" someone call the whambulance. Are we forgetting that Koivu played one year bald from chemo and with a broken rib! Its the friggin playoffs suck it up. The slash wasnt "malicious" if he was slashing to break someones bones it would be bobby clarke summit series esque You go to the net you get hit, i wouldnt expect anyone that doesnt play hockey to know that though. Man up.
  15. reading this stuff makes me shutter, Im going to enjoy the high water on GB while it lasts!
  16. im having huge flashbacks of the Stop the Drop days. It sucks guys and its not fun at all, i feel for all of you. it got so bad on GB that I couldnt even launch my boat anymore using an already extended marine rail system. it was so bad that I couldnt float a boat that was 10 feet outside of our boathouse, I was able to walk on dry land around it. The culprit here is well below average precipitation in February and March and a poor judgement on the guys that control your dams. I will say that at least someone has some form of control. Maybe the problem can be rectified next year.
  17. Anaheim - Jets : Jets in 7 (jets will be unbeatable at home) Vancouver Calgary - Vancouver in 6 St Louis Minnesnowta - St Louis in 7 (ugghhhh st louis is my pick again and they get matched up with minny ugghhh) Chicago Nashville - Chicano's in 5 Montreal Ottawa - Montreal in 5 (Carey makes the hamburgler look like a joke) 1 goal games win series good luck scoring on Carey..also no home ice advantage for Ottawa as the habs fans will be out in force Tampa Detroit - Tampa in 6 New York Pittsburgh - New York in 6 Capitals and NYI - New York Islanders in 7 Would pick round 2 right now but im too lazy to make the matchups...Final is gonna be St Louis vs Montreal (ughhh it hurts me to say this but Montreal wins the cup) if Carey gets banged up at all, all bets are off. Didnt realize patcioretti was that hurt, i revise my pick to montreal in 7
  18. I wasnt clear, in district 14 the slot is what you are not allowed to keep. Its the opposite of many other places where slot fish are the ones you are supposed to keep i.e. in the kawarthas you can keep walleye between 15-22 or somehwere in that range, meanwhile in 14 you are not allowed to keep anything between 16 and 22. Seconded to the idea that CO's pay for themselves, there is more than the hourly wage to account for, boats, gas, benefits etc all cost money, although personally I am not against the idea. its the old point that I have fished my entire life and purchased my sport license and followed the rules to a T (with the very rare honest mistake) meanwhile guys are sitting on peirs fishing out of season fish and gutting them on the spot.
  19. i need to start doing this when i witness guys keeping slot walleye every single year during the fall run.
  20. to this day I have never seen a CO in my life.
  21. Dickey absolutely shafted again, <2 ERA and still losing. correction, slightly over 2 ERA but still ridiculous, the guys allowed 3 runs in 2 games this year and hasnt won.
  22. was in Pointe Au baril over the weekend, things still very locked up around there with 2 feet of solid ice, some cracks forming though, this warm weather should start to break things up a bit more. I was out on the ice though this weekend doing some work and it was solid. I have a feeling I will be dodging bergs on opener. The small channels with current are open, but anywhere in the main area is very very solid still.
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