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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. id be dragging brown colours baits all over the place...smallies smash em!
  2. went through an issue with my dog a couple of years ago...he ended up being ok, but we got him CT scanned the whole deal...basically put myself into some debt but it was worth it. it always is I couldnt imagine life without my buddy.
  3. 11 days straight of fishing G bay starts now! BOO YA!

  4. pops munches on the odd clearwater smallie outta gbay, says they taste no different than a perch. Cant say i dont believe him when all they eat are crawdads and shiners and basically never live near weeds.
  5. eating largies outta heart or island lake...passssssssss
  6. we marked blue gills a small hooks no problem at all. Not a dot, an actual line hook.
  7. funny cause i literally had an experience this past weekend, 30FOW we DI marked a pile of ruble with hooks all over it...drop shotted and boom hooked up repetedly...switch to standard sonar and hardly anything was marking at all... also in the kawarthas drive over a total clump of weeds...look at standard sonar...just looks like a bunch of garbage...switch to DI and turn down sensitivity the weeds begin to disappear and you begin to actually see a picture of the bottom including rocks and other crap laying amognst the weeds. Also in order to chart with the helix you need to purchase the autochart Z line card, unfortunately as mentioned with the 7 you dont get two memory slots so you have to choose between running navionics or running autocharts...on the 9 and above you can run both at the same time.
  8. uhhh... BLUE BOX PROGRAM PLAN Produced by Waste Diversion Ontario In cooperation with Stewardship Ontario http://stewardshipontario.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/BBPP-Feb28-FINAL_wappendices.pdf Through his Program Request Letter, the Minister directed the WDO to develop a waste diversion program for Blue Box wastes (Appendix II). In the addendum to the letter the Minister identified twelve specific issues that must be addressed within the Program Plan to be developed. The addendum reads as follows: Bill 91, Waste Reduction Act, 2013 Bradley, Hon James J. Minister of the Environment Current Status: Second Reading Debate http://www.ontla.on.ca/web/bills/bills_detail.do?locale=en&BillID=2818&detailPage=bills_detail_the_bill Iron, there is incentive to not overpackage things, the more packaging manufacturers and brand owners produce the more they pay...the problem is that they pass the cost of the packaging off to you...the consumer...dont think for a second you arent paying for the packaging associated with your products. If you want it to go away, stop buying that product...thats the free market economy.
  9. just got myself a helix 7 and definitely have noticed a little bit of lag when switching views, but no issues what so ever while driving. I have actually heard worse about the lag issue with the hook 7 and that was a major reason why i was swayed over to the helix... Finally perhaps the biggest selling feature of the Helix 7 for me...and to be honest probably you after reading your self description is Autochart Live. You would know that the charts for Georgian Bay are inaccurate to poor at best. In large part due to the fact that Georgian Bay is not necessarily a major shipping port, and even more so due to the fact that the terrain is just so expansive and complex. For 140 bucks you can get autochart zero line and start making your own charts entirely. The downfall of the 7 vs the 9 is that the 9 and up of the Helix have a dual memory slot that allow you to run navionics, plus autochart...this will allow you to literally turn down the opacity on your autochart grid to see navionics, while still using your autocharts. My personal experience with down imagining and side imaging, is that side imaging is over rated...but down imaging is incredible...i actually regret going without down imaging now in hind sight after seeing how it really works. The target separation by adjusting intensity on down imaging is frigging incredible. Its a shame these things all cost so much bloody money, I wasnt even looking to go close to top of the line and im still missing all sorts of features.
  10. From what I have heard the big tournament "pre-fishing" OOS involves a lot of just throwing hookless senkos to see if they can get a bite. Two points to this is that you cant target bass...and why would you wanna sting a bass if you plan on catching it tomorrow? I think if i was fishing a big tournament id fish hookless the day before too anyways? if such is the case...who cares. The fish bite a senko and thats the end of it. I went and scoped the lake out friday we spent a heck of a lot of time just driving shorelines getting a feel for where the weeds were, finding rubble piles and visually spotting bass in shallow water areas.
  11. ive never had a double uni fail on me yet in 3 years...dunno what the heck you guys are doing...ive definitely had imroved cinch and palomars fail at the lure but never tying two lines together. im also heavily of the opinion that the more complex the knot the more likely it is to fail simply because you are very likely to mess up. I basically stopped tying improved cinch knots because if i didnt cinch it just so and lock it just so it would fail on me, it was a crap shoot and to this day i have no idea what i was doing wrong because the majority of the time it worked perfectly, but every so often one would just totally come undone.
  12. Chris the reason you saw them shovel a pile of bottles or a bail into the landfill is that the bail most likely got contaminated. In recycling, like anything the Recycling facilities do their best to try make their bails as pure as possible, i.e. a bail of HDPE, or LDPE, or a bail of Steel, or aluminum...typically these bails are kept above 96% purity. However if a bail comes off of the line and is a mess there are a few options, you can try find a processor to buy the bail at a heavy discount, you can throw the bail back through the system, or you can simply toss it in the trash. If the bail was heavily contaminated with something really bad, i.e. lets say a few gallons of used motor oil made its way into the bail then you basically are forced to throw it in the trash. Dependant on the MRF there are different efficiencies for sorting as well. Some private Recycling facilities such as the one that does a large part of peterborough actually throws out 15% of the reyclables no matter what simply because their sorters are crap, so whatever doesnt get picked off of the line literally gets tossed in the trash once its made its way through the facility. State of the art ones like the one Durham just opened say they reach up to 98% efficiency...which all things considered...in the early 80's kitchener was the only place recycling and the rest of the world was throwing basically everything but cans and steel into the trash. We are doing pretty good, and it will only get better with time. Certain countries in europe are literally going to 0 waste...i.e. even stuff thats hazardous will be collected and managed appropriately. So complain all you want about a small bag costing money, soon you wont even get that, its just a matter of time.
  13. a good knot...but the uni is 1000x easier to tie and does fail so why mess with it.
  14. thanks for posting this chris. I got a sense of how bad the bugs were by watching those bloody videos and hearing the terrible mosquito wines that drive me nuts some nights. Monster fish indeed.
  15. the only knot i tie for attaching line together is a double uni. I basically exclusively fish 20 lb flurocarbon because fishing on georgian bay I cannot afford to lose my lure every 4 fish because there are far too many 5-10lb pike that like my bass baits. dunno if the bass seem to mind the heavier leader...all you compromise is a little bit of feel. I have yet to have a double uni fail yet...and it seems to go through guides pretty seamlessly if you trim your tags close.
  16. yamamoto also makes something very very similar as well. In all sizes right down to a 1.5 incher...killed crappies on em with the drop shot
  17. won my first tournament...small family tournament on the tri lakes buckhorn, pigeon and chemong...we won biggest fish and total weight. gun was a at 5, weigh in at 12. small pay day and a free steak dinner more details in a soon to be coming report Will be fishing Pointe Au Baril for opener on Saturday...probably do at least 8 hours hammering shallow smallies! best time of the year.
  18. saw these pics on your insta, well done man, ahaha that laker beat my nephews first fish a 4 inch perch ahaha
  19. a member here that shall remain nameless has shown me some of his $200+ lures...they are incredible. Thank god they are tied on with 100lb braid lol! Theres no better feeling than back casting a $10 fly into a tree and watching it hang there while there is nothing that you can do lol
  20. not even close...some of these custom musky jakes are hundreds of dollars. I wish more JDM tackle came up second hand, but everything that does seems to just be posted for slightly less than the OEM price.
  21. I work in the industry and will tell you outright, the reason garbage is getting so expensive is that they are forcing your hand to recycle. The large majority of packaging and printed paper materials are recyclable, and your food waste is entirely compostable. The idea is that it is to encourage you to recycle, not throw trash into a ditch...Because if you are that type of person it doesnt matter if the bag of garbage costs 20 or 100 dollars to dispose of, you are still going to throw it in the ditch. Recycling is always free because the material has value. Municipalities are maximizing the amount of recyclables that they can collect because they can then in turn bail it and sell it.
  22. hahahha oh man i love watching ottawa squirm because phaneuf wont waive his NTC ahahhaa They are gonna lose Ceci or Methott, hilarious. Stuck paying him 7 mill a year ahaha NOTTAWA!!!! all of the ottawa fans are trying to say that they should trade him to a good team...lol no one wants him!
  23. hoping it stays below 75 for this weekend! is that mid lake or in a bay?
  24. Jeremy, you could easily knock 2 of those off in a less than 2 hour drive...in fact one you could do after work today lol. Just gotta do some research. For me FIshing Tiger musky Big Trout on the fly 10lb + pike on the fly 7lb bass...yes i still havent gotten one over 5 incredibly...been within 2 ounces multiple times lol Land a tarpon...ive hooked into 2 and both made me submit to the king Life Own my own true fishing boat Live on a lake Ive been pretty blessed otherwise
  25. bought a napoleon...havent been extremely impressed with it...my brothers broil king is fairing much better than mine. I do like the grills on the napoleon much better though.
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