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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. when i was in guntersville i saved a comorants life after i found it stuck in some bushes along the shoreline tangled up in some idiots pile of used fishing line....i jumped out and grabbed its neck, it was a surreal experienec, at first it went ballistic and even nicked me with its damn sharp beak...but all of a sudden it just realized I wasnt trying to kill it...it sort of just sat and watched me as i cut the fishing line away. To the point that i actually loosened my grip on its neck and it didnt fight back, ive got it on video! I have no idea how that bear was breathing still considering how tight that bucket is.
  2. Pointe au baril bud if its between May 24 and the july long weekend, its a gong show. once the blackflies go towards the end of june i.e. bass opener, then the mosquitos will be absolutely horrendous. Trying to fish at dusk requires something to cover your mouth so that you arent chewing on the damn things. Your only hope is to get somewhere that its windy during the day to get away from the black flies...dont feel ashamed wearing a bug net, anyone that calls you a wimp doesnt know how extreme it gets. unless you like bugs constantly going into your ears nose eyes and mouth there is no shame in a bug net during black fly season.
  3. just starting...when it was cold last saturday there was none, but then the sun came out and the winds died down on sunday and sure enough the buggers were out. couple mossies, but the black flies are gonna be absolutely ridiculous this year with how wet everything is. but simple answer, yes they have started...nowhere near their peak yet but its coming.
  4. i dont care what anyone says but trolling will never be as fun as feeling a fish smash your bait on retrieve... any person thats gonna tell me trolling for pike is more fun than fishing topwater is on drugs
  5. post more, get involved...10 posts since 2010? im gonna literally call out every single one of these anonymous photo posts for what they are. send us a report of how you do...that will get the discussion going.
  6. whenever Ive forgotten to open the breather valve I notice that my entire tank suctions...but you may be using a steel tank. It definitely sounds like the breather valve is clogged. Trust me I scared the crap out of myself one time after making a really long run in the evening I was one my drive home as it was getting dark and my engine stopped...stupid me.
  7. lol iron the car rant at the end tells me that its time for you to go to bed and get some sleep ahhaha hope you guys are smashing them as i type this post
  8. im sure on some lakes and areas trolling eyes is the most effective, especially during the summer with planer boards etc etc...you also cant argue against the water you get to cover...however, if you know an area well enough, its hard to say that trolling will produce more than a pickerel honey hole. Drop shotting has provided 20 fish an hour multiple times, i just dont think thats possible trolling.
  9. very important... Sometimes I also like to free the nip and get a tan...carry an extra life jacket just in case you find yourself fishing scales vs skins
  10. jimmer just speaking from experience here, on Upper buckhorn my friend has been fishing the lake for his entire life and catches more small eyes now than ever. We were getting consistent incidental catches every time we went out...this could perhaps also be due to a slight change in tactics though where my friend is fishing less slop and more open water for bass.
  11. i wear a cabellas guidewear auto inflatable. IMO if you are going through the trouble of wearing an inflatable all the time because you care about your safety, then why in the heck would you not get one that auto inflates and that will actually save your life in the event that you pass out, slip and hit your head and end up in the lake? Ive worn both the mustang and cabellas guidewear. I find the guidewear has a few more features, but both are very comfortable. Big fan of the front waterproof pocket on the guidewear and the simple strap on the right hand side that allows me to hang my pliers on my chest. The things are so comfortable that I typically forget that I am even wearing one to the point that I will walk in the house and sit down on the couch only to realize im still wearing my PFD.
  12. you will find males this time of year in 2 fow but ive consistently hooked into 40+ inch fish every spring on the may 2-4 by sitting on a bay edge in a channel, casting out into the channel letting my lure hit bottom and then running the bait right back up into the 5 fow in the bay. Has literally worked for me every year.
  13. lots of folks were fishing out of pleasant cove resort in PAB this weekend...although the resort doesnt tell them that the best fishing is in june not the opener in may...water needs a bit of time to warm up still.
  14. ugh i know! although we did nowhere near as well as we wanted to perhaps thats why the lack of motivation lol. Soon!
  15. subban anyone? and didnt cujo literally pay for an entire cancer ward at sick kids as well? hell...phil kessel on his day with the cup came back to toronto sick kids and chose to spend the day with the stanley cup at the hospital!
  16. rule of thumb, never tie a palomar knot with flurocarbon or mono...especially anything light, it burns the line when it cinches. Only time im using a palomar with mono or fluro is when im using stand up drop shot hooks otherwise stick to something else. Palomar is the best knot bar none for braid though. Ive literally just started using the uni knot for any standard knot applications...easy as hell to tie even with cold hands and hasnt come unspooled yet. Was tying the improved cinch for years and the number of times it failed on me is upsetting. Dave that info graphic is hilarious.
  17. snuck some casting in off of the dock this weekend, weather was pretty beauty yesterday...no takers though...couple more weeks and things will be a bit better. Once that water temperature gets above the low 40's
  18. im a georgian bay guy, dont mess around with the open water...just stay the hell off of it. Its totally normal to have 10 footers on what you think is a calm day. Ive ventured out into the open water in my 14 foot tinner, but that was on days I had a guarantee that the wind was "light" aka less than 5kmh If you are new to the area, you wont be able to read the lake well enough to tell if you can venture out. The last thing you will want is to make the run in the morning while its calm only to have the wind pick up to 15kmh in the afternoon and now you are trying to make it back to waubesheen in 6 foot rollers..its just not worth it, especially for pike. As a rule we dont go out there without perfect conditions unless we are in the 26 foot boat...that should put some perspective for you. Swimbaits off of weed edges dropping deep...dont even be scared to try spoons...no need to go with big gear in the spring, all my baits are 6" or under this time of year. Find shallow weedy bays and then fish their openings. Tight lines and good luck.
  19. lmao watching lady dion snipe that goal last night was awesome too bad it was on andersson and not henrik
  20. ive got a heck of a lot of work to do up at the lake in this weekend...Rain has never stopped me from fishing...but i wish it would stop me from having to do the work i gotta do lol Good goretex and some good layering...no big deal.
  21. oh man, became a truck man myself last summer for the first time...i will never not own a truck again...only vehicle that you can call a vehicle as well as a tool...problem now is that I have too many friends that want my help lol
  22. anyone been on Gbay yet for pike or eyes? im guessing the bite is slow

  23. solid first post. I hope you find someone to fish with...ive been lucky enough to fish with a few members now and they have all been awesome people.
  24. word to the wise, dont make your first post about asking if there is anything fishing related in a specific area. especially when it comes to eyes, muskies or other spot specific difficult to catch fish. welcome to the forums, hopefully this isnt your last post.
  25. my experience is that every year when we open up the cover on the boat after being stored all winter there is always a smell. Im guessing its simply from the evaporation out of the tank that happens over the winter. the smell just gets trapped under the tarp.
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