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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Sounds like almost everyone is having the exact same issue. Some people are saying its "thicker than Power Pro" and others are realizing the problem that they are getting 50lb braid. Throw it on a baitcaster it wont be so bad. I wouldnt use it in a spinning reel though. Considering braid lasts me at least 2 years at a time and i fish 300+ hours a year...I wont every switch off of suffix or PP.
  2. wouldnt you still need to be carrying your outdoors card though? I 100% would be on board for being able to display my stuff on my phone. I never go in the boat without a lifeline.
  3. does anyone here know why lesser dangerous criminals are not able to work back their debt to society like they are in the United Sates? I am just curious. You drive down through the states and you see chain gangs cleaning up garbage out of highway ditches etc? Why dont we have these same programs in canada...man the 401 could use a good cleaning. anyways...I think there is a line here that a large majority of people sit on where the death penalty is 100% ok. I think my opinion is that in instances of open obvious mass indiscriminate murder the person revokes their "life card" and we just eliminate these individuals from the gene pool to try save some money. The problem is still that at the end of the day, its a damn hard job for someone to do, and someone has to do it. The logistics are not necessarily easy for the people involved to cope with. Man oh man...that cop, what a brave brave brave guy he is. Incredible.
  4. Marner got quoted when asked about 2013..."i turned the game off and went to the basement to play video games" lolllll
  5. i would literally end it if I had to wait that long nick
  6. i think its somewhat great that the guy didnt get his wish to die. He took an L in the end. I am sure that they have him in a nice padded room on suicide watch as well.
  7. 5 days out...i think were pooched, the main channels in PAB are still entirely locked up, never mind the back bays! supposed to be 25 degrees next week...but thats mid week not Tuesday.
  8. This friggin spring has provided me with plenty im tired of working on the boat...as awesome as ive made it...ive gotten so desperate that ive just started organizing tackle...this ice can leave any day now...ugh
  9. wish we had the same luck out there, seems like these fish are kissin bottom. Ill have to see if I get a chance to give it another crack Walleye and pike open so soon though!
  10. If your batteries are right at the motor you dont have to worry much about your wire guage. I personally went total overkill as my boat was strung with 10 guage wire from the back to the front on a 24 v system. I am sure the previous owner didnt have any issues, but I didnt even want to ever have the possibility of that happening. Went to a card audio shop and bought some powersupply wire by the foot. The stuff is a copper aluminum mix so that it is much more maleable as well. long leads of light wire with the motor going full throttle through chop on a bad day could result in some heat building up in the line. You would hope you would simply blow your fuse...but why bother risking heat building up anywhere in a boat in order to save yourself $50 on some heavier guage wire. Plus at the end of the day, i didnt like how my boat was wired at all, so i redid it all properly. Made sure everything was water tight.
  11. I think you are misinterpreting what I was referring to. News has come out that he may have been an INCEL. Ive heard that these posts may not have been real and the media has admitted that they were unable to verify the posts. No conspiracy about the event happening, his actual motive remains up in the air. Thats all I was commenting on.
  12. The MKA 21 bracket is the best one IMO...Simple installation, literally bolt the square down to the front of your boat with the provided hardware. Note out of the 4 that I have dealt with 2 of them were not bored out correctly and there was a catch where the post wouldnt go through the mount without using a hammer...simple solution, run a drill bit through it and file it out a little to widen the gap ever so slightly. It worked perfectly for me after removing the tiny "catch" Then mounting the reciptacle on the minkotta is literally just 6 bolts, three on each side of the kota when you take the cover off of it. a 5 minute job. For your wiring, you will want to check what guage the wire is that is installed in your boat. I would definitely suggest 8 guage minimum for a 24v system and a 60amp breaker. Your best bet is actually just to head to a car audio shop, they sell 8 guage wire by the foot and will be able to get you the appropriate fuse and waterproof holder for it. If you have never done wiring, I highly suggest learning the basics...for you it will be made even more simple by the fact that your boat is already wired correctly. You simply need to repeat what was already done, but this time with your batteries in series. Its all very very basic stuff though that would make for a great learning project for you with very very little risk of ruining anything.
  13. the city needed that one last night...weve got that vegas motivation now. Lets get em boys Toronto Strong
  14. ive heard that the whole "INCEL" angle might actually be a total hoax. from what I understand is that there is some issues with the timestamp of the postings vs the timing of the actual act. I guess it comes down to what people define as "terrorism" I stand corrected if terrorism absolutely has to be tied into a religious or political ideology. To me this individual committed a mass murder indiscriminately and inflicted "terror" on this entire city, hence I used the word terrorism. My girlfriend works where this all happened as well, she is very rattled by what she witnessed, multiple dead bodies bleeding out strung throughout the street. Not a good scene at all. So sad.
  15. the video now shows him literally saying "kill me" while aiming a cell phone or other object to the cop, and "shoot me in the head" and the cop continuously tells him to get down. That about sums up the fact he did it on purpose...call him what you want. hes a terrorist in my eyes. Man the bravery... Reports from law enforcement officials, the incident is being treated as deliberate.
  16. 2nd time since January toronto police have blown me away with their bravery. A guy dropped a hand gun right in front of me on new years eve...I hear a cop say "is that a gun?" and then just absolutely levels the guy with a tackle...no weapon pulled and that was that...imagine seeing a guy with a gun and thinking, im gonna tackle him to stop him, balls of steel.
  17. how is it anything but that? If hes white they might try and say he is "mentally ill" which is garbage... The guy intended to do it, and now video is surfacing of him trying to get the cops to shoot him by repeatedly pointing something at them as if it is a weapon/gun...incredible to cops keep their composure and take him down. Theres no denial of intent here, he was driving down the sidewalk in a rental van running people over and then tried to get the cops to shoot him.
  18. this is not good. My gf works at the scene...Apparently the guy was armed as well? oh boy. I have heard a few reports there might have been more than one person. https://www.cp24.com/news/driver-in-custody-after-multiple-pedestrians-struck-by-van-in-north-york-police-1.3898123
  19. here we go guys....lets take err to 7! GO LEAFS GO!
  20. I see that you pulled the trigger! I did as well, i found one out of the states that I am picking up when i head down in 3 weeks to south carolina. As crazy as it is, the mounting is nearly universal for all minkottas. Are you intending to install a quick release bracket. Also you may need to upgrade your wiring to account for the additional voltage? I could pretty much lay out absolutely everything that you would need to upgrade from one to the other if you outline what kind of boat you have and then what two motors you are swapping between. The actual mounting of the motor to the front of your boat is typically as simple as undoing a couple of bolts.
  21. I dont know about you, but when ive gone around there with the electronics running, there are a hell of a lot of eyes sitting there...they are timid buggers though.
  22. This crap is literally Peewee Hockey. I learned you take the pass in 2 on 1's when i first started playing hockey...why the hell two NHLers cant execute on this is beyond me.
  23. i will mention i had a compre MH baitcaster and it snapped right in half casting a 110 style bait last year...i was not impressed at all...
  24. i think his pricing is right about bang on...solid motor for sure
  25. pardon? They went from making the playoffs on the second last day of the year to breaking a single season record for wins and running into the best team in the east in round 1 because of the stupid playoff format. Can we not give boston some credit for how friggin good they are? The leafs have outplayed boston the last two games and Rask stole the game last night. The Leafs defense which we knew was bad...has been exposed....big surprise there? Take the experience...learn, improve the back end...I wont be surprised if nylander plus another piece get traded for a D man this off season at all. Also Mitch Marner has turned into the leafs best playmaker and could become one of the best in the league...remember how much he struggled at the beginning of the season...hes looked great this series...
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