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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. i could only imagine the bugs first week of june up there haha oh boy. It gets absolutely stupid in Pointe Au Baril around then...typically i go fishing out in open basins just to get away from the black flies, you go near shore and you get a mouth full...but man the evening as the sun sets...its unbearable...You cant fish or do anything when you literally have 15 mosquitos chomping on your hands even if your face is covered, and then the black flies are swarming your head too cause they havent gone down for the night yet, i usually come pretty prepared, buff on, sunglasses, hat long sleeves a pile of deet, but i have had to cut many a night short because I cant stand all of the mosquitos biting me through the clothing...if your mouth nose and eyes arent covered, you guarantee you are either eating mosquitos, inhaling them or getting them in your eyes. Have fun!!!!
  2. I guess the solution may be to run it uncovered (engine cover on) unless bad weather appears, then pull over and cover it if necessary Yes its a west marine custom cover...so it actually is designed for my boat specifically, it fits pretty darn tight to the boat, however its obviously not the tight fit of a button down. I think I am going to cover it.
  3. Marion Santee We are camping at Santee state park for 4 days! Cant friggin wait.
  4. sounds a lot like bass guys just want to show off their boats...Cover it is! The reason I ask is that I have a 3000km trek to south carolina and back booked in may...thats a lot of towning to do without a friggin cover...Mudflaps and a cover sounds good to me.
  5. I think people think they are the kid from christmas story
  6. Hey Guys, As a lot of you are aware, I just recently purchased a bass boat..and being a newbie, I have come across an age old argument/discussion as old as shakespear himself...(ok not really) Do you cover your fibreglass boat when towing...For reference, I own a skeeter bassboat with a westmarine travel cover with tie downs (no buttons) Now you guys with V hauls will be saying who in the hell would travel without a cover...enter bass boat guys that claim "travelling with the cover on rubs your gelcoat and ruins it" So you tell me...to tow with a cover or without? Im beginning to think that a lot of these guys like driving uncovered because they like to show off their boats Ive got 3000km to tow in May...Doing it without any cover seems insane to me, but i dont know anything at all so someone tell me that im an idiot please.
  7. maybe this topic hits a little closer to home because my family are gun owners, while i live in a neighborhood that has one of the highest incidences of gun violence in Canada. I think you could technically even call me a victim after a recent shooting in my apartment buildings lobby that made me and my girlfriend feel very unsettled. Its never nice going to your lobby and seeing it taped off and riddled with bulletholes. Subsequently there have been two homicides within close proximity of my home as well, one where an innocent bystander was caught in the crossfire and killed. Why are we spending a pile of resources changing a system that works, but ignoring a related system that appears to be entirely broken when it comes to illegal hand guns? I think our time and energy is far better suited to fixing a real tangible problem then changing regulations to try and fix something that has had a few incidences fall through the cracks.
  8. once again, we are referencing what I would call a Terrorist attack against police officers that happened 4 years ago...thats a pretty damn good track record when comparing it to the problems that are occurring in the United States. I am not debating that Justin Borque should have never had any guns at all, but imagine the carnage if he had a bump stocked M16? or clips exceeding 7 rounds? Yikes
  9. my shin is still sore from 2 weeks ago SMH
  10. bingo...our system is working pretty darn good currently, why in the hell would anyone change anything about it. Our hunters have the guns they need to hunt, and our anti gun crybabies have no "ammo" to argue otherwise. if it aint broke dont fix it
  11. 1989? that is your example? Exactly my point.
  12. did you know that you basically cannnot purchase a ferrari or Lambo stick anymore? Basically the only way to get it is through a very custom even more so expensive order. Paddle shifting in F1 completely changed that process...you know why...because just like the rest of the thread A computer is capable of depressing the clutch, rev matching your flywheel and engaging the clutch once again to make perfect gear shifts in a milisecond. Just watch an F1 drivers cockpit view they shift...the speed at which they can change gears going into and out of corners is stupid. You dont have the abiliity to do this, but a computer sure as heck does, and thus its faster. It sucks because I friggin love driving stick, but i havent driven a stick car since i sold my protege 4 years ago. It sucks but thats the reality of technology.
  13. I think watching what has happened down south has sobered people up a bit. I dont think a single person here could imagine the horror (If we have any war vets reading this I am not referring to you)
  14. I do have to chuckle at the pro gun enthusiasts that say we need less restrictions on fire arms and more abiliity to "defend" our homes by using firearms... Then we have the liberals proposing new legislation that works to make it more difficult to obtain registered legal weapons on people with valid gun licenses underogoin the apporpriate checks. Can anyone here please provide a statistic or example of a person in Canada being murdered with a legal valid weapon? The closest thing was that guy in Saskatchewan that shot intruders on his property. I would say that is a very far cry from a school shooting. I dont know the specific's of that event...I dont think anyone does, but I think we can all agree that your personal possessions like someones tomatos, or even a used car are not worth shooting and killing someone over...thats what insurance is for. Regardless...can we all not agree that as it currently stands Canada's gun control laws appear to be working almost perfectly? So why the hell do we even debate it? Why change anything. the system is working...it may not be perfect, but gun owners have guns and people aren't dying. No one here is dying from legally purchased weapons, meanwhile our friends in the states have multiple mass shootings per year with legally purchased weapons. The evidence is clear that we have things figured out pretty well apparently. Dont try and fix whats not broken. Illegal handguns are a whole other issue...they need stricter mandatory sentencing for these clowns...lock em up for 15 years on an attempted murder charge...plain and simple...you get caught carrying an illegal handgun...your intent is clearly to kill someone...boom 15 years bye bye. Iron i could only imagine what an SS soldier's pistol and holster collected from a european battlefield would be worth at auction. Holy crepe
  15. faster, and more precisely. Its sensors and processor react faster than your brains capability to see the cow, realize that you need to brake, and then subsequently physically apply the brake. It would do all of this in a fraction of the time.
  16. pretty sure i have seen one at bass pro man, either that or id order one online. Just be wary that I wouldnt suggest running one fast down the lake. my 15hp tinner going 20 would knock it off regularly if i hit a wave etc. better to just toss it back in the boat when not stationary or going slow.
  17. speed kills man on that matthews goal, forget how nice the finish was, look at the puck movement into the zone before that...if thats not a line clicking with a stupid amount of skill, I dont know what is. And the Leafs powerplay is getting close to impossible to defend. Marner is a puck distribution wizard. He forces you to make a read by pretending to shoot but then does the opposite of your read. winds up...you decide to defend shot or pass and he does the opposite. Because you have a man advantage theres always 1 outlet available and he gets to decide what one to choose. How do you defend against that? Its a beautiful thing to watch a guy process the game faster than other players. The most impressive guy for doing this kinda stuff is mcdavid, his goals are all scored where he just does something so fast that either the goalie or d man cant react quick enough. Last night he got a pass in the slot and stick handled so fast that the goalie was still in the process of flinching but the puck was already in the net. Youd think mcdavid had hit a one timer, but he collected the puck, stick handled to make the goalie begin thinking about making a save but then just put the puck in the net while the goalie was thinking for a half second.
  18. Finally the cold hard truth about my concept of why Toronto weather is friggin annoying in the winter. I always noticed that it seems to be windy as hell in Toronto all winter and then as soon as its gets stinkin hot and you need a breeze to cool you off mother nature cant even spare a fart to cool you down, Toronto is like a massive dead humid airmass. Sure enough this chart proves exactly what I thought. I gotta laugh at the kawartha anglers that complain about wind, on simcoe and georgian bay, wind is the rule not the exception. Anything under 30kmh during the afternoon in the summer is a nice calm day. Biggest game changer when it come sto wind is having a good spot lock on your trolling motor and subsequently having a powerful enough trolling motor to hold you there. Some of my all time days were the windiest. Bait balls stacked up against a wall with 20+lbs of bass lurking below it.
  19. It actually sounds like a little enforcement could fix the entire problem. If you want the program to be self funding, introduce grace period of 1 month, and after that month introduce a zero tolerance policy. You trespass, litter or whatever else, you get a ticket. You can easily pay the wage of a semi-permament by law officer if you hand out a ticket every time you see someone litter or trespass over the course of a couple summer months. In addition you enforce the parking restrictions very strictly for a period of time. Once you instill the fear of god on everyone, people will start to adhere to the rules once again. Whats the maximum fine for littering $500? A couple of those tickets i guarantee those folks wouldnt be throwing their fishing line in the lake anymore.
  20. no need to even go that far, weve got over 30 inches of ice just north of parry sound. plus the crappies are biting...wish we had a little more snow, but it looks like ice off is at least a month away.
  21. Has anyone here travelled to vancouver...you do realize that their entire skrytrain system does not have human's controlling it...Has there ever been an accident? Nope. Are there delays due to "driving style" or "signal issues" aka gridlock forming on the subway lines due to the variability of the conductors? Nope Ever ridden the TTC??? enough said.
  22. man...its brutal when you check his instagram too, dude was beyond pumped to have a son. Every post was about him and his baby...dude should literally hang em up and regroup for next year. Althought maybe playing hockey etc might help him get back to a normal routine, either way..absolutely terrible after dealing with all of the uncertainty at the trade deadline and its implications on his family, now this.
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