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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. LMAOOO stolen from another forum posted today ahahha Its been over a week so I have recovered and can talk about it without feeling the pain. So I am taking out on a small 1 lane ramp in South Florida last week. I arrive at the ramp and two guys have sunk their 15 to 17 fiberglass boat with roughly a 25 hp motor on it. Motor looks relatively new and is totally under water. So I don't have much choice but to help them. Looks like a 85 year old guy and son if I was guessing. Said they forgot to put drain plug in. So we are waist deep in gator water trying to get the nose of the boat on the end of the trailer. I ask the older guy to back the trailer in a bit deeper. He starts to pull out I'm screaming stop when the entire trailer comes loose from the hitch. They did not latch the hitch closed. After 45min of straining, we get enough water out of the boat where the bilge gives us some help and we got drain plug in. By this time the 85 year old has told me he is 92 can't hear, can't feel his feet and does not drive well. I relieved him from duty and pulled out. As I got out of car, I see water pouring from the side of the boat. 4 inch hole in the boat. Apparently glue did not repair the hole Now I see how the boat sunk so quickly. In the process of getting the boat Out, I got their life jackets out and used them to help float the backend of the boat. They were hard for me to get out. Both of these guys may have drowned had they gotten out on the lake before the boat sunk. They thanked me and said it was the maiden voyage. I hurt for 4 days from all the lifting. I won't soon forget them drivng off with water still pouring out port side. I kid you not, anything can happen in Florida; and does.
  2. I would be doing some part time guiding myself if it wasnt for the insurance costs...its insane how high they are. A board member here that I am buddies with just went through the process from guiding his friends to actually full on guiding and i couldnt believe the kinds of costs that he was telling me about. Good on him for taking the plunge...i think I will hold off until the future when I have no one to fish with anymore. With fuel and insurnace costs you can see why it can cost up to $700 a day to get out with a guide.
  3. really when you think about it...it makes sense although it sucks. Navionics had a phone app that 2 years ago i was 100% guilty of coming up with a system in my boat of simply using my phone as my chart plotter...so there you go I had a navionics equipped chart plotter for the price of the $15 APP. Eventually I decided to upgrade to a full blown si chartplotter and didnt even blink an eye when navionics charged me $200 to get the charts again for my plotter. They know where the money is and they realized that they had given away too much. This is them toning back their $15 app so that you have to go out and blow the big bucks on a full blown chartplotter system. Not surprising really.
  4. lmao Listen to all of the guys on overdrive plus ray ferraro...they all hated their coaches while they played for them...You think a single player on columbus likes torts? You think anyone on NE like billicheck? Look at the guy, hes never smiled in his entire life I am pretty sure. A coach pushes and pushes and pushes you, especially in the NHL..you wanna make 6 million a year, your coach is going to be a drill sergeant. You think navy seals are a best friends with their officers? you need a guy that is going to get the most out of you and keep you disciplined, not a guy that you party with. Also, the whole thing about Babcock is that he commands respect from his players due to his tireless work ethic. Think of how hard Mike Babcock works...the players have 4 jobs, go to practice, go to games and watch film and go to therapy. Bacock has to also attend all of those things, while at the same time, develop and monitor the entire system. He literally tries to outwork his players, and thats why they cant complain because no one is working harder than he is to win.
  5. yup doesnt work on my phone at all anymore...i was not impressed to say the least. Shouldnt it be illegal to purchase something and then someone retroactively takes away the service that you paid for...like you cant force someone into a lesser service after theyve purchased the service, unless we somehow agreed to it?
  6. weve only ever caught two bowfin, both times while deadsticking minnows. More impressively two years in a row we have had bowfin pay us a visit while ice fishing. both times the fish came right up our hole and stared at us lol
  7. Correct me if I am wrong, but not leaving your charger/battery area open while charging is actually extremely dangerous due to the potential build up of hydrogen gas...like you are never supposed to air tight seal something while it is charging.
  8. id also be concerned about this...I have a 14 foot aluminum Starcraft with a two stroke 15...after installing the TM and casting deck, with a buddy and our gear...thats about all youd want weight wise in the boat. My 15 two stroke really starts losing speed at that point, you throw a few extra pounds in and shes pooched.
  9. being a northern Manitoba Boy when i first started fishing more seriously in Ontario, i remember the first time i caught a bowfin and I was confused as hell...same as when i caught a trophy white bass. I had no idea what the the hell they were. Unfortunately I didnt even bother to snap a photo of the white bass, i figured it was just a common spieces that I was unaware of. turns out they are somewhat difficult to catch unless you really know what you are doing, and further more the one I caught was an absolute giant...like Ontario record caliber for sure.
  10. a 50 for 2,500...depending on how much it got used...id say thats a solid deal man. Outboards aint cheap at all, and a 50 will get a lot of boats around really well. Im slightly wary of mid 2000's 2 strokes from when the new emmissions standards took over requiring direct injection rather than carbureted 2 strokes of the late 90's...im sure it will be fine though.
  11. im hoping they bring dubas in as GM and keep hunter scouting...Thats what hes the best at the game in, keep him doing that job. You are the leafs you can afford to pay him whatever he wants to keep doing what he does best.
  12. my limited research when looking for my own used outboard recently said that 110 is solid compression so 120 should be great. As mentioned you dont want variation because in my very limited knowledge, different compression means that your cylinders would be working at totally different air to fuel ratios and be combusting at different rates, Jeez i think on a non fuel injected engine this may even throw off timing (i might be talking out of my you know what?? which in my understanding can cause certain cylinders to start taking additional load and I imagine create even larger variances until your engine totally goes.
  13. i love all of the sentiment about Lake O and the gongshow that it is...ive launched a grand total of one time on lake O and wouldnt you know it ive got a story to tell. Well 2 actually...first one was that i launched our boat no issues and then sure enough as I am about to pull away a guy visiting the park comes up and decides to park right infront of the ramp so that I cant turn into the parking area...so i nudge forward right up to him, he proceeds to move forward about 5 feet....this i a big big parking lot and there are cars parked all down a row right in front of him, but buddy decided that his parking spot was going to be in the way of the boat ramp. I now have to make a three point turn off of the ramp just to make the corner and theres no way for me to be able to turn into my parking spot with a straight trailer...i have to get out and deadlift the thing into place... Then on the way in on the same day we pull up and the scene is set...so stereotypical. Theres a 30 something year old young guy with his new to him 1995 20 foot bow rider that he clearly had purchased over the winter and was taking his young good looking wife, kid and dog out for its maiden voyage...he hops out of the boat and goes to get the truck while his wife holds the ropes...we were in no hurry she was fun to look at anyways... Buddy proceeds to back the trailer in but then backs it in so deep that his truck tires are in the water and his trailer is gone lol...he brings the boat forward and it nearly hits the back of the truck, then it gets wedged on the winch because its floating so high... Through all of this i notice his motor is still down and im gonna give him the benefit of the doubt...He hops in the truck and maneuvers it even deeper to get the boat unwedged then walks back...then hops back in the truck and sure enough he takes off...I start yelling STOPPPPP and they do not before dragging the bottom end of his motor up the boat ramp...he stops and realizes what hes done...we then pull our boat out as he is prepping everything for towing...and proceeds to leave without any tie down straps at all.
  14. id still try any find a way to get a charger in the boat, even if it meant extending the cables so that you could mount it elsewhere... theres gotta be somewhere in your engine bay to slip it in. Then run your cables to the front? Thats what we did with the alumicraft, charger in the back and ran cables for the TM to the front compartment. A bank charger is literally one of the best friggin things a person can get for a boat...never having to carry car batteries in and out of the boat is maybe one of the best things ever.
  15. same exact issue. Heres what I did. I drilled holes through that triangle aluminum in order to bolt a piece of 3/4 inch plywood down and bolted it from the bottom. I then simply took some metal to make L brackets that allowed me to mount the brackets to the side of the boat and back through the board. I attempted to paint the plywood black with plastidip but after 3 years it kinda rotted away and looked like crap. I decided last year to change it up. I went to Home Sense and bought two giant thick hard plastic cutting boards that i then cut to the same jig size. I then Stuck the two boards together with glue and rebolted everythign back together. The two black cutting boards ended up having less flex than the 3/4 inch plywood I used, plus they are weatherproof. I dont have a photo of the plastic set up, but it works perfectly and has for the past 5 years. *note because i used a quick release bracket for my minkotta I couldnt mount the trolling motor on an angle like I would have liked...but it wasnt a huge deal you can still sit on the casting deck comfortably.
  16. when do we install the downriggers?
  17. well...i hope shes attractive....
  18. last year I was jiggin eyes and a boat near us saw us catch an eye and said "nice fish" we thanked him and he continued to tell us that the previous weekend he was in the same spot and hooked into an eye and that a big 20+ lb pike had t boned his walleye. My buddy dave then hooked into another small eye and buddy continued "ya i fought the thing for a minute before it finally let go at the side of the boat" SMASH!!!! the same damn pike t boned daves eye as buddy said the last word of his sentence. Dave began fighting it, brought it boat side and it let go... Dude in the other boat couldnt believe it lol five minutes later i hook into an eye and as im reaching down into the water to grab it SMASH the pike t boned by eye and took it back down to the bottom before letting it go. This pike had become trained to hit struggling walleye. We never did end up catching it, if i had landed the pike i probably would have had to given it a good talking to before sending her back home.
  19. Such a difficult thing to answer when I have no idea what the battery compartment looks like in your boat. If you are installing a bank charger, consider mounting it to a piece of wood that you bracket to something vertical in the boat.
  20. Baitcasters are much much better for cranking and retrieving style baits. there is no point in buying one though if you really feel like you are going to be uncofortable with it. Also if you are actually self declared “totally uncoordinated” then don’t bother. My dad tried and it’s just not for him either. also, experience tells me that higher end baitcasters are indeed easier to use and more forgiving/sensitive. Therefore a super cheap caster is gonna be a pain in the butt to deal with.
  21. a very good time to stock up on plastics...especially ones that never go "on sale" Jackall and megabass baits...nows the time to grab them.
  22. still better than the sens, and definitely will be for the forseeable future
  23. cant believe the crazy buggers up there arent out in their trucks perching on that lol highs in the 20's next week...its time!
  24. sad to hear blizz...hopefully the boys get her a W tonight. She will be watching from the best seats in the house.
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