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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. finally something that Matt and I agree on lol...lets not get to crazy and get this thread closed. I like talking hockey a lot.
  2. just like any lady will tell you, longer is better lol Let me know if you find any decent pricing, I am looking for the exact same motor for a good deal as we speak.
  3. I know they do, and they want $50 for an 8 dollar handle and $4 worth of coated cable...i think this should make for a nice DIY project when I have a moment. Thanks for finding me it again lape!
  4. i apologize if my comment was taken as a blanket insult to anyone. If you poach, I hope your boat sinks and you never fish again. If you are a real rule obeying outdoors appreciating fisherman, I have 0 doubt that you and I would get along and be friends.
  5. No different than the dang white trash I see up north taking slot eyes all fall. Limiting out, going home, offloading and heading back out for another set of fish. It’s all the same friggin garbage and it needs to stop.
  6. i found the right handle, they make them for lawn mowers and now all of a sudden i cant find it!
  7. the yellow bucket brigade strikes again 3 grand...? what a joke how about lifetime ban plus the fine.
  8. Marners overall game has come leaps and bounds. The guy was outright dominant at the end of the season. These kids just need some time to adapt to playoff hockey against big physical teams. Every team has its own style of play, not every team plays like boston either. Learn and adapt. hell even the senators fooled their first two opponents last year with a weird style of play. Once a real team came along they put them to bed as expected. Coaches took the summer off and solved the puzzle and ottawa went straight to the basement. Trust me, you dont want the leafs to start playing ottawa senators hockey. They need to learn to play like the penguins...lots of up front skill.
  9. Any word on how this all relates to emmissions requirements? With the new testing my understanding is that if the ECU is programmed and no errors are coming up you are good to go? I have total belief that if I do the full package EGR removed, DPF removed, new ECU, Def removed this engine will last for an eternity.
  10. yup...you dont ignore a guy like mike babcock...i can assure you, if you are ignoring him, lou would have you on the first bus the hell outta town, or to the bottom of a lake with cement shoes. Look at the player that hes turned Kadri into...Kadri was close to out of a job prior to babcocks arrival.
  11. anyone tried this out? My ropes pooched but ive never really messed around with paracord. i figure i could switch it out each year if it starts to wear down? Im considering making my own G force handle at some point using a lawn mower replacement handle and Dog tie coated cable. Lil DYI project.,
  12. give it time...acomplished nothing? in 3 years hes taken a team that was dead last and broke a franchise record for wins?! Its game 1...its a 7 game series...if they dont respond in game 2 at all then you can say that! I dont think anyone expected Toronto to go into the TD garden in game one and run over boston. The game was much closer than the score indicated. You do realize 3 of Boston's 5 goals were on the powerplay...surprise surprise we all knew where toronto's biggest weakness is. Theres not much you can do when roman polak and ron hainsey are your #1 defensive guys. Also everyone crying so much about kadri being a rat...ive never been much of a kadri fan, but why in the hell does wingles get a green light to throw an elbow to the head while kadri is despicable? Who is worse here, a guy that throws an elbow at mitch marner's head for no reason, or the guy that comes flying in to defend his teammate? I see exactly where kadri is coming from...if Mitch marner is my teammate and I see someone throw an elbow to his head while hes already being crushed by chara...im breaking that guys friggin jaw...thats just how its gotta be.
  13. are you a flat earther...if so....awesome
  14. thats honestly the plan once my warranty is up...bypassing absolutely everything. Especially with the massive EGR issues these trucks have filling the engines up with soot. Might be a little too big of a job for me to swap the ECU...might have to find a shop willing to do it. they aint cheap to do properly though! probable close to 3 grand! Whole new ECU with a straight pipe exhaust. Everything else gets deleted and plugged.
  15. agreed...lets start a petition lol Oshawa would be a great middle ground lol
  16. There is one bright side to all of this. If pickerel and pike season and then bass season are all closed for x period...and then the natural cycle is pushed way back because there is still friggin ice on the lakes...we are in for a ripper of a spring fishing season. We are pushing 3 weeks to a month behind. Unless it gets really really hot really really fast, we are going to be fishing fish that have barely spawned yet/will be insanely ravenous post spawn. This is especially true with the Bass opener being at its absolute maximum earliest point in the month. Last year the day before bass opener we were seeing bass still up on the beds, but the day got really hot and by the next day they had all but vanished. Im thinking much of the same this year...time will tell. The Browns are basically just starting up on the south end of lake Ontario and its almost May!
  17. Im pretty sure you are bang on...good luck convincing the mechanics at the stealership though. they say that they have checked over the system and cant find anything. Funny the problem started after my EGR entirely failed after 30,000km Dodge Quality lol
  18. gotta love a bass boat for this reason lol I think my outboard is 5'6 off of the ground on the trailer lol.
  19. another victim of FCA Yesterday i brought my truck in because the cab keeps filling with exhaust fumes every time the engine is running and the vehicle is not moving..."we checked the system its fine".... They dont call em stealerships for nothing.
  20. lol its cold where I am right now so the world definitely isnt warmer https://climate.nasa.gov/ Science.... Those guys heading far north late may/early june for fishing trips...eeek Pointe Au Baril hasnt even started to thaw at all yet...if anythign its been making ice up until today basically...3 feet of solid black ice and its supposed to be cold all next week?
  21. I dont think we are going to have ice out for opener this year...stuck not fishing the best walleye and pike fishing of the season.
  22. we fit an alumacraft trophy 185 into the garage in georgetown...it clears with just under an inch to spare.
  23. am i the only one laughing at this Title?
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