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cranks bait

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Everything posted by cranks bait

  1. I've never used the stuff, but my wife wants too. She thinks it's "cute", and that's what catches fish. As for the seal. A buddy of mine has gone through several pails of the stuff already. His tip is to not pulloff the seal, but cut a cross in the middle to be able to get at the stuff but not leak. It was bouncing all over the boat on a trip, upside down and all, no leaks. The only slime was from the pike!!!
  2. Really dominate on the us waters too. I got one and am on the St. Lawrence river. Have only had the chip in on the Canadian side and it doesn't even agnolige that it is there. I will be testing the US side this weekend hopefully and see how the chip works.
  3. My cranking battery is brand new (2 months) as I got it with my new motor. It's down to a 9.9 volt reading on it, until I put the juice to the motor and then it goes up to 13.8. As for the deep cycle I will be checking into the warrenty. It's only 2 cells that are bubbling over. I am using the same charger and charging the same way I always do.
  4. I'm going to take a wild guess that the driver was not wearing their seatbelt. The way the cab is crushed, that's the only way they could've gotten out of the way enough. The beginning of the credits say it all, "you lucky ba....."
  5. The only line I use is Power Pro braid. Except for one that is going to be ripped off tonight, did not like it at all (invisibraid). The only time I use a leader is when I know I am trolling for pike. I always tie drect to my lures. I fish very clear water that is calm at times and a good "walleye chope" at others. I never have a hard time getting fish of any size.
  6. Dang lightning just struck again. My wifes parents just lost two hoses when lightning stuck a tree right beside them the other night.
  7. Nice set up. You deffinately came out ahead with this deal. For the extra money in this motor, you'll save in gas compared to the Black Max.
  8. Thanks guys.
  9. Thank you for that info. I was going to start another thread today about this. I have my sump pump, lights, wells and fish finder on the cranking battery. I notice that it is way down in it's capacity, even though my motor should be charging it. I never run the finder and lights without the engine running because I do not want to drain the batery. As for a deep cell battery, I have a Deka (I think that's what it is) with a 200 reserve. I got it last spring. Have noticed that it is not holding it's charge very well anymore. I have added some distilled water and it seems to be better. But now it bubbles over and makes odd noises.
  10. I was out fishing the other night and caught a small two and a half pound smallie. Once I got it into the boat, it spit up it dinner. It was a crayfish that could pass for a lobster, thing was huge. Once I let the fish go, I had to clean up my dance floor. I threw all the chunks overboard. After about half a second a huge bass came up and engulfed the chunks I threw over. I gave my head a smack, you know the V8 smack, I should have kept it as bait. Is it legal to do this?
  11. I've never had luck with those bait. I prefer the ones from my local tackle shop. Although my brother in law swears by yamamoto's?
  12. Don's fish and chips Small haddock with salt and malt.mmmmmm
  13. I need to work on that. I can only manage one at a time.
  14. This happpened to my grandmother TWICE in the same kitchen. Only difference was she had both hands on the sink and watched it go down the drain. She still lives there, but her ticker is not the same.
  15. I thought that's what the bailing bucket was for? Latrine that is, not Gerritt's fish.
  16. I have some baits already made like that from the company. The same coulour and everything. I sure as heck didn't catch a bass that big.
  17. I've never had a warrenty issue with anything. Although my old Astro van had a recal on seat bolts after 15 years, giggled about that one. I am trying to sell my boat as we speak and asked about the warrenty. My dealer said no worries just bring it in. If it's a good company they are going to back their product, regardless. I never buy into the extended warrenties, they are for the most part just another revenue source. On of our dealers for bikes wants us to do this, but I refuse because I cannot justify charging a customer more for something that they do not need. Did you get the PM I sent you?
  18. mmmm, ice cream. For you two to be outfished, well let's just say, I never thought I would hear that. Cuddos to her catching all the fish. It's fun catching a smorgasborg. It's even more fun when you're just plain and simply catching, no matter the size. Hense the reason to go out again. That's a huge goby, I think. I've never seen a real one.
  19. On average the fishing for me has been good. My first pike was a monster 30 inches and heavy, but did not weigh it. A couple of good eyes. My first bass of the year was 4 pounds. I caught a 6.8 largy on the third day. Tonnes of smallies between 1.5 and 4 pounds. I'll go out for an hour and get 10 to 15 bass one night. The next nothing. I am not taking as many pictures this year as I am too lazy. Talked to a guy heading out thismorning, lucky fisher, he cannot get a smally to save his life, but is all over the eyes. One thing I have noticed is that there is a large population of fishing boats around here now. Last year I might see one other one in a day. Now I'll see 10 within five minutes. I blame it on the price of gas and people not wanting to go as far as they used too to fish.
  20. Geez Cliff. For starting fishing a couple of years ago, don't ya think this is being just a bit rooster-y? Rubbing it in that you can catch fish out of the sewer using a kids rod.
  21. Yes it did have teeth. No one wanted to go near it. His daughter was the brave one. Gotta love 12 year old girls who aren't afraid of fish.
  22. Dang. I looked everywhere and could not find it. I'm pretty sure it was a bowfin. Thanks Rich. It was caught in very shallow water on a plastic frog. Caught out of the St Lawrence river around Rockport. I think he may have taken it home to eat (his daughter wanted to eat it really bad) not too sure if he did or not. Any harm if they did eat it?
  23. A buddy caught the oddest fish the other day, and I am trying to find out what it is. I have looked all over the interweb and found nothing. We want to say it is a bullhead, but not sure. Should have gotten pictures. It was 7 pounds long and thick around. The head looked like a catfish, while the back and tail looked like an eel. Had one wavy dorsel fin and a flat tail. Ugly as sin and smelly. Anyone have a suggestion where I might find some species to look at?
  24. Watcha lookin' fer there GCD? I've been looking since April. Cannot decide what I want. So far I have a new motor and that is it. All I can say about that is, holy crap what a difference, much more powerful, quieter and uses hardly any gas.
  25. My business is on Bellnet, basically the same thing. It is working. Although I do get the odd hickup every month or so.
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