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cranks bait

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Everything posted by cranks bait

  1. Been a nasty wet cold day here. I only have Sundays off to get a full day in. I decided to bail as I didn't want to deal with the high wind and rain. Opted to go to the local tackle shop. Lucky for me they haven't got much stock in right now.
  2. Great report. She must love that boat, so much room for her to walk around. Nice perch, by the way. Wish I could get one that size, heck I just wish I could catch a perch. Our water is only 34 degrees. Yours is pike heaven.
  3. When I used my grandfathers Johnson 4 horse 20 years ago it used 100 to 1 ratio. Never had a problem with that motor. It even sat for about 5 years while I was out west (nobody used it but me) without being winterized or anything. Started up on the first pull clean as a whistle. They put the ratios on the motor for you. Think of it this way. They are the people who do the research and development of this stuff. I think they know what they are doing.
  4. That's why I use a Carrot Stix!
  5. Fishing with my late grandfather when I was a kid. We were out in his 12 foot tinny at the cottage and I caught a huge fish right infront of the cottage. All we could see was this wide open mouth coming at us on the surface of the water. My grandfather grabbed the net. As it got closer to the boat he put it in the water but spooked the fish. He said he was gonna go deep for it as I could not bring it to the surface. Then he got a glimpse of the mouth again and pulled out of the water. "I'm not putting my hands in the water or near that" were his words. Eventually it went under the boat and snapped the line. After words he said he should have gotten his hands wet. We both chuckled for a bit about it. I didn't care that I lost the fish. That is my greatest fishing memory. I do not want that fish back. Just the memory of fishing with my grandfather.
  6. Nice truck Matt. Extended cab is the way to go for sure. No sissy jump seat there. Good choice of colour as well. You'll never have to wash it. As for the gas. Don't worry too much about it. They either put in in the price of the vehicle and you finance that tank of gas or you go out and buy it yourself. Either way you pay for it. Just have to learn how to back up. Heck you're 10 feet in the air, you should be able to see the rear bumber practically. The more you drive it, the better you will get. Don't worry about the gadgets, as you will still run into things if you rely on it. And be a gentle man. Get a milk crate for your girlfriend to get in the truck, geezz, is chilvalry dead? Congrats.
  7. $350.00 to float the boat? Dang. All I did was had mine pulled out of storage. Took the cover off and turned the key. I had to do absolutely nothing. Boy do I love my E-tec!
  8. So I managed to get the boat in the water yesterday. This is the earliest the river has been open in a long time. I am able to take advantage of pike till the end of March. I used my Husky jerk last night and had no followers. What do I use right after ice out? I have never fished this early and am really excited. Any suggestions would be very welcomed. Thanks Oh I also loved the fact that my motor started on the first tun of the key after it first winter storage.
  9. I would recommend going to Le Baron. Although I not fond of their service. Their prices are the best I have found on Shimano stuff. Especcially with the NO TAX & CLUB DISCOUNT that they have at the Toronto stores this weekend. They have the same deal at the show, but inventory there might be limited.
  10. I am sorry for your loss Rick. My donors card was signed before my licence. I have signed everything off. If I can help I will. I wish I could convince my parents to sign theres. And yes I have it over writen that they cannot stop my donation.
  11. While I do not get to them often. This is how I got my shotgun at Christmas. Then a couple of weeks ago the Ottawa store had it. I managed to get a couple of decoy bags, Rivers West Jacket, and a bunch of other hunting stuff. Just happened to luck out being the only Sunday they are open, as that is the only time I can shop.
  12. Oh man I am so jealous. The river is wide open here. Just have 30 feet of ice at the ramps and in the dock storage where I leave my boat. I was really hoping to get out yesterday. Had to settle for a skunk off the dock. The way things look though, next weekend for sure!
  13. Think of it this way. The business gets asked what kind of deal do I get? How much if I pay cash? Asked every single day multiple times on everything. If you have never been to the place and purchased anything else from them, do not expect much. To have them do the spare, bearings and trailer $700.00 cash is an insult to their paycheck. They have to make a living as well. No it does not hurt to shop around. But for an $800.00 trailer, how much gas and man hours do you want to waste to get $50 bucks off?
  14. I've run into this problem too many times with CTC. The last one being when they had their hunting sale. Not a freakin thing in the department, although the stuff I was after was in stock five minutes earlier on the site. I went right to the top and went so far as to mention the misrepresentation of the company and that it was an illegal. They told me to contact the owner of the store here. Of course I never got a return call. What a joke. If I ran my business like that I would be under so fast it would be unbelievable. CTC is becoming more and more just another box store that offers a bunch of nothing, just like the rest of them. Too bad, I used to really enjoy going there. In the last couple of years, not so much. More of a pain in the butt than anything.
  15. Hey Ted, Congrats on your new truck. I fished with you a couple of years ago at Quinte. I had mine there then. Your boat will be no problem behind it. I pull my Lund Explorer with ease. I've had mine since they first came out. I'm debating on getting a new one or buying out my lease. They are a great truck.
  16. If you are looking for something on the Larry. Check this place out. http://www.gananoque.com/caigers/ Quiet spot. Awsome veiw. good Docking. Small beach. They have a ramp to put your boat in right there. Oh and it's in that area of the MacNair Muskie. There's also a tackle/hunting shop just up the road incase you forget something. There is a bike path as well that goes along the river for a nice evening walk or ride. Feel free to pm me if you have questions. No I am not affiliated with them.
  17. Yup, make sure you lock the boat up. Even if the motor doesn't work, who's to say they don't have another boat to just simply tow it to another location and then deal with it?
  18. Ah man. you are killing me. I have the exact little sister to that being made right now. It's going to be another couple of weeks, although I am hoping for a phone call today. What makes it worse is I have the time and the weather is gorgeous, and I have no boat
  19. Thanks everyone for your help and views.
  20. Nice pics. Some nice fish there. I grew up on East Lake. Know it very well. Was trying to figure out where you were. Have three ideas, but won't tell don't worry. Don't forget to go through the outlet to get some gems as well. Then it's just a wet foot to the sandbanks!!!
  21. When you least expect it, POP!!!! Way to go, I'm still waiting to catch mine.
  22. Good grief. We'd only go for one day and with a limited budget at that. You think I would tell my wife about these places? I sure sure hope she doesn't read this. Thanks for the tips. I know she wants to go more than I do. Yes she loves to shop, and see new places. I'm the lucky one that gets to drive.
  23. And at that price you can get a really nice Lund package!!!!
  24. I concur, you can catch fish in the Athabasca (at least I did in Jasper). Maligne river and lake are also good. You will need another permit to fish in the national parks (do not forget to get one if you do). I also believe the moto was "If it's black put it back" refering to the bull trout. I think that's the one anyways.
  25. New boat is being made, going to be another few weeks before I get it. As for the shopping, that is what I am scared of. Still need to pay for that boat.
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