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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Sorry my comment was misunderstood ( blame my night shift at work lol ) what I meant to say was that nets are non selective as to females or not, in response to saltydawg
  2. I think that's the point. To drive folks away they are sick of the slobs and pigs
  3. The nets are not selective.. and why are we the only group that needs to leave them alone? G
  4. http://www.ontariofishing.net/fish-recipes/gerrittsbatter.html This is a popular one.... No need for beer.... Except for the cook making it G
  5. I think a lot of us were able to read between the lines. G
  6. I think it has more to do with neighbours to the park fed up with cityiots leaving a mess and parking where ever they damn well please.... Innisfil has to make the money up somewhere to pay for the clean up and to shut people up... I have parked in the winter... Never in the summer and the place is a zoo full of slobs. G
  7. That granite stuff is absolute crap. Had a good friend and neighbour use it on this front covered deck and stairs. One winter later and he was scrapping it off as it was coming off and created a slipping hazard. It did not withstand the winter elements and the instructions were followed to a tee... Beware of this product G
  8. Instead of starting a new thread I will add this here. I think this is a neat idea for an outdoor cooker. I could see it expanded to say three burners for outside a cottage etc.. G
  9. Yup, hit the mouth of the beaver, bring roe or pinkies and some small spinners as suggested G
  10. 25.00 just to park? That's just plain absurd. For 25.00 they better have my truck washed and waxed... Simply insane G
  11. Looking forward to the after pics....*drool* What temps and how long was this cook? What wood did you smoke with? G
  12. Lol... A Canadian business selling liquid nicotine for ecigs aka vapes....as well as devices Stinkycanuck.com One of thousands here in Canada supplying a smoking alternative. Perhaps now you know why the government wants in?? Taxes are due on nicotine and the tobacco lobbyists are screaming G
  13. The juice is from everywhere.... Not just the US... Most large sellers make their own flavours in different strengths... Some import... There is the problem....
  14. Wanna bet? You are incorrect.
  15. Send all those grumpy starved bears to the cities..... We should have zero issue with the spring bear hunt after that... G
  16. E cigs are not where the market is... Vaping is where it is at. And the market is huge. The problem here is legislation is coming..... I have a personal friend that is getting cease and desist notices from the federal government . All for selling vapes aka ecigs... Yet there is no laws against them yet.... Cliff, I am telling you this as someone I know and respect.. You could lose a lot. more then you may gain getting involved in this. Do you really think the major manufacturers are going to let their profits slip to folks selling batteries and claromizers from their basement? Juice from china..the FDA in the US is involved.... This is certainly not something for you to get involved in... I can explain a lot more on this. However this is not the forum to do so.. But if you are willing to take a legal risk..... That up to you... But suffice it say I don't think this is a battle you want to pay for Poop is going to hit the fan... G.
  17. http://www.logcabinpoint.com G.
  18. Brian, my post was not directed towards you. My point was that the second Fords name is mentioned the wolves are on the carcass before it has even bled out and most are not under his jurisdiction! They can only go by what they see on the news and how they sensationalize every small detail, from a kid playing football to crack cocaine. I have read all sorts of negative about Ford, and honestly I do not support his actions myself. That said who am I to judge? I have not walked a mile in his shoes.. We all have our demons, his are just on tv. Imagine if all our dirty laundry were to be broadcast.... I am just playing devils advocate here. The man has faults. We all do. He has hit his rock bottom. He need a hand up, not a foot in the face. G
  19. Seeing as how I don't live in Toronto, or the suburbs of Toronto, I have no opinion on the merits he has produced as mayor of the GTA... Myself like most of those replying to this post do not reside within his jurisdiction and as such have no real right to comment about his performance as mayor. Like or dislike the man, you are not affected by his tenure as mayor as you are not living where he governs. Armchair politics and slander, from outsiders reading their daily rag. All men have problems, it takes a real man to own up to them. As I believe Mr. Ford is in the process of doing... Everyone's rock bottom is different. Nice to see our membership kicking a man while on his knees. I don't believe bashing a elected official with an admitted substances problem is conductive here. I fully expect to take some flack from those that are perfect and do no wrong. G
  20. Videos not working? Doesn't appear to be on mobile version... High drifter, you have a pm with your creeks name. G
  21. Got out for a couple hours this morning... Wanting to fish, but spent more time exploring then fishing... My buddy Paul and I hit up a creek that is popular with hikers etc.. And is rarely fished to be honest, here in Brighton most are retired, it is a sleepy community with a huge elderly base.... We were the only two fishing in the 2 kms we walked with zero sign of any one else having been there... We saw all kinds of steelies running, however the creek was fast, and the rain was coming down hard. Here are some vids I took (sorry about the quality.... Photobucket compressed them.....) Now before anyone complains.... The spot were are at is not secret... And to be honest if you can find it you should fish it! But I doubt if it was under your nose would have zero clue.. That's the only reason I am posting it here... Too add anyone know what this animal is? I was thinking coon..... But without the fur I couldn't tell... Another ditch to follow tomorrow G
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