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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Yup your best bet is to sell it privately, dealers will always be lower then what you can get privately. I would list it on kijiji and autotrader even here in the classifieds.. Might find a kid looking for a mud truck or a bush truck... They really don't care about body looks as they are gonna beat the crap out of it anyways... Offer 2200, take 1600? Won't hurt to try. G
  2. While I am not happy Holland is out. I would like to see Argentina win, given all the turmoil and money Brazil has spent, despite their people living in squalor.. Nothing would burn the Brazilians more and embarrass their government then Argentina winning the cup... Might teach their government something? Doubtful.... But would sure rub salt in the Brazilian officials wounds. Might happen quietly but heads will roll....billions spent only to see their most hated win! With them hosting! Karma. G Edit to add the history between Brazil and Argentina in regards to football http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ArgentinaBrazil_football_rivalry
  3. Yup! Seems to be a battle of the defences. Brazilians will not be happy to see Argentina in the finals... They do not like each other, you will see Brazil root for ANY other team over Argentina!
  4. It should be a tough match, but I see Netherlands pulling out the W. G
  5. If you get down towards the Trenton base I would be happy to show you around here some good shore fishing oppourtunities
  6. Wouldn't that be something.... holland vs. the country that tried occupied them? The same country That canada liberated? Being a Dutch Canadian this is an important match to many that immigrated here... Alot of history, a lot of stories, a lot of families will be talking about this... And where they came from as dutch Canadians, Many dutch have support from around the world. If against Germany.. That much is certain! G
  7. Let's all just sit back... And watch Holland destroy their competition. No one care who wins this.... As we care about is who holland plays, just so we knows who to bash! Hup Holland Hup! G
  8. I believe you are correct Roy, which explains why there are no electronic maps available either.
  9. Thanks everyone other then lack of sleep everyone here is doing well. I forgot just how much work is involved with a newborn.... So worth it though. Tight lines and happy thoughts, G
  10. After a ton of turmoil and a boatload of bad choices... I have had enough living a life of regrets... During my downfall I pissed a lot of folks off... Including some of my friends here. I won't get into details... But some have forgiven me.. Some have not. For that I am sorry. But given the fact I was at my bottom there was no where to go but up! I got some help, the professional kind.... And dealt with some the demons that have been haunting me. Anyways, I remarried last June, to a great woman that was willing to take the time and over look my flaws that were caused by circumstance and the cards dealt to me. Today I would like to introduce you to Crawford. Our son and little brother to Liam and the late Terrance. There could not be a man happier on the planet right now as I am. From dangerous thoughts less then three years ago, to therapy, to family, marriage and now this! I really think someone up there is looking out for me. I have a lot to be thankful for. Welcome, Crawford Philip Arno Aalbers to the OFC Family... Mom and baby are doing just fine. G.
  11. Trust me when I say this... Nothing has changed in that regard. Great company to work for. G
  12. Thanks Cliff, but it was your post that motivated and reminded me to share this. G.
  13. In line with big cliffs thread I thought I would let folks here know the company I work for, is hiring. Both production associates (2 year renewable contracts) and permanent fulltime ( which I am) Good pay and good benefits Located in belleville and a great place to work. Click here for some details... http://classifieds.intelligencer.ca/m/jobs-education/C0A801550f2a202B81Gxm3E15800/detail/?src=browse&rp=1&rc=9087391 And just think.... Great fishing right at your doorstep! G
  14. After looking at the ad, I am a bit perplexed.... I see was prices.... And now prices.... There never has been a was in Barrie for Cabelas... Only a now.... So what are they basing this deceptive pricing method upon? Other markets? The US? Seems senseless to me, and deceptive for the consumer in my eyes. I get it is new... But is little more then a rebrand to what already exists here. I am not compelled. G
  15. Ohhhh my, a modern shaggin' wagon... I gotta say that is one hell of an upgrade from your previous vans. This fall I expect to see it over here in quinte! G
  16. Ohhhh man am I jealous! Between demands at work, and my Lynds due to pop any day, I am living vicariously through these reports. On my days off I either picking up overtime or getting things prepared for our new arrival. Hopefully things will become a new normal for us soon! Congrats to you and the Misses! Get it in while you can, life becomes very demanding All the best, G
  17. I feel your pain... I'm on my 3rd of 6 inside seven days. The government loves me! Lol
  18. I should add I would avoid Thompsons water seal like the plaque. G
  19. ipe is expensive and is a pain to work with.. Ever see wood shatter? It is that hard. G
  20. Happy canada day weekend to everyone! And as is usual as of late... I will be working the 1st, In fact I volunteered! Best to all, G
  21. Cliff, Heinz hired a Burger King executive... so McD's dropped Heinz... I can understand that.. But the plan to shutter this plant has been in the works for alot longer then the above. E.D Smith is a producer of Ketchup and many other items. They are located outside of Stoney Creek. It is a pretty good alternative to Heinz if I may say so. G *Edit the rule of I before E does not apply here*
  22. Best if I edit my post to my opinion of ontarios "police" revenue generators G
  23. One less ticket revenue generating vehicle in ontarios arsenal... One the people of Ontario paid for... We pay for it, they charge us by writing tickets to operate it... Seems legit... Seems the OPP pissed someone off.... G
  24. You need to hand in your man card at the OFC desk.... be put on modq and possibly banned for life should the dime store morons ever be mentioned as the best again. G
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