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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Scare mongering, another reason to tax those already taxed to death..... The machine is hungry and it demands cash
  2. 5 Mbps is not enough to stream hd... Sd yes. Hd no. You will require in my experience at least 10mbps for 720p G
  3. I can honestly say I have never had to mess around with my GBox, it came preprogrammed. Just plug it in and go I also like the Navi-X app for up to date movies, series etc G
  4. Trust me guys it's not perfect.... But if one "broadcaster" is not working for a given movie you wish to watch, there are a dozen more to choose from. And HD is available for a lot of content, but as was mentioned know your internet caps...
  5. Ohhhh I should add... There is an FLW channel and other fishing channels 24/7... Keeping this fishing related lol
  6. Yup my android box is fully rooted. That's the beauty of it. Great point I missed. I have complete control over my equipment.
  7. Tb4me.... A great system no doubt. I have been involved with xbmc for awhile now as a user. That said I picked up a gbox paid a one time fee to purchase the unit (129.00) no other fees required, zero subscription fees or "programming fees" and I have access to hundreds of broadcasters and thousands of "channels" zero recurring fees. Good on you for getting rid of the cable/satellite tether! So many options out there! I went here.... Upon advice from a lot of people including family. Gboxcanada.com Ever want to talk xbmc pm me. G
  8. The link I provided explains why the car did not pull over. Slow trucks in the left lane. Wet and raining road conditions.
  9. It's not right.... But different countries, different states, different counties, different laws on cell phone use.... In Florida it is not a crime. That said the driver also tried to flee the scene of an accident. Full story here http://www.wfla.com/story/25094121/tampa-road-rage-incident-shows-instant-karma-in-viral-video
  10. I thought I would share this.... When karma smashes idiot drivers right where it hurts.... Their pride... http://youtu.be/3XqZoaWKv2k G
  11. Rod caster, I would agree with your last paragraph. All stakeholders need to contribute to making nipissing a world class fishery again. I really hope it happens. G
  12. Ready for a 2 hour tour?? http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=e13_1395715391 G
  13. After reading this it appears the recreational anglers are getting screwed yet a little more in terms of pickeral... With little mention of the commercial damage to the fishery. It is worrisome that the government is siding with commercial/native initiatives rather then the the majority.... I fear that the lake and the economy in the region will not benefit from these changes. That said those going for panfish will welcome the change, however I never hear of anyone driving to nipissing for perch from the south when simcoe etc is so much closer. Once again the powers that be are blind to the real problem on nipissing. G
  14. Don't want to do work for him though...... Trust me. All the decent bands are going to be history.... Replaced by a nerd at a keyboard and a computer. G
  15. Its gonna be a long day @ work.. woken up @ 2:30 am to helicopters flying low over the house with their spotlights on, Lasted for hours... they are searching for something... or someone

    1. Joey


      So you obviously found a good hiding spot then Gerritt :)

    2. Tim Mills

      Tim Mills

      Close encounters?

  16. Not sure if I have my logistics correct.... But I remember a camp in sombre? I seem to remember it being south of sarnia.. I am going back a bunch of years to my youth when my dad was working out that way and we stayed at a camp.... It was the first time I had seen folks fishing for sheepshead and keeping them for the table.... G.
  17. Hey thanks for the info folks and thanks for the offer, I will PM you my email. G
  18. Two good friends just bought can-ams entry level for less then you have mentioned.... Perhaps worth a look?
  19. Thinking of booking a cottage on big gull lake, I have not fished this lake or area for that matter before. I have been looking at hyatts. Anyone been there? Anyone with any experience on big gull? What can I expect? What presentations should I be using? And in general how's the fishing? Thanks, Gerrit
  20. Irish, I have the same deal through sunlife except my life insurance is higher and my wife also has life insurance under the plan @ 100k... Not sure the total cost to my employer, I pay just over a toonie every week. Sounds like Jen and I have very similar plans.
  21. I work for a major manufacturer, as a fulltime employee. We have both contract (temp) and an outside contractor providing labour services. My experience differs from the many comments listed thus far in this thread... Our hired temps (contract) seem to be those that are starting out in the workforce or returning from a long absence (returning to work after having kids etc) minimum highschool diploma required. They may not have the work skills/experience required but through testing, written tests and interviews if they are determined to be a fit within the company they are offered a 2 year renewable contract. Above minimum wage, benefits, 4% vacation pay, and the opportunity to prove themselves. They are company employees. Then there are the outside workers we use....a lot do not have a highschool diploma, even in their mid to late twenties, a good number are retirees who are just looking for a part time job to help make ends meat in combination with their underfunded pensions... Some are bad apples that could not find work anywhere else... These are the ones vandalizing our bathroom stalls etc... Giving the rest of the hardworking folks they work with a bad name. 10 years ago I never pictured myself working in a factory for the worlds largest manufacturer, but all those years on the tools and my education prepped me for where I am now. That said, I have nothing but respect for those that work for us for the outside contractor we use... They are some of the hardest working people in the plant. And the ones that do well get noticed and sometimes hired provided they have the education behind them.(highschool) There still are some great places to work, and a ton of fulltime jobs available if you have the skill set and education behind you... We all start from the bottom up. G
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