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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. I ordered mine from Alberta, can't remember the companies name though... But they were a lot cheaper then I found in stores and had a huge selection Edit to add, I purchased mine from gpscity.ca I found them cheaper including shipping at the time. And you can buy the piece to build the mount u want
  2. I was listening to an official last night on cbc radio... The problem is the whale is beached above the high tide line, it will require an excavator to push the whale off the rocks. It will also require a large ship, the whale is estimated at 180 tonnes, this is a small community that survives on some tourist dollars, they don't have the means or the budget to handle something like this.... Quite the quandary.... Only thing I can think of is federal fisheries or a provincial body to step in and offer funding.... People are climbing this mammal, taking pics etc.. I don't like most people. G
  3. a couple of chicks recently hatched... one left. http://www.livestream.com/cornellhawks/share G
  4. Geez Jack is growing up quick! Looks like a nice day to get out regardless of fish.... BTW what's all that white stuff? LOL
  5. I was impressed by Johnson, and jones was vicious with those elbows!
  6. If you registered for iCloud you should be able to get an idea where your phone might be....
  7. Forgive my ignorance on ciscoe, Being dutch I have grown up eating herring, mainly pickled, from a jar here in canada vs. road side cart stands in holland. Are the fish I am used to eating in jars etc the same fish as the fish being proposed here? G
  8. All choked up! Impressive win for Miller. Wins by guillotine choke.
  9. Wish I was able to get out for a few hours today with my boy Liam, but between him wanting to go out on his Christmas present ( ATV) and his favorite team in the playoffs (Boston) and all the rain in between it was a no go.... I am planning on getting out tomorrow with morning him. Some great pictures you got there... Memories for sure! Be sure not to lose them come his wedding night! G
  10. I am not so sure after reading an article about his training after his last fight, it made him realize slit of weaknesses I think he has learned a valuable lesson
  11. Anyone going to be watching the fights tonight? Predictions? Jones vs. teixeria Jones by decision Phil Davis vs. Anthony Johnson Davis by submission Luke Rockhold vs. Tim Boetsch Tim beotsch by ko Jim miller vs Yancy medeiros Yancy is hungry and has great hands... Yancy by ko Max hallway vs Andre fili Andre fili by decision G
  12. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=74299&do=findComment&comment=849567
  13. I would go one step further Don and suggest blue skin so I would never have to worry about it again.
  14. Really? That sucks.... Given all the Bull fishing border waters you would think they would want this service easily accessible.
  15. Walk into a service canada office and have it done there. Takes 20 minutes Don't be surprised if you get a bill years later for taxes on the hull and motor. You would have already paid taxes on the trailer.
  16. When my son passed away, it was province wide news, newspapers, tv stations hounding us, calling relatives known friends etc... All we wanted to do was grieve... It was bad enough having to deal with various government agencies asking questions trying to find out what happened.... Could we have sued? Sure we could have. Would we have won? We would have. Would that bring our son back? No. No amount of money would have filled the void we felt. It would have only served to destroy other lives. Money does not cure the grief of losing a child, regardless of amount. G
  17. I should add it is NG and the pilot is burning blue with no orange in the flame
  18. Was outside doing some spring cleaning this past weekend and noticed soot on the side of the house above the exhaust for the fireplace. I thought this to be unusual and went inside and inspected the fireplace. I noticed a patch of soot with what I can only describe as blobs or balls of soot directly above the pilot light. After a bit of a google search the most common cause for this is incorrect log placement. Consulting with the manual I confirmed the log placement was correct, I cleaned out the soot in the fireplace repositioned the logs as per the instructions following then to a tee. I am again noticing soot beginning to build up above the pilot... I have triple checked log placement is correct. Is there something I may be over looking? This FP has not given me a problem, nor done this before. Odd to happen out of the blue. Any thoughts for the vast knowledge here on OFC Thanks in advance, G
  19. Seems it might not happen after all....... http://www.citynews.ca/2014/04/17/animal-rights-groups-heading-to-court-over-ontarios-spring-bear-hunt-pilot/ G
  20. Some good eats right there! Where is the customary sink shot? G
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