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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSBREA3M02O20140423?irpc=932
  2. Scratching my head...... I would rather have the regs in my hand.... Then to rely on a family member who may have been incorrect... Sorry your honour, I was told by my nephew I could keep pickeral above 15.4.... You make it sound so easy, furthest thing from the truth for many. Regardless of your ease of access.... many do not have the same luxury. They count on the printed regs as I did growing up... As we all did.. Yourself included... Seems you seem to disagree for disagreements sake. We are losing here plain and simple, we are worse off without having the printed regs at our disposal... This you cannot argue about. G
  3. BillM, sorry you are wrong here. Not everyone can be poured into one mold. The loss of the printed regs is a detriment to our sport, our license dollars pay to have them published, so where is the money going if they are no longer printed on paper?.... That should be the question we are all asking..... Think I could get an 80ish year old uncle to download a PDF to a cell phone he refuses to own? Let alone operate a computer. This same Bull happened when there were limited copies of paper tax forms.... Seems nothing changes... Doesn't make it right... The lack of access is the problem here. So many advances in technology, with generations that have no clue how to use it, or no access to it. I bet you would be singing a different tune if your grandfather great grandfather got charged for not knowing the slot changed from 15.9 to 15.4 I would lay money, you would be the first to complain. G
  4. Big difference here. The example you gave is inadequate, the government in your example has published the law, being 50km/h available for all to see. In terms of the regs, not everyone will have a copy, not everyone has high speed internet, especially in rural areas to download a copy. Your are not even close to comparing the same things.
  5. I can see violators using the scarcity of printed regulations being used in court as a defense, especially in the north, where cell service is unavailable. If the government is unable to publish its laws.... How can it enforce them? Lawyers will have a field day with this.
  6. Chernobyl comes to mind. That said there is no easy answer, we are a technological species, and it all requires energy... ultimately I am afraid it will be our species demise. We are to dependant on tech, to know any other way in which to survive. Warmth, food and shelter without any "modern" implements would be the challenge. One in which most on the planet will fail miserably.... Myself included. G
  7. Don't take this the wrong way, but I did a search on this site using Brantford Crappie.... You have asked this exact same question several times and have been given several replies. Did some new lake magically appear in the Brantford area since 2010 when you began to start threads asking about spots in the Brantford area to fish them?only so many lakes/ponds in that area and I am sure they are not secret magical crappie Meccas that have appeared since then. On the other hand... There are waterways away from Brantford that do have glorified sunfish in them... Expand your horizons?
  8. I try and fill up at the reserve located 10minutes from where I work every chance I get. I average .10 to .40 in savings per litre. G
  9. A chewy fruit flavoured candy
  10. Discovered some neat camping tricks on a website I visit quite a bit... Have any to add to their list? http://thechive.com/2014/04/18/a-few-tipshacks-to-help-make-your-next-camping-trip-a-success-41-photos/
  11. Thank you for posting this. Those of us that worked with Sandy, know his family needed have the closure they deserve, now they can put him to rest. Sad and tragic.
  12. Marijuana Party of Canada.... might as well, as all the other parties have gotta be stoned judging by the way the govern.. G
  13. I think this article sums it up nicely... http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/gas-prices-expected-to-rise-in-canada-this-summer-1.2609380 G
  14. http://www.kijiji.ca/v-powerboat-motorboat/belleville/sex-panther-16ft-fiberglass-boat/583731788?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true What a tower of power... G
  15. Yup we are in bad shape here, there is a ton of snow still in the bush... things are not going to settle down for some time... G
  16. Steve, BT is under constant attack, look at pirate bay for example. Look at the people being drug through the court system for downloading things via BT.....mostly from the folks in the music industry and the producers of movies like black hawk down.... They are going after ordinary folks that used BT to download their content and then reseed... The premise of BT. That said most folks prefer on demand... And don't want to spend the hours it takes to download an entire season or a single episode for that matter... We tend to be I want it now society.. This new method for entertainment has yet to be regulated.... That said I can see it come in the future as cable co's catch on... Nothing is downloaded with an intent to redistribute, it is available freely. This is where I have issues with those selling a service.... They will be the ones targeted and their customer list will be given to the courts.. We saw this when people were doing satellite... Hardware can be used for a hundred different things... Service can't. G Edit to add: next time your in quinte send me a pm... We still gotta get out fishing
  17. 1 computer per TV..... Plus keyboard, mouse and all the cabling required is a lot more $$$$ and alot more hydro and a lot more space required then a simple little box no bigger then three DVD cases stacked..... Then you have a monthly fee.....or bill I guess... Take no offence but your system costs a lot more to purchase, requiring a computer be hooked up to your tv, a lot more to operate requiring a lot more hydro to power the computer and then tack a monthly "fee" on top of that.... And I should add should the person that is supplying you with programming could disappear at any given time.... And your service along with it. All he is doing is reselling you programming that is already available for free! In my case this little box uses a lot less power then a computer with a 350+ watt power supply, I can use ANY provider I wish and I pay nothing monthly. I can choose from thousands of free providers each with thousands of links.You are stuck with one.... The person you are paying monthly.... I see this as a no brainer. I have seen this sort of thing in the past, it did not work well then. Selling hardware and selling service are two vastly different things...... I am more comfortable with owning hardware that can be used for a thousand of purposes.... Your service has only one. Happy watching G
  18. Mind if I asked where u purchased it from? Mine worked out of the box. That said is hdmi audio is not working the box might have a defect... Or possibly your tv. Or it could be a simple setting that needs to be changed. I have little issue with any of the providers.... Some links with the provider do not work sometimes... But there are always a lot more to choose from... Just did a marathon of the first season of game of thrones with no issues. Once navi-x is done upgrading their servers, you will have a huge repository in addition to what links u currently have.... You know u can add additional providers right? Especially handy for those of different descents looking for news and movies from "home" G
  19. It is an acquired taste... But those that I know, that hunt bear do consume the flesh. It is very strong in flavour and not to my liking. G
  20. People actually care about baseball anymore? I would rather watch paint dry.
  21. What raf says.... I will add it also depends on the demand you upstream provider is experiencing. I have 14mbps here and stream hd with zero issues using the box I purchased. I don't want to get into what box is better, what website is better what seller is better nonsense, what I can say for fact is the unit I picked up works. Plain and simple. And you don't have to be a computer nerd to use it. Just plug In and go. Any updates required are pushed OTA. Provided by where I purchased it from..... For now....in my experience these companies don't last forever, I felt better to own a unit I control, should a company go teats up. I am not left with a brick. For those of you considering this... Use it to augment your current service. Until you decide it is right for you. And either cancel your service or lower your cost by going with basic service... Up to you. Here in my house we watch first run movies, series (including ones from netflix exclusive ones for free, however not broadcast from Netflix)and documentaries, fishing shows.... This list goes on and on. If you are a netflix subscriber you can use it on your box as well. I have had a bunch of pms asking me if a computer is needed. The answer is NO! The box you purchase is the computer, it runs on android, so if you can use your cellphone you can use this... It is just another app Go to YouTube, and search gbox or xbmc you will see for yourself just how simple this system is to use. One last thing to say in this thread... Would you be willing to pay a monthly fee for something you own outright? A car? A boat? Sounds like a bill for something you already bought paid for and own. Just for the privilege of using the item you own? The whole idea is to eliminate bills! Not me. I bought what works, and free support from a trust worthy company ( for however long they are around like most others) No matter what u decide to do.... It is a great way to stop the big three machine. Good luck and if u have any questions pm me. G
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