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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. He should see jail time for fraud and corruption amongst other charges. That would send a message.
  2. Yup, that one worked. Thanks. Quite the quandary we are in as citizens don't you think? It's a shame our employees have caused so much grief to be honest. I for one am fed up with it. My wish to be honest is to see the people of Ontario begin to stand up, much like the people of Quebec or our natives. If we all did the same there is no way we would be in the position we are now... Sadly, we are a bunch of pansies. G
  3. Link is not working? Getting 404'd .... I'm assuming Libertarian party? I looked at them as a choice, perhaps my only.... Hard to vote from their website alone however.
  4. And I envision more election calls on the public dime when the NDP get their panties in a bunch.. Remember the federal minority governments? Give us what we want or else. We are seriously screwed. G
  5. Given the tensions in the world at the time with predominantly Muslim countries, his Muslim sounding name raise the ire of many in the USA.. And it still does today with conspiracy theorists. Given a lot of facts that came out after 9/11 some had reason to worry. But this is the inescapable fact... Racism exists. Being both black and a Muslim name in a mostly Christian society... Will cause ripples. Back to the topic, I misspoke when I stated I would spoil my ballot. I plan to decline my ballot. For some reason I thought the two were basically the same... I had to go back to highschool political science when I used the incorrect term. I plan to decline my ballot. You can harp on me in regards to Canadians dying so we have the freedom to vote etc.. We also gained the freedom to not vote if we so choose, especially if none of the candidates are deemed acceptable to me. I choose to decline my vote based upon this. I have voted since I was legal age to do so. This is the first time I refuse to vote for any of platforms/candidates/ideology that are presently being offered. For one simple fact. We are screwed no matter what.... So to the OP, I have not changed my mind. What is needed is revolution, to stop this cycle of greed,power and injustice. /end rant G
  6. Given the platforms and lack there of ( NDP) and the leaders in question, I plan to spoil my ballot. As I cannot vote for any of them... I was planing on going blue... Only to rid ourselves of wynne.... But his campaign is a crapshow waiting to happen.... To me there are no winners... Just more of the same. I plan to vote... I plan to show my disgust with the current leadership of all parties by spoiling my ballot. G
  7. OFC,quintefishing and niagarafishing
  8. Mmmmmm deep fried Muskie served with a side of pre-spawn bass, and a mixed salad including a sturgeon drizzled in beluga caviar mmmmm Check out welcome lodge. They should be able to accommodate your request. G
  9. Thank heavens for this thread, I have worked outdoors most of my life, surrounded by poison ivy in a lot of cases. A week and a half ago I was doing some work outside fencing in our vegetable garden ( damn rabbits) I was in shorts and flip flops, I was on my hands an knees in between the cedars on the west end of our property, and Lynds was putting washers on the screws and passing them into the brush to me, so I could screw them into the posts holding the fencing.... Her feet are covered in blisters for the past several days... And now only today I have began to breakout.... Over a week later. I have never had a problem before and have been in this stuff all my life.. I'm going to have to look into jewel weed... As of tonight we are rubbing down with vinegar and calamine. Does jewelweed really work? I will look into its description online hoping to locate it locally. G
  10. Hahaha the first night I didn't mind it so bad, but 8-9 days later.... This fellow needs to find a lady! Right under my bedroom windows! I went looking for them but couldn't find em, I wear earplugs all day at work, last thing I want is the bloody things in my ears at home G
  11. Quick question, it appears as though I have gray tree frogs in my backyard. They seem to be liking my cedar hedges that surround my backyard. My question is how long do they call out for mate? The extremely LOUD calls at all hours are getting on my nerves, especially the ones coming from under my bedroom windows! I work 12's so sleeping is rather important to me when I am unable to sleep in etc etc... How long is their mating season? And will the calls end after it is over? G
  12. Horrible, horrible tonight... Went outside to water the gardens at 8.... Literally chased inside. Swarmed by the buggers. I had two citronella tikis going as well as a mosquito coil... Didn't do a damn thing.. Seriously considering one of those propane traps. This is almost unbearable. G
  13. I need to talk to the neighbour that moved in beside me this past winter.... The previous owners installed a pond. That is now full of rotten stagnant water as the new owner is not using it nor has emptied it.... Go anywhere near the fence and you are doomed.... And guess where my back deck is..... I need to say something... G
  14. Lucky Bugger! Who do you pay property tax too? The county? G
  15. You and they run the risk of being fined by the municipality. Only takes one neighbour to call the bylaw office, or have a bylaw officer drive by. That said people break bylaws all the time..... But do so at their own risk. G
  16. I would support a investigation into the liberal scandals... Only if jail time is a possibility... G
  17. Pics, permits are required before cutting down trees on private property in the municipality of Hamilton, and with good reason. Trees are scarce in booming cities outside of parks... I offer this to highlight my stance, http://www.hamilton.ca/NR/rdonlyres/7296ED75-61F0-428F-BE64-13D2D99EDAA3/0/Jan19PDO02229d.pdf It is am amendment to the current by laws in Hamilton to include ancaster and Stoney creek and replace their bylaws with hamiltons, upon amalgamation. It states permits required for removal of trees on private property. And they are not handing out permits at a whim. I lived in Hamilton for years and went through this with a tree in my backyard when a neighbour complained. If you think Hamilton is bad? Try and get a permit to remove a healthy tree in Toronto! G. Edit to add at times when dealing with the city, the trees have more rights then you do, as a property owner. But of course this only matters if you choose to follow the law... And if your caught not following it..... Well that could be costly. All for what? Two face cords of fire wood? Not worth it.
  18. I fail to see mention of a permit required..... Just can't go around cutting down trees in Hamilton and from the picture it looks as though those trees might be on a city easement being located on the property line of a cemetery ( most of which are owned by the municipality of Hamilton-wentworth) I would be careful with this one until someone talk to city hall... As the fines can be huge. Just my 0.05 opinion. G
  19. Being smart you should know it will never happen. So long as big business fund campaigns we will never have a government by the people, for the people. None are more hopelessly enslaved then those who falsely believe they are free... Johann Wolfgang von Goethe G
  20. Their bodies have been found. http://www.cbc.ca/m/news/#!/content/1.2660357/ I hope this brings closure to their families so they can begin the mourning process. G.
  21. Lew do me and the rest of us a favour.... Only because we like you.... DO NOT SET UP A HAMMOCK! After you see this you will understand why.... I didn't know black bears were that far south.... Sheesh! http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/31/us/florida-bear-in-hammock/index.html?c=homepage-t
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