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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. It sent a message Cliff. That we decline to vote for any of the candidates involved. If it wasn't for Hudack I would have probably voted PC... But it platform was garbage, even his own caucus thought so... And voiced it after the election... Liberal? Wynne? Not a chance in hell! NDP? She had no platform, she had nothing... So what else was there to do? I did what I felt was right. I did my democratic duty. And told them I decline my ballot. Simple. G
  2. To add to the previous suggestion, make sure you have the correct region selected for the card itself for the area you are fishing. As elevation etc will be off if not selected properly. G
  3. Hookin' up with Mariko Izumi....for obvious reasons.. Extreme Angler Fish'n Canada (mostly for Pete) River Monsters
  4. Unhook the transducer and put the unit into demo mode. If the lines are still there it is a problem with the head unit/LCD screen. If they disappear then I would suspect the transducer as the culprit. G
  5. Something messed up is passing through us here.....
  6. It appears this thread has resorted to character assassination. G
  7. Given the large fish kill this spring.... Yeah it matters in these parts anyways. G
  8. Being Dutch of course is am rooting for Nederlands! Go Robbin! Hup Holland Hup! G
  9. Used to use them up on buckhorn years ago, they were deadly tipped with a night crawled
  10. Rid of bell for almost a year... After they screwed me over on a bill I did not owe.after I changed everything over into my name... They couldn't understand that i inherited my grandparents property and me and my Opa had the same name... Only difference being middle name and birthdate.... I even spoke to their executive customer service....After numerous calls, telling them to deal with the executer of the estate. I finally told them to go suck themselves. Bell can go to hell as far as I'm am concerned. And yes your right... I still get calls and emails and mailingS wanting me back.... Should have taken care of me in the first place. It was a difficult enough time without having to fight with them... No other utility I changed over had this problem.. G
  11. I find them to be a unique decent looking vehicle.
  12. Welcome the iEvinrude.... I see this being a giant PIA for dealers with buyers wanting colour options..... G
  13. http://www.intelligencer.ca/2014/06/13/one-fish-two-fish-red-fish-dead-fish G
  14. Lew, I would have done that ages ago... I fill up in Tyendinaga when ever I can
  15. Details sent culligan medallist 8
  16. This is why Canadian oil should be nationalized, provide for the people of canada first, then sell the excess. We should be paying WAYYYYYY less being a oil producing nation. But we export all of it and buy it back at a premium. It's senseless. Look at other oil producing nations, they pay a lot less for fuel then we do... And then you look at how badly we are taxed on fuel it is enough to make you sick..... Wait till electric cars really kick off... I can only imagine hydro rates and government taxes on electricity. We truly are an ass backwards nation. G
  17. Wow, all I can say is we have troll.. Thank you for the entertainment. G
  18. Perhaps now, given I refused to vote for the current government.... And with no real alternative to choose from.... Some of you may understand my position. Big Cliff??? Ontario needs to stand up together, to say enough is enough. That will take more then an election, it will take bumps and bruises Hudak has and still does look out if place and lacks credibility, not to mention his personality is less then likeable. Horwath? Let's just say she is a Hamilton native..... And has a "reputation" insert the first syllable here.. We really had little choice in terms of change. I for one welcome change, via civil disobedience if required..... Seems the sheep chose to keep crap the same.... Enjoy the crap you voted for.... I chose not to vote for crap. I think OFC should start our own party And you know what??? I would support it!
  19. There are many that chose no party. Can't say I blame them, crap is crap regardless of what colour it is, it is still crap. I don't want to vote for crap. I performed my democratic duty, by declining my vote. Which I have every right to do. Later when u are all complaining about whoever wins power. Just remember you chose to vote for crap. G
  20. Call culligan about a rental? They are not too much monthly. I think mine when I lived in caledonia was about 15 bux a month... Edit to add.... I have one in my current house that is not needed or used... Perhaps if interested send me a pm. All it will cost you is the drive down here and the modification costs to the plumbing. G
  21. Same here, just got back... Not too many folks at the polling station except a small bus of seniors from a local retirement home. G
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