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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. And the fact pornstars are pictured makes it even more believable! Do they accept Amex? G
  2. Great recant of time well spent mike, Great to read. G
  3. Lol I wasn't insulting you:) I was trying to envision in my head what you were talking about... And drew a giant blank lol, I would like to see a couple pics of the finished product G
  4. They are not meant for Mosquitos though right? As Mosquitos are not attracted to light sources in my experience. Or is this a new product I am unaware of? G Edit to add: after looking it up it appears to have an attractant, how often do u need to refill it?
  5. Yup those or the Glade ones, looking for something for the wife who is 7mths along and doesn't want to slather herself in DEET I guess some effectiveness is better then nothing at all...
  6. Anyone try those off clip ons? Do they work?
  7. Should of asked to take it home... Just say'in G
  8. Insane here the last week... Even with the breeze off the lake. We need a good hot dry spell to calm the swarm. G
  9. I know about adding a stinger, done it a hundred times.... But I have no idea what the hell you were talking about... Sounded like a lot if Mumbo jumbo... Care to dumb down how you added the stinger to your jig? Can't just tie it on and go? G
  10. X2 you can see the camper ahead of the truck
  11. Smart dad for teaching water safety early and showing the boy to wear his life jacket around water Some nice pictures you have there, G
  12. http://www.aglgrass.com
  13. Ok...... Can we get back to my original question? Given the divide and given the lack of options, if one candidate said they would stand up, help to rebuild the OMNR..... Would you vote for that person/party? Given this is political, I never meant this to become a political debate. I simply wanted to know if there could be a way to have our votes have ANY meaning in regards to the sport/life we all care deeply about... The louder we are as sportsmen.... The more they have to listen to us. It seems as though we have done a terrible job, compared to other " interest" groups. So my question remains, would you give your vote to someone that wants to preserve your heritage and birthright.... We are no different, we have Grown up, hunting, fishing and trapping. Or are you willing to stand by idle and let those that make the rule stomp on what you, and your family have done for generations? I think it is time we say enough is enough... I feel we do have a choice.... We have been Been crapped on far too long from our elected. Have you ever watched a sitting of parliament? Worse then the bullies in highschool... No wonder we get nowhere.... I think as a collective something can and should be done. A strong voice from our own "special" interest group.... Once they know votes against them in the thousands I bet we would be heard. Surely this is how OFHA started..... And we all know how that worked out..... G
  14. Seems a lot of us feel the same way, myself included... It is not about who you want.... But who you don't. As I said earlier I am not leaning to any side, red or blue... I just wanted to know if us as users if the outdoors could make our voices heard..... Very surprised our always political moxie, has yet to speak up.. They say choose the lesser of two evils...... There is the problem, they are all corrupt. G
  15. The little buggers just sit there and laugh at you... Literally! I have put a dent In the population here after they have chewed several holes in to shed.
  16. Given the up coming election, do you plan to ask the candidate who knocks on your door about the OMNR and and how seriously they are underfunded, under resourced and rarely visible due to cut backs. I had some liberal lackey show up yesterday and the first thing he began to do was bash the Conservative party, right after he asked for my support of the libs, talking about Tim this Tim that.... I stopped him and asked what they plan to due to help an underfunded ministry branch that has become nothing but a slush fund for the current government, with nothing but cut backs on services... I got uhhh uhhhh uhhhh,... I then mentioned that Tim's platform is about getting Canadians working again.... And mentioned that the libs sent licensing to the US.... Again I got uhhh, uhhhh mmmmmm... While I have yet to make my mind up how I will vote, given the shape the OMNR is now in and the scandals that we will be paying for for a generation.... I have made up my mind how I will not be voting. So my question is.... Can we make the OMNR an issue that requires attention by the candidates involved. G
  17. Just worked 3 12hr days.... With a 4th tomorrow, but at triple time I will be laughing as I watch each minute go by works out to 1.30 each and every minute.... I couldn't say no! G
  18. Shhhhh.... Don't complain or you will be labeled as as such.. G
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