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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Well to add to the others above, I can confirm that the numbers are miserably low and very small fish. The Pine runs through where I work and I have ample time to check the river and speak with the guys, I would say the average size of the fish I've seen are no more than 5-6lbs with the very very odd one around 10.
  2. Then you left the ProCure on too long, don't need much more than 3/4 to 1 hour, then let them drip in a collander or over mosquito screening, dry and bag. Lot easier than reading Angies drivel.
  3. I have trouble believing that charge for that scenario, maybe discharging a weapon in a no hunt zone, (municipality or designated area).
  4. Buying fish from a store gives you a receipt and a package that makes that scenario a mute point, haven't seen anyone running out of the store with a piece of raw fish under their arm, yelling "start the car...start the car".
  5. Silver Hot Shot or jointed Brooks Reefer.
  6. At one time the return rate to 14SPDB, (12SDB before that) was extremely low, nobody wanted to go for round two. If the civilian places were run like that, we wouldn't have too many criminals.
  7. I know it's a game of words but I really don't think that Uniroyal "became" U/G and then Michelin, I would rather say Michelin "absorbed" the other two crows. Unfortunate at best, but I still wouldn't put another Uniroyal on my wheelbarrow.
  8. Nice boat, now don't keep us guessing, how much?
  9. Well that must have been after I was there last year in September, the staff looked like a bunch of raggamuffins, shirts not tucked in or buttoned, shoes looked like they just wander through the cow paddy, most had ketchup musturd stains, ask them a question...not my department, etc. I definitely won't waste my time there again.
  10. I thought the stream had to be navigable by some sort of vessel to be exempt from private ownership, don't think waders are included. How close to the bridge did you park?
  11. Ran out of gas what's that thingy on top of the tank or the dash for..
  12. Well Tomcat, take a 20 pound frozen carp, go to the dealer/mechanic that did the servicing and give him 20 smacks upside the head with said frozen carp and tell the dumb poop to pay attention how much oil goes into the crankcase. Hopefully no other damage has been done by overfilling. Pull the drain plug at the rear of the motor case(just underneath the outside of the motor hood), I believe it's a 12mm hex head bolt. Drain about a cup of oil or until the dipstick shows no more than full. You should get another set of plugs too. That should solve the problem. It's not hard to winterize those motors, you can do it yourself with a bit of guidance. Good luck. Dpon't worry about trolling at idle with those motors, mine probably spends 95% of its time at idle trolling in Georgian Bay, 12 years, second set of plugs, absolutely no fouling.
  13. I honestly don't ever remember anyone mentioning catching any salmon from shore at Craigleith, Wasaga on the other hand, yes. We fished G Bay around Meaford/Owen Sound this weekend, it's pretty dismal to say the least. We had a little fun derby, about 42 guys, only 12 fish brought in, mostly sardine size salmon and a few rainbow, a couple that had what appeared to be net marks and one laker at 9lbs. Listening to the VHF definitely did not bring any encouragement either. Last week I spent some time watching the Pine river too, same story there, did not see one single salmon or early bow. Sorry for the bad report, don't want to get your hopes up.
  14. Depending on how old the boat is(although new to you and bought from a dealer), they may be able to reset the rivets. I would suspect that loose rivets will get more loose from movement. I would call it an annoyance, but, you bought a boat, not a leaky tub.
  15. I doubt that they are coming through the furnace, most of the newer ones are a closed system, suck in air from outside and expel the exhaust out the other pipe with no access to the exchanger. How about a bathroom exhaust fan where the flapper is not closing 100%. I had that happen 2 years ago, placed some mosquito screen in the pipe, no more wasps.
  16. Pictures one and two are exactly how it should be placed in the holder except, rotate the rodholder clockwise so that the tip of the rod faces slightly forward, not backward. As soon as any pressure is placed on the rod tip, the cork handle pushes down and rearward on the outer shiny metal bar causing the rear one to push don on the cork handle. You go and try to pull the rod out while there's a bit of rearward tension on the tip.
  17. You believe you may not have any Black Widow spiders in that area, but don't believe everything. Black Widows populate Bruce County, not that far away and we do have them in the Borden/Lisle area. A couple have been caught and placed in jars for the troops to see. Being a wuss can cost you.
  18. I'm pretty sure Lebaron has them, maybe BPro too. Check this: http://www.lebaron.ca/pdf_files_sp08/fishing/tite_lok.pdf The board may also be available there, some call it Kingboard, special laminate, maybe at West Marine, bring lots of money to that place. Bass Pro also has the mount: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...0001000_200-1-6
  19. Yes, waterfowl ingest small pebbles to aid in digestion(no teeth), but I don't think they're ramming 1/8 and 1/4 oz split shot down their throat. Then again, unless you're fishing in a foot or two of water and lose some split shot, maybe it's a good story. I haven't seen any fowl with scuba tanks and masks going diving for lead lately. One of those flawed "government studies" finally admitted the death rate caused by ingestion was a lot lower than previously reported.
  20. Ya, how about the hair getting greyer and thinner As for some of the golden drivers, I know transport may be their last bit of freedom, maybe some should sell the car and use the proceeds for cab fares. Highway 26 is one of the notorious ones for old phogy "sight seeing tours", Hey Martha, look there's Charlies cow in the paddock gettin humped by another cow, meanwhile rolling at 50 in an 80 zone on the wrong side of the road. I think when that time comes, I'll resort to waddling down to the river with my rod.
  21. I'm sure that was introduced a while back, maybe the same company and there were oh so many naysayers because big brother was watching. Drive like an then you should pay more. I've got about 38 years of driving with no tickets, one crash attributed to a Villeneuve driver from PQ and I drive defensively. See a stop sign, may as well slow down, stale green, why waste gas to speed up to try and beat it, etc. Up to 60% off is a pretty good incentive.
  22. Double stackers are easy, set up your first lure down on the cannonball release, lower the cannon ball about 20', then clip the snap around the downrigger cable and clip one of the releases to the cable. Let out about 20' of line/lure from the next rod to get stacked, clip the line into the other release, lower away to the desired depth. Gently snug up both rods. Good point is to point the lower rod straight back, the upper rod/lure out to the side.
  23. "White paste" smeared over the rivets proably equals silicone sealer which is a waste of time on aluminum. Get the rivets redone properly, then the motor issue, I really don't think it's anywhere near adequate to get you going when you have to leave due to bad weather.
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