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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. If you just applied a little to lube the impeller to get it in there, don't worry, after a couple of minutes of running, all will be okay, if you put gobs of it in there, check that the water is peeing out of the hole.
  2. Honestly, I doubt it. A 2HP might keep you going with the wind, but facing the wind and light waves, nope, I would go with a 4-5 HP.
  3. Well I really don't think Cabela's left it on your front porch, it was the shipping company, either the Post Office or other delivery service.
  4. No, using acid from a different battery doesn't cut the mustard, you see when the battery is in use the acid reacts with the plates, a chemical reaction, (I'm not fully sure how to explain it), but you will notice that a discharged battery will have a lower level of fluid in the cells, when fully charged without adding any distilled water, the level comes back up. Like I and others have mentioned before, recharge after every use, no matter how little you used it. Invest in a good 3 stage "float" charger, they will keep it at optimum full level without overcharging and gassing (bubbling) out the water. Or, get a "Battery Minder" from VDC electronics, leave it hooked up all the time during the off season. Again, storing batteries on cement is ancient info, todays battery cases are not porous so that's a mute point. Mine sit on cement all winter after proper cleaning, NO baking soda. Good luck in the future with your batteries.
  5. Brand new tings need maintenance too, so if you're not, but, get married, pay attention. Maintenance! Otherwise she'll throw you out as a bad choice.
  6. Take the battery to CTC, they do a free load test. From what you have described and admitted to and then claiming "recycled garbage batteries", I would say you don't take care of your kit, so your kit won't take care of you. To bad, so sad, go spend some more money on batteries, quit complaining.
  7. To add to that, always charge the battery before topping up with distilled water otherwise you'll find out that the battery can overflow.
  8. Terry...are you sure about the white wire? White is always or just about always ground(12V-)
  9. Man, that's really sad when a company pulls that crap. So far I've stuck with Lowrance products and can't say anything bad about them.
  10. Along with a bit of Babe Winkelman when he's on.
  11. With proper care, I have my trailer battery for almost 10 years, (98/02) tag and boat starting battery for about 7 years now. Charge immediately after end of the day use and the best item that everyone should have is a "Battery Minder" from VDC electronics, when my batteries are not in use, they are on the charger. For JohnnyBass, if you only charged it 5 times since last year, there's the biggest part of you problem, maintenance.
  12. Nope, can't say I've ever seen a 4 to 5 adapter in either direction. If your trailer had surge brakes, then I'm pretty sure it does not need electricity, it's activated by deceleration, if it is electric brakes, then your vehicle will have an electric brake controller. Your vehicle plug, White=ground, Brown=running/park lights, Green=right, Yellow=left, what is the other wire? What are the wire colours on your trailer?
  13. Scuro: Do guns kill more people unnecessarily in society? If so we need less of them. For any of you who have unnecessarily lost a love one, one such extra death is too many. Do cars kill people unnesesarily? Well they sure do, I guess we need less of them too, how about knives, sure, and whatever else is out there that can be used as a weapon. maybe I can beat some sense into you with a Shimano Bullwhip fishing rod, oh my I guess we should bann them too. Nutbar.
  14. Stop in at Barrie at the Molson Park exit, there's a big SOBEYs grocery store, open 24 hours.
  15. Clamp-it, I think you're missing the point that the illegal use of any firearm by law abiding citizens is so low that you'd be more likely to choke on a badly casted earthworm. Realistically I think you stand a worse chance of being involved in a vehicle accident where alcohol is a factor, so what does society do? Ban alcohol or vehicles, neither, but we live with the chance. And yes, I've had a gun pointed at me, rather close range about 6 inches from my right ear, QPP, thought I and the other guy in my car were bank robbers. I was an army cop, the other guy was a firefighter. He had the shotgun pointed at him. Deport the criminals or lock them up, for a looong time. Now if we could get the legal system enforced by judges with kahoonas, maybe things would be better.
  16. It's not often I get annoyed but, you let me know when all the criminals have dropped off their illegal guns, then maybe the legal owners can do likewise and take up another sport/hobby.
  17. You're most welcome Big Cliff, I may have to get a dehydrator one of these days, just for that and fruits.
  18. Ya, no problem but, so far I would honestly have to say that hardwood forests are slightly better than coniferous. Some swear that pine woods are better, some the other. My best so far is around maple with rotting wood/leaves etc on the ground with good shade. Ditches in some areas close to apple orchards can be good too. These mushrooms, "morrels" are about as easily to identify as coil of dog poop on your lawn, no mistaking them. Check the link for some others such as giant puffballs and shaggy manes. Here: http://www.mdc.mo.gov/nathis/mushrooms/mushroom/edible.htm
  19. Three days in a row, maybe more tomorrow.
  20. Well he did say he only used one battery, therefore they were not used in parallel or series.
  21. Okay, maybe I've read something wrong in his second post where he says " One set of cables goes directly to only one battery (positive/negative) terminals. And the other set of cables goes directly to the other battery (positive/negative) terminals. The batteries are separate from one another...not connected to each other in any way.....I hope that made sense. I should have paid more attention in science class!!!" So I would "assume" that he uses one battery for a while and then physically switches the alligator clips on the trolling motor to the second battery. Maybe a bad assumption.
  22. Terry, this does not make sense, if he has the batteries separate, not connected in any way other than with the 2 bank charger, why is the charger on bank one seeing both batteries. Each bank should charge separately for the needs of each battery. Makes no sense you have to disconnect one battery and charge one at a time, defeats the purpose of having a 2 bank charger.
  23. They are caught more often in the winter off Minets Pt, Johnson Beach and further down the bay, not quite deep enough around Centennial.
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