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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. I even used mine in the boat a couple times this fall in Barrie, hang the transducer over the side, turn on, and bingo, watch the jig/minnow and fish coming up to bite. There's no time lag involved. I guess by some of the comments on the links about the Aqua-Vu/Nature Vision being no good and the only ones that are okay are the Vex and Marcum, all those guys probably drive Cadilacs too..
  2. Roll outa bed this mornig to this awful rumbling, WTH, the snowplow is coming down the street, got about 6 inches here and still coming..
  3. As long as you're holding a fishing rod when casting and not the other one, you're good to go.
  4. Okay, I'll take a stab at it, a lot of motors will use the same parts like impellers for quite a number of years, some like Merc, Mariner and Yamaha also use the same part albeit a different part number. Your best bet is to take the lower unit off, it's not hard. Usually there are 4-5 bolt heads under the cavitation plate right above the prop, undo those. Under the motor cover, check on the side where the shifter linkage is, you should be able to undo it, sometimes nothing more than a cotter pin through the shifter to the rod that goes down to the lower unit. Undo that too. With the lower unit bolts out, the whole lower unit with prop attached slides down, (it may need a bit of persuasion from a rubber hammer). Once you have that out, there are two rods, one is the shift rod, the other is the driveshaft, the impeller is located under the cover where the larger main driveshaft goes into the top of the lower unit. Remove nuts or screws, take off the cover...now pay attention which way the impellor comes out(it's the 6 or 8 fingered rubber octopus thingy). Take that to the dealer, and get a new one. On installing add a bit of vaseline to make it slide in easier. Replace cover over impeller. Now when replacing the lower unit into the leg under the motor, make darn sure you line up the water pipe from the impeller to the motor, otherwise there's no water geting to the motor for cooling. If your mechanic can't help you with this, well, time for a new mechanic. Good luck, need more help, ask. And Bobby...use a small rubber hammer.
  5. Nice photos, fishing about as good as it gets.
  6. Yep, time flies rather quickly, dates marked on the calendar, excellent event.
  7. Usually the Serial # and Model # are on the Transom mount,(not easily removed) and the engine serial # somewhere on the block of the engine itself. I would think the motor may be a little "warm" to the touch.
  8. Yep, Rob runs a nice outfit, but, I froze my arse on the outdoor crapper, at -30 it's a bit rude. There's not much biting after dark anyway, we do the cottage on shore routine, nice warm relax, get fuzzy and don't have t hang your appendage out in that crazy cold.
  9. I think I can shoot a hole your theory about condensation in a tank(not all), simply because people don't close the vent screw on the filler cap. Therefore every time the surrounding air gets warmer and colder a small amount of air will be sucked back into the tank, ususally in the evening or night when the humidity is close to ground level, do that for a while and water will actually form in the tank. That's why a full tank with almost no air volume will have less condensate and a closer to empty tank will have more. Where's that condensate go, bottom of the tank to be sucked up by the fuel line. Anyway, my tank is empty, bone dry, and, the hose and primer have been emptied too. No point in shooting 6 month old gas into the carb next spring or gumming up the hose over the winter. Carbs have been emptied, and tomorrow when the filter gets replaced the remainder of the lines from the connector to the fuel pump and up will be drained too.
  10. Yes as long as they are fully charged and then disconnect the terminals, make sure the top of the battery and terminals are clean. A fully charged battery can survive -35C no problem. If you have the chance I would charge them at least once a month for a couple hours. Idle batteries sulfate, something like your brain, if you don't use it, it becomes fuzzy and useless.
  11. Go fish, as long as it's not pouring, I'm going in the morning for a couple hours.
  12. Brian said: "First I will tell you my feelings on the local doggers before I share my fav pic. I have expressed my feeling on dogging before,but what was happening on the opening day is crap and unsafe,as far as I am concerned. Using thier rifes to scare the deer. I dont care if they are shotting at the ground. This is unresponsible" "Unresponsible", that's the understatement of the hour. No wonder hunters get a bad rap when that kind of stuff goes on. Oh ya, the rest was a real nice photo report.
  13. Ha, I recognize that hill and isn't that the road out to sewell Lake(swamp), great hunting out there.
  14. No, no, "white bucketeers" use round buckets, you're safe.
  15. Rather than buying anything that we want but don't actually need, I think everyone who owes anything should be buying down their own debt. If you don't have the means, quit squandering just to keep up with the rest of the fools. I didn't buy my toys until I stepped out of the tunnel, never mind seeing the light at the end of it, that's just the train full of bankers that keep feeding you credit that you can't afford. Everyone wants a 52" plasma screen, a this, a that, but hasn't got the pot to pizz in or the window to throw it out of. A little bit of self control works wonders, never mind trying to figure out which new credit card is going to pay off the last one you maxed out.
  16. Ya that's a good one, we have a grocery store in town that has hired a couple of people that have suffered from natures cruel ways, but, they are productive and always have a smile.
  17. Now that wouldn't be where it's warm all the time, is it.
  18. I wonder if scientists could genetically modify Salmon to eat nothing but those pesky little trout that don't amount to much...
  19. That's part of the problem, just like you can't legislate common sense, you can't legislate responsibility, it's always someone elses fault, why shouuld I or anyone else have to look out for someones inability to drive without having aphone glued to their head.
  20. Probably something to do with the famous Ford ignition switch dilemma, park it in your garage and you're taking chances on your house burning down. Ignition not turning off everyhting, relays on allowing heater, lights and anything else on relays to function.
  21. Something it also may affect is the ABS, different size tires, computer reads different wheel speeds and can activate the ABS when not needed.
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