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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Any idea what distance you cover in one second at 100km/h, probably not, and add the reaction time of about .75 sec for the average person that IS paying attention, so you may as well double that distance, a crap, too late, accidents already happened about 50 yards ago. As for GPS's, not saying all Pollocks are bad drivers but: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/afp/081024/oddi...ccident_offbeat To me you all sound like a bunch of women that are going to have their toys banished.
  2. Radio Shack The Source has(had) them 6 volt NiCd, Total Battery should also have them.
  3. I think there is a mistake in the regs, as far as I know it's open from the bridge in Meaford downstream through the harbour. Like usual, make changes to keep us wondering, it's now listed under zone 14 for open season all year. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/198842.pdf
  4. Are you making a portable or semi permanent(something you can easily take apart for off season storage)? I had an semi for 4 years out west, 8' x 7'10" x 6' high, peak roof, all parts were no bigger than 4' wide by 8' long or shorter depending on roof, floor or walls. Each wall was 2 pieces that would bolt together, roof in 2 pieces, floor in 2 pieces. With my 2 young boys it would take about 15-20 minutes to bolt together on the ice, using a battery powered drill and 1 wrench. 1/4" ply roof and walls, 1/2" floor on 2x4 frames for floor and 2x3 and 2x2 for the walls and roof. Pink Panther insulation and toasty warm at -40.
  5. Gona stir some "pooka" with that one, but it's still pretty funny, probably true too.
  6. And what do you do between snowstorms
  7. Okay, I'm calling bunk on this one, like I said above, my sons got a F/E 240, same model less pixels same power and can see a 1/4 oz jig or 1 inch spoon in 100' of water. Absolutely no need for for that kind of power unless yiour into the multi 100's of feet. Even my old X-40 tracks bottom and fish in deeper areas of Owen Sound, (down to 320') with no effort.
  8. Costco has the Michelin LTX M+S on sale for your Dakota for $205, includes balancing, on sale til about mid November.
  9. My son has a Fisheasy 240 and has no problem with using it in the deep part of L Simcoe at around 100', marks everything quite clear. He even uses it all winter, no problems.
  10. Ha, ha, ha, Meathead will sponsor you, and the civvy that works at Range Control, ha, ha, ha, ya, all those secret little pools, Deer Feeder, down behind the Cadet Camp, Tioga, hmmm any more..must be pointing at me. In all honesty, I only counted a handful of salmon this year, one of which was in the jaws of an Otter with his mate swimming alongside. If it's any indication of the years to come, I think the salmon fishery is pretty much pooched in the Notty/Pine. Even the rainbow are hiding somewhere else this year.
  11. 2400 watts, you trying to cook the fish before you catch them..
  12. Unless you're joshing, it's time for you to go Google a Pickeral.
  13. You want to find out if it's working correctly, Put a 1/4 oz jig on your line and slowly lower it down, close to where the transducer is. It should easily track it all the way to the bottom. Then slowly reel up, it should immediately show the jig coming up off the bottom. If it doesn't, the transducer may be pointed incorrectly, turn the unit sensitivity up a little bit at a time and see if it will track the jig, or, maybe your unit needs launching...and burnout on re-entry. I can follow a 1/4 oz jig down 100' with my old Lowrance, lift it 2 inches and it shows. Good luck. Oh ya, I trust my FF..100% for depth, there is not a fish finder out there that will identify species, it could be crayfish walking around down there or some loose weeds. When it tugs back, that's a fish.
  14. Only one problem, where do you want us to "dump" the dead bumpkins, far too many for our cemeteries..we would have to take them someplace else to dump. BTW, this is not the only place, have you ever travelled Cooks Bay on a sunday afternoon during the hardwater season, garbage, wine bottles, beer bottles, 50lb bag of potatoes half peeled, bunch of Winos that couldn't take their crud back home because the were probably too blitzed.
  15. I'm quite sure limeyangler wouldn't mind having a spare wench in his truck, don't know if he would share with his buddies or whether the wench would be strong enough to "pull" on anything. How about a winch. The last thing I'd want is some wench moaning and groaning about a truck being stuck 30k from nowhere.
  16. Wrong, and where does it say that you have to enter the derby? Don't want to enter the derby, don't, just pay your dues and catch the longest one, and then bite yourself for not having entered. Plunk your canoe in the river and fish, no fee for that.
  17. New Angler: Good to see things worked out for you. Those "Fish" symbols on your F/F are notorious for being everything and anything but fish. It could be Moby's apendage floating upwards if he was laying on his back. Turn off the Fish ID and then see what it shows. Matter of fact, next time you go out, and just sitting in the boat, jig a lure(spoon) or big jighead directly under the boat with the Fish ID on and see wat happens. Most likely your little fishies will appear on screen.
  18. Boy, I really wonder what some of you have stuck between the ears, after reading some of the comments, this one too, it's a wonder the world is in a state of turmoil. Why waste your gas bringing your garbage up north, it looks far more natural in Hamilton.
  19. Something a lot may not be aware of, all the extra clothes you wear along with boots, etc, act like an anchor once they get wet and trying to swim or get back to the surface is almost impossible. I fell into about 4' of water once with fleece pants boots and a heavy sweater, it was a real effort just to get up on shore. Wear the damm PFD.
  20. Yes, the blue zone is real deep water, around 300. I would start downrigging at 200' deep, one downriger down maybe 75, the other at 100' and continue trolling til you hit the deep water(300'). If there's any fish out there, you should be able to see them on the FF. Good luck.
  21. It was so bad this year, it may as well not even started, probably the lowest numbers ever.
  22. Call Primmum, part of TD Bank, they have always been the lowest for me and you don't have to have any other auto or home insurance with them.
  23. Big NO there on that last point, If I hear anything about the OPP showing, I'll send you a PM on it. Back to fishing..
  24. Don't quote me on it, but I do recall someone local mentioning the OPP hd been down there either last fall or the year before when that rule came into effect, whether charges were laid or not, I don't know, I'll ask around.
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