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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Well looks like someones going to have to do some schedule amending for next year, those pics just make it look soooo inviting.
  2. Well seeing as how it's a Merc, go and get 100 feet of 1/4 inch rope, you have this years anchor Seriously, put gas in tank, crank and get it going, check the cooling outflow point, chek plugs for cleanliness. Maybe install a new fuel filter, thats about it.
  3. Miss Walleye, do I eat it or put it back so she can spawn some more.
  4. Gives you a good feeling when the kids get those awards.
  5. I think it's the doel-fin I have, used on both the old Honda and the present one, 2 holes each side, 4 stainless 1/4 20 bolts and nylocs, still good after 12 years.
  6. Are the brake lights separate from the turn signals? If not, then it may be a faulty flasher, weak ground on that side or a bad connection at the light or where you spliced wires.
  7. If something ends up at an auction, then there may be a reason why it didn't sell before. Be real careful at that place, I've seen a lot of junk, boats sitting on trailers are sold separate from the trailer, boats that I wouldn't use to plant weeds in, etc. Then beware of the "bumpers", those slugs that help bump up the price, anyway, caveat emptor.
  8. Well, I think there's a couple more variables involved, the average knife will do well enough under the right circumstances, but I think a lot of guys think they may be Rapala's gift to filleting. I've seen some that fall into that category and make a fish fillet look like it was done with a Husqvarna 450 2 man chainsaw, both who had unsure footing.
  9. Do you have an eyeball in ypour pants, my fish/hunt card could be pink with purple polka dots for all I care, it rides in my wallet until the CO asks for it. It would be even cheaper to have it from a plain colour plastic, no graphics involved.
  10. A meathead for 25 years, (MP) and another 10 years as one of their civilian 911 dispatchers, then my cup ran over dealing with the retards of the world, my cat's up the tree...quit buying cheap catfood, she's pouting, ever see a cat carcass in the trees, no, they eventually fall down from hunger. 911, there's a racoon giving birth in the tree, can you contact the MNR(10:30pm) right away, leave the damm coon alone, they have been doing it without human interference for thousands of years. 911, someone stole my underwear, were you wearing them? No they were in the dryer, unattended personal Queens kit eh? Go compain to your Seargeant-Major in the morning, he'll rip you a new "O" ring for bothering us. Major snowstorm, can you go check the road to Barrie for my wife, she had to go for a coffee at Timmies, buddy, you should have your wife certified for Penetang, maybe check yourself in for having let her go on the roads in that weather. 5:30 am, Midland PD,(maybe it was Midland OPP) ya there's a UFO in the eastern sky, and what would you like me to do, have you certified for Penetang too, hell, it's just a couple of klicks up the road, go book yourself in, (planet Venus). And after 10 years of that, I got real lucky, work as a Range Patroller(Holdfast knows what that is), good job to make sure everyone is playing safe on live ranges on the Base. And no, I'm not joining back up to keep an eye on Holdfast, he can take care of himself. As a matter of fact one of his co-horts just finished today, maybe you know him, Luc Hopkins, Combat Engineer.
  11. Never wait before recharging, when you get home, recharge, the longer you wait the more damage you do to a battery, regardless of how much you used it.
  12. Okay, taking a bit of a shortcut, here goes: Fish on left is all exited, right fish says calm down, what happened, Lefty says, I'm swimming along and see this great big earthworm, so I launched myself on it, Righty says, then what. Lefty, all of a sudden that earthworm launched me right out of the water, an earthworm did that, ya. Then what? There's a guy with a moustache(Lew) and a hat who put me in a bucket, and I see my Uncle, he's in bad shape in the bucket. I figured I better do something to get out of there, so I looked up at Lew and looked him square in the eye and said I'm a magic fish, you put me back and I'll get you a pick up truck, so Lew drops him back into the water and swims back down, Right fish says where are you going to get him a truck, Lefty says, I sucked Lew in pretty bad eh? The camera pans up to Lew and, Brian on the right says what did you do that for? Lew says, the fish talked to me, says he's a magic fish and he going to get me a truck. You really think so? Lew says I'm telling ya, that's what the fish said.....end and pssst and beer opening. That sounds like it was made somewhere around Dabluz's region. Although it might be Lew and Brian, the names are fictious to protect the innocent...or something like that.
  13. Ya, go stand a little closer to your cactus,
  14. This is a small upscale restaurant where the employees are expected to toe the line when it comes to appearance. The owners gave her ample warning of the outcome, she chose to do otherwise. Her employemnt was not terminated, rather deferred until she grew her hair back or wore a wig. All of the other employees stood behind the owners, citing it is a good place to work, none had any gripes about the outcome. If I was to take my other half to a quaint little spot, I would expect the staff to be properly groomed. As for those wondering if they serve bald headed guys, that's a "natural" occurance, similar to a person who may be undergoing a medical treatment. Many of the locals also stood behind the owners. Again to me it's nothing more than a media act, those that don't want to eat there, that's fine too. The employer makes reasonable rules, abide by them otherwise go look for other employement.
  15. Don't want to sound offishbut, if you say voltage means nothing, then why are you quoting voltage while conducting a load test? Testing battery fluid to check specific gravity at a certain temp also works and, at the same instant, those voltages pretty much fall in line with the specific gravity of the battery.
  16. For forrest, I can't access the link from work, but generally Schumacher chargers are okay, For Gerritt, Gell and AGM's also have different specs for charging, don't quote me, but if I remember right, GELL cells must be charged at a slightly lower voltage, otherwise they fry very quickly with irreparable damage. And for Roy, good link and info.
  17. Wrong, wrong, wrong...Any respectable battery shop will tell you not to regularly go below 50% discharge, 80% at the very most. The further you discharge, the worse it gets. Batteries only have so many cycles in life from full to empty, the more you fully discharge them, the less cycles you have to use. Deep cycles will also sulfate(crystals) which prevent complete recharging and holding of a charge. Never charge your battery at more than C10(10 % of battery capacity) doing so overheats the plates. Get a 3 stage automatic float charger.
  18. Unfortunately your battery is toast, after what you describe, the way to check resting voltage, full charge, let it sit for a day and it should go no lower than than 12.65 volts. Here is an easy chart to see the voltage percentage, although at 80F, it will be a bit less at lower temps. First column is percentage, second is specific gravity, third is voltage. TABLE 1. State of charge as related to specific gravity and open circuit voltage Percentage of Charge Specific Gravity Corrected to 80o F Open-Circuit Voltage 12V 100 1.277 12.73 90 1.258 12.62 80 1.238 12.50 70 1.217 12.37 60 1.195 12.24 50 1.172 12.10 40 1.148 11.96 30 1.124 11.81 20 1.098 11.66 10 1.073 11.51
  19. The thing is that "tips" were originally intended "to insure prompt service" in the food industry, maybe the clients aren't the "cheap" dude's" as someone else mentioned above, maybe the Captains the cheap pr---(thorn) for not adequately paying their employees.
  20. Spruce will rot again, get cedar, not that much more expensive and then go and get some of those UHDP plastic strips. BPro has them, I think the name is Glyde Sticks. I have them on mine, an easy tap on the brakes or push on the bow and off the boat slides. All carpeting does is retain water and makes the wood rot faster.
  21. Well that just shows the amazing talents out there, congrats, man that's better than the fishing shows on TV.
  22. I don't believe Optimax oil is made specifically for those engines, it would be an astronomical expense for Mercury to foot the start up bill for that. If the engine requires(for example TC-W3 oil or other specs), then any other oil brand that meets or exceeds those particular specs is also suitable. Find the specs in your user book for the motor and go from there. I use synthetics for both 2 and 4 stroke, never had a problem with fouling, smoking etc.
  23. Maybe I'm on the wrong track here, but I was under the greatest impression that a "tip" or "tips" were a gratuity "to insure promptness" or "to insure prompt service" that service normally provided by the waiter/waitress. It seems like the hairdresser, the manicurist, and a host of others "should" all get a tip. What about your car mechanic that keeps your wheels turnin' or heaven forbid the Doctor that keeps you healthy, heck he should get the biggest tip. If those that can't pay their bills and employees on what they charge, then maybe they should charge more up front and quit bothering us with outstretched palms. If I take a charter and catch a fish, I've paid for the trip, if I don't catch any fish, ya don't see no return of funds for lousy conditions(fish not biting) Just a thought.
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