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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Well, that is an unfortunate happening, never know when the stern wave gives you a little push or wave action gets you, docking speed is always, dead slow.
  2. Ya, that's pretty much a gift, check the lower unit oil for any water contamination and pull the prop off and make sure there's no fishing line in behind it. Otherwise, they are a nice little putt putt.
  3. I'll second that, also good for monitoring portable generator hours for maintenance.
  4. I can't find the reasoning in stating the "difference in power" between a 2 or 4 stroke, if they both put about 50 HP, then by all rights the boat should go pretty much the same speed, whether it takes an extra second or two with a 4 stroke to get up to speed, but that's about it. A 2 stroke may be faster from start and the 4 a bit heavier, but not to cause that much difference. I drive a Honda 25 on a 16' Princecraft and have no trouble hitting 40km/h(25mph)
  5. Ever think that if they don't answer the phone, maybe they have call display and they don't want to talk to whomever is calling. Texting costs too much, real simple, don't use it. What did people do 25 years ago, they weren't on the phone all day, they were actually WORKING instead of pizzing the day away. Kids weren't on the phone either, they were playing or doing homework.
  6. Yes, after remaining in the background on this one, you'd be surprised how many barrack room lawyers and Harry Kopitos are out there that have "heard" things and give out bogus info when dealing with the law. It would probably be to their advantage to listen and read rather than spout about the bovine manure they don't know jack s___ about.
  7. I double dare you to find a difference in tire pressure with the boat on or off the trailer. I mounted my car tires on the rim, inflated them to 32 psi, then put the new tires/rims on the car and guess what, yup, still 32 psi.
  8. Shoot, shoulda splained it better, ya you're right, the electric starter won't engage or activate, but you can still turn it by hand or pull starter, it's sort of like another tether cord switch. And I want to know the outcome too...
  9. That's just a magnetic interlock electric switch, nothing mechanical to stop the engine from turning.
  10. Seeing as how you have eliminated a bunch of the potential caues, hydro or oil lock(liquid in the cylinder above the piston), starter out of the way and not engaged. The Fwd/N/Rev is not stuck, you said that moved, so the gear case is not part of the problem. Is the rubber timing belt off or so loose that the camshaft may have jumped and you have piston/valve interference?
  11. They are Cdn and US plates with different weights and person capacity.
  12. Noooooooo, fillet it out, it tastes like .
  13. Well Cliff, you must have eaten some "mellow cherios" this morning, I guess I would have applied a "little more bumper" to his boat to keep it from banging into mine. There's all sorts out there.
  14. As long as there was some water getting through, there is no damage done. It's if you run it dry or nothing at all is coming out after a minute or so, then the motor will overheat and maybe seize. Changing an impeller on those is pretty easy, should be 4-5 bolts under the cavitation plate, and undoing the shift linkage, slide the lower unit off, take off the 2 bolts that hold the impeller cover on, slide it up off the driveshaft, pull out the old impeller and replace. It will be tight. Add a plop of vaseline, it will provide sufficient lube. re align everything and bolt back together. Might not hurt to blow compressed air backwards through the water outlet under the motor, it might remove some old chunks of the old rubber. It probably wouldn't hurt to smear the splined end of the driveshaft with some anti seize before replacing. Some carbon up so bad, they won't come apart without a real beating, Good luck.
  15. Well I didn't say that you said to throw it away, just lots of folks would junk it before they made the effort to repair it. Matter of fact, my 35 year old Kenmore is slowly dying, keeping my eye out for another old beater to make easy repairs.
  16. Now there's part of societies problem fill the dumps rather than fix it, especially at the price he paid initially. Your local dry cleaners is another spot to check. Some of the attendants do that work right in the shop.
  17. Goes up $50, I don't think so, $9.95 for shipping, $3.50 for broker, and another $5.56 for GST/PST for a total of $47. Half price compared to here.
  18. If you're in the boat by yourself and it won't stay on plane at 1/2 to 2/3 throttle then like the rest said, underpowered, should be at least a 35-40 HP on the back(75% rule of boat power required) If the dealers lips were moving, he is full of _____. Your livewell full of water by any chance?
  19. Not to qestion Ontarios quality/quantity of fish, but Manitobas more northerly lakes are definitely worth the trip. I made two trips to Clearwater Lake east of The Pas in June 93 and 94, it is nothing to catch 50+ lakers a day and pike till your arms fall off. You fish from sun up to sundown, 0400 to 2200, doesn't leave much time for sleep.
  20. If the gas vent is plugged, just leave the cap lose next time you try it. I had a similar problem on a chain saw, ran like stink for 3-4 minutes then died, let it sit for 1/2 an hour and it woud go again for 3-4 minutes...bad sparkplug.
  21. In the river for starts, you think I'm going to tell you the secret where they are, then I'd have to kill you, 'cause the next thing, the river would be infested....with people.
  22. Confirmed, one caught a number of years ago(not by me), weighed in at just over 100 lbs. Since then there have been a few others. Different sections of the river hold different species.
  23. Dr. PHIL...what was he thinking... May as well take up basket weaving.
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