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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Okay, time for the proverbial monkey wrench , everything is good and stable on terra firma, but I imagine that the plane bobs up and down a tiny bit and the canoe empty will ride at a certain level and when you get in, (not saying yer a lard butt) but then the canoe goes down a bit, will the square holes for the rack accomodate that much movement up and down? f it was just holes on one side probably wouldn't matter but the rack bars go right through to the other side, catch my drift.
  2. Honestly, as long as I put my stuff back dry(sun/wind dried), with that little foam block, I had no rust in the tackle box. It expired a few years back, never thought of getting another, maybe not a bad idea considering the price of lures today. I wonder if that would work in yer underwear Here's the link: http://www.4zerust.com/products.php?c=42&p=76
  3. If I'm not mistaken, those little strips are callled "Z-Rust" , I had one that looked like a little square of foam with some oil residue in it.
  4. The only thing I can relate is when I bought my 1984 7.5 Honda, it was still brand new in 1987, just old stock. They make a series of motors to cover a few years and sold as the year they are bought. It was the one with the blue leg and yellow prop, excellent motor, had it for 9 years, never let us down.
  5. I've found there's no hard and fast rule for morels, we find some in the hardwood stands,(maple) and have found some around pine forests.
  6. They are coming out slowly, another week or so..
  7. Definitely worth doing the research, apparantely it takes a while for the toxin to take effect.
  8. Nice camera however I would like a bit more optical zoom than only 3X.
  9. Nice of you to explain the ins and outs of the technical terms, amounts, results and elimination. I gave up a while back cause there there too many people who heard something from the media or a friend that was "in the know".
  10. Maybe call a couple of the tree cutters, they will know of a supplier.
  11. Good piece of info Spooner jr, may save some trailering folks some grief.
  12. Well there ya go, I will guess the price dictates which direction you are going. As for the hardwood not allowing the big transom clamps to hold, once you have the wood in place in the boat, mount the motor(get your mind outa the gutter) and mark where the clamps meet the wood, draw circles around the clamp feet, remove the motor and with either an appropriate sized Forstner bit or if you have a good spade bore, make two 1/8th inch deep depressions in the wood, the clamps won't slide or let the motor move. As for all the votes for marine ply, I'm sure some wouldn't know what it was if a handfull of splinters zapped them in the arse.
  13. Ah, go check the registration for the trailer, it will have all of your info on it, why would it remain in someone elses name?
  14. Is that dog of yours humpin that basketball..
  15. Unless you can get a part sheet of marine ply I would go with a full 1 inch slab of oak. You may have to find a lumber mill that carries rough cut and have them plane it down to the required thickness. Cut it to fit using the old piece as a template, drill all the holes required and then give it 2-3 good coats of water sealer especially around the holes and end grain. I've done a few for friends and have had no problems of any rot. I have a 1" maple slab 8" wide, 6' long with the downriggers mounted on it, every other year it gets a coat of water sealer, 12 years in the boat and solid as new.
  16. I use the black nylon ones, about 4 inches long, bolted through the transom and one on the bow plate, they've been on the boat for 12 years, used stainless bolts and nyloc nuts, 16' boat.
  17. I don't think in this instance we're talking about whaling 1/2 pound musky lures around the marina, this is just sitting in the boat with a rod/reel, bobber hook and a splitshot in about 8-10 feet deep water catching a few good perch and maybe a tagged one. If the conditions (wind/waves) would have caused us to drift towards the slip and boats, I wouldn't have gone there. It was calm, no waves and required the bare minimum of boat control to keep from moving around.
  18. No solo, you aren't the only one, I do the majority of the shopping local because the store's open 24/7 and, I figure it's better to have the items you want with you, rather than not being able to find or get them en route or at your destination.
  19. Oh my god, what do you do when it comes to bedroom fun.
  20. Well, not the best morning by any stretch of the imagination, fished out in the open area, in close to shore, by the Narrows, very, very few fish. Went in by one of the Marinas on the north side of the Narrows, not anchored, some guy came out and gave us a tongue lashing, claims they own the land under the water. I will follow up on that. Then the thunderstorm started, get back to the launch, what a disaster, I swear I'll never go to that derby again on weekends, too many idiots that can't understand launch etiquette and haven't got a clue how to back up, launch or retieve a boat. To top it off, CRACK, lightening hit the transformer pole right outside the weigh station across the road at Perch HQ, half deaf from that strike. Fish tonight..no I'm having a couple of bratwurst, and they will taste good whether they like it or not.
  21. Had a BF, only needed if it's work truck.
  22. Now I gotta find someone who'll pump up my ballon tires wit helium..
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