It's the conceived thought that the US currency should be higher and the twits of the world that are investing money there. For us, in one way it's better to have our currency a little lower to keep mfgr sales up, on the other hand, who wants to invest here when our looney is low. Personally I would rather see the interest rate rise a bit, keep the retards from further senseless spending, lower the rate, the ones without purse string will just keep spending wildly. My wife just related a good story to me last night, husband and wife buy an extra large house, 5bedroom, 4 poopers, etc, etc, now they can't pay for it, she's cut to 1/2 time, he goes to a lower paying job, he's got a honkin big truck (as a stereo installer), she's got a big SUV. Maybe live within your means to start off with, eh? Now where do you find sympathy...?