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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. That's strange, why would my manual indicate that up to 10% ethanol use is allowed if the hoses are not ethanol resistant? Mines 17 years old with no sign of degradation.
  2. I'm thinking of getting one of the infra red game cameras. Reason being apparentely humans don't see the flash of the IR LEDS at night. Some cretin keeps stealing our chopped up wood at the campground and needs to be dealt with. Any info or help would be appreciated.
  3. I'd say that ruling is nuts, you could end up with a hugh tree overshadowing your property with absolutely no recourse. I don't mean to denude the landscape, but some trees become so encombering to cover somebody elses property that they can't enjoy. Ya, I know that's what insurance is for when a tree falls on your house, but, there's a lot more aggravation to have to go through the repairs than getting rid of a tree and planting some more elsewhere.
  4. Common Fox snake, see here. If you get up close you'll see it has a round pupil, non venemous. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_snake
  5. When I mentioned the power tools, it was because we had used the Bolo style, I thought I was on a weight reduction program and that was my punishment.
  6. Many moons ago I had the right side top leaf break right at the edge of the shorter one underneath, fortunately it was behind the axle so it was still connected to the trailer by the front shackle and bolt. No damage except to the tire, it was right under the fender and the fender bolts ate into the rubber but not enough to deflate the tire. I managed to get a piece of 2x4 on edge between the frame and axle to get enough clearance. That was a simple 2 leave spring, only a small 14 foot aluminum with a 7.5hp. Off to Princess Auto in Brandon, about $25 later and 2 new sets of springs and back to fishing. I guess I was a bit more lucky, but I do look for stress crackswhere the leaves sit one over the other.
  7. Better be good steak and taters otherwise the fence might be a bit snakey and the porch a bit on a tilt... Oh ya, and don't get the guy with the glasses, his fences are crooked..
  8. What Freshtrax said, along with a Stihl or equivalent gas powered weed wacker with the saw blade. I do a fair bit of brush clearing where we work, however I'm not under the "time restraint and money factor". If the boss took away my gas pole saw or weed wacker, I don't clear brush. You can rent the items required along with safety gear, chaps, helmet and goggles. And yes, you must wear underwear with the chaps. The mosquitos and horseflys will bug you otherwise.
  9. I will definitely agree with that, last two nights got the upstairs back down to 21-22C. I have a fan that looks like a motor off Waynes plane, just about as noisy, but does that sucker push air..
  10. I had visions of a booby fish in the middle of the screen..she has potential for a real fishing girl show.
  11. Is he allowed to drive on regular roads? Please let us know when, so we can avoid him and his train of thoughts.
  12. I hear ya, it seems like it's going t be one of those summers that wasn't. I don't think we have had one decent rain free weekend since way back in the spring months. Sun goes down friday night and shows back up sunday afternoon.
  13. Hey Brian, the only thing I didn't have was a great big box of Tide otherwise it would have been the foamiest place to be. 50mm(2") in 30 minutes, Couple of intersections and plazas were flooded but nothing like Toronto. I can just see the Pine and Notty tomorrow, Angus to the beach in 10 minutes....
  14. Hey, it's sunday night, the icecream buckets empty, no chips, the wife won't hold still,....
  15. Well I'm sure Roy meant with the rope, another kinda hard to hold the anchor and boat when your more than an arms length apart..
  16. It says either, both not required, but, it doesn't hurt, kinda hard to anchor a boat with a paddle or row ith an anchor...
  17. Only one is needed. http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/debs-obs-equipment-size-menu-690.htm
  18. Don't know how much you want to spend, I picked this one up at radioworld last year, reasonably priced, excellent reception and sound. http://radioworld.ca/jhd910-heavy-duty-p-8979.html West Marine also carries this one, quite reasonablehttp://www.westmarine.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?productId=998798&catalogId=10001&langId=-1&storeId=11151&storeNum=50157&subdeptNum=50197&classNum=50202#.UdX_bayYFDA,
  19. One of these days...it's gonna get ugly, like real ugly.
  20. I did a quick google, "black lines on LCD TV", seems samsung is the worst by the amount of compalints but other brands are also susceptable. It appears bad connections to the screen seems to be the major fault.
  21. Is there a flat screwdriver slot in the end of the shaft by the wingnut? Stick a screrwdriver in there while turning the wingnut.
  22. Drain the tank and give it a good shot of seafoam, let it sit in the tank for a couple days, add regular gas. Honda carbs have small jets that can clog quite easily, even from stabilized gas. It will probably smoke like a locomotive for a bit until all the crap is burned out. My honda manual said to store them empty. 6 years old and one pull starts, same plug.
  23. Okay, do you have $16,000 to spend with no regards to the final outcome and happiness,(like a rich person) if so, go for it. If you don't have that kind of money to loose, or not liquid cash, I suggest you do your homework with what was said earlier from others above. The first shiniest thing you see may not be the brightest after a week or two. Jumping in with both feet not knowing how deep the hole is or can become, can drown you.
  24. Ya, wouldn't surprise me. Like a lot of other junk we we ram into the dumps like swiffers, facial cloths, handi wipes, etc, for the lazy sake of convenience. Drugs that we consume and expel that go to the local sewage treatment but can't be filtered out. Plastic by the thousands of tonnes that litter nature. It's endless.
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