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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. If I remember I'll see if I can get some of their "work". They make a madman with a chainsaw on steroids look weak.
  2. Hopefully they come up with an update..at their cost. Lowrance used to be great right out of the box, I think it falls out of the box now.
  3. Unless it's fibreglass, the last thing you want is a roller trailer, that came direct from the boat dealer. He said(which made perfect sense to me) that the surface area that supports the hull compared to bunks is way too small, you end up with a couple of square inches compared to a couple of square feet on bunks.
  4. That's the one I can never get, the dragonfly catching a mosquito.
  5. Your battery tender plus puts out about 1.25 amps and even after 48 hours it has only supplied about 60 amps back to the battery. They will get hot because it's going like mad to trying to recharge. The battery tender plus is more of a maintenance charger after a regular sized 10-15 amp charger is done fully charging the battery.
  6. Thanks Dan, I was on hands and knees picking weeds, when it moved I just about moved like a cat on a hot tin roof. Got the camera, took the shot. Went back out about half hour later no snake or toad, nature had its way. It's an ancient Fuji 2800 about arms length from the action.
  7. I figure getting up 5 minutes earlier to load the rods, reels, tacklebox and F/F is worth it compared to the major hassle if someone breaks into the vehicle and steals it.
  8. Hahaha, I'm sure things tasted a bit phissy.
  9. What happens when you aren't paying attention.
  10. Maybe do a bit of research on your particular size of motor/year to see if there are a bunch of unhappy owners. A lot of the extended warranties only line the pockets of the provider.
  11. Don't know if many or any of you out there frequent this place on highway 26 at Craigleith, just past Collingwood. There's an access area right off the highway that a lot of rainbow anglers use spring, fall and winter for "surf casting" to catch the elusive bows. During the summer the area is used by swimmers that sometimes can't afford the cost to go for a day pass next over inthe provincial park. MTO who owns the shorefront has arbitrarily closed this off, citing some things like too much garbage and doing a study for highway improvement. Baloney. They just trying to screw the land based or mobility impaired angler out of one of the very few accessable spots. There's been some noise on TV and calling the local reps. Ther's also a link that provides access to the generic petition, we need the support. Thanks for reading. http://www.change.org/petitions/stop-the-closure-of-shale-beach
  12. Yep, kids that fish aren't robbing little old ladies and not sitting on the sofa exercisig their thumbs.
  13. Nice, just out of curiosity, am I seeing regular 2x10 spruce joists everywhere? I thought the new fad was all the engineered joists, or is it an expense thing?
  14. You didn't get the punch line.. I think your's is more like 1800 watt, not 1800 kw(kilowatt) or 150Amps/120V AC, far more than enough to power a whole house. If is is that strong and small it must be nuclear powered.
  15. And just how small is your 1800kW generator?
  16. Now if you drove a Cummins with an oar, you just put it in 6th and forgetaboutdit, mickey mouse exlax
  17. Have you looked into renting, a lot of the shops now rent out the quiet Hondas or Yamaha gennies.
  18. A 1000W genny is more than sufficient. Remember that it's about a 10:1 ratio 120 V AC to 12 V DC. A common 10 amp 12DC charger will only take less than 2 amps at 120 V AC to accomplish this even considering inefficient conversion. A 1000W genny will give you about 8 amps at 120 V AC, far more than enough. If it's in the eco mode, you won't even hear it running.
  19. Generally you can calculate the output of a solar panel by dividing the stated watts by 12volt to get the amps. 15 watt solar dividied by 12 = about 1.1 amps max under the most ideal conditions. A 60 watt panel divided by 12 would put out a max of 5 amps under the best conditions. If it's the least bit cloudy, forgettaboutdit. And, no charging at night no matter how big your flashlight is.
  20. Some of the larger RV shops will carry that item.
  21. Jigs you can do that, plug the panel into one battery at a time, but, it's pretty much a waste of time. Unless you are running 60-100watts of solar, it's more hassle than happyness. Solars are meant more for stationary items
  22. Bring a small genny and your batter charger. The smallest genny will have enough power to run your average 10 amp charger.
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