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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Let me know Brian, I'll let the neighbour know.
  2. Unless you're a duck, it doesn't look too good for the weather, right miserable.
  3. You got that right Everyone needs to face reality, and I don't mean reality shows. Life is mean and unless you strive to get ahead, the tiger is going to eat you.
  4. The only problem the youngster will find is "fitting in" with the rest of the class average age. We had about 8 kids in our class that skipped grade 4. No effort for the learning curve, just you didn't belong becuase of age. I'd be more tempted to give her something she can handle out of school to keep her interested.
  5. Ya, but I'm like a bear cub, lack of coordination could keep me going round and round.
  6. Costco doesn't charge for annual rotation or balancing either.
  7. Roy put up a a bit of humour, all I did was add a bit too it, it's raining, my new motor doesn't have a prop yet and be dammed if I'm rowing.
  8. I have too much to do today. Busier than a 3 legged cat burying a turd on a frozen pond. I'll be back sometime today to add my 2 cents to this thread. In the meantime, food for thought: Ours is the busiest fishing community in Canada (real numbers) so we should all be proud as contributors to our success. Those who don't like it here ahhh what can I say, you're still here so I'm not worried. Anyhow, gotta get some stuff done, back as soon as I can. That was at 0756 this morning, can someone go help Roy bury that turd, it's 1350 now and haven't heard back from him yet. Maybe he was licking his paws clean and got stuck to the ice..
  9. Well I guess I'll have to say I'm sorry I started the other thread and caused somebody to have a "big yawn".
  10. Remember way back some poor sod got the stuffing whaled out of him in Barrie and fortunately it was caught on tape. Initially charged for assualting a PO, when the tape surfaced, things were reversed. He's going to visit Bubba for a year, justice served.
  11. Dry concrete ramps don't pose much of a problem, if they're wet or loaded with algae or slime, it can be tricky, frozen ramps can be hair raising. Gravel/dirt ramps depending on how hard they're packed can be a real hit and miss. If you're set on a 2wd, make sure it has a limited slip or locking rear end. Then invest in a couple of traction pads and a stout recovery strap, usually someone will find it in their heart to pull you out so the next person can launch/retrieve.
  12. Picture this: A short box Chevy with one of those drop in plastic liners. Then comes the load, no ropes or straps, I'm conservatively estimating about a dozen sheets of chipboard, a little less than a dozen sheets of something else(maybe drywall), a bunch of looong 2x4's, 2x6's 4x4's, a "few" bundles of shingles, strategically placed at the rear of the load topped off with at least 4 of those big cement deck blocks with the cross in the top. I guess the deck blocks were to "hold down" the shingles and keep them from flying away at highway speed. Here we are, me following this jaboni westbound down Tiffin St and onto highway 90 westbound, neither road is smooth by any stretch of the imagination, every little bump has this truck porpoising up and down near doing wheelies. The light turns red at 90 and 27 at the Garden gallery, fortunately there's a double straight lane/right turn lane I get into to get past this guy. Light turns green, I roll off, Jaboni gets on the gas, a very loud wham/slap and does the best executed combat download I've ever seen. Dumped the whole load pretty much in the intersection. I wonder, if the load would have stayed in the truck if he would have attached an oversize red flag on the back? Did I stop to help him, nope, you just can't help stupid..
  13. It's long overdue for a revolution, time to roll out the guillotine.
  14. Rip van Winkle woke up, he'll be number 3001 in line when the doors open next year... Brian and I will be the welcome wagon at the door after we spend all our money...
  15. 0000 oiled Steel wool in a zip lock bag, lights with a match and burns hot and fast. Dryer lint, it's loaded with wax from the dryer sheets.
  16. I'll help with the funding..but only if it's a one way ticket.
  17. No, the lie-ons would probably gag trying to eat them. Stuff them into the gas plant and make cheaper heat, after all, they're full of hot air.
  18. Hope your snowblower eats a toronto yellow pages book..
  19. Once it's skinned, the meat's the same colour. End of story.
  20. Hmmm, it's electronics, new yesterday, obsolete today, more new stuff tomorrow. The older TV signals were NTSC and as of about 2 years ago were switched over to ATSC for off air broadcasting, get more channels for the same bandwidth. Analog to digital conversion in short form. Maybe it's possible to record it onto a camcorder and convert that to a digital signal for ipad/ipod.
  21. Don't know about recording to an eye patch, but it says this here in the manual: Video Out — The “Video Out” jack is for connecting your Aqua-View to a hand-held camcorder, or to a larger external monitor. Your Aqua-Vu will work with any camcorder or any monitor that accepts the NTSC video signal, and has a standard “Video-In” jack. Use any RCA-style patch cord that comes with most camcorders (also available at most consumer electronics stores.) For external video recording, plug one end of the cord into the “Video Out” jack on the Aqua-Vu; plug the other end into the “Video-In” jack on your camcorder. You can now watch your Aqua-Vu monitor and record at the same time. I'm thinking at maybe the signal type, NTSC may not be compatable with some recorders.
  22. -Fisherman, this unit is fairly small...I think anyways. Its really not that bigs at all. Overall when its in the soft case its about the same size as a car battery id say. Once opened up its even more compact. I did see those smaller units at BassPro last night as well (not exactly the one you linked) and the cable is bloody flimsy it just feels weak. Its close to 18ga thermostat wire. I think the one you linked has a bigger screen, but the ones they had there last night were very tiny screens. Similar to an i phone. I'll agree, it's pretty thin cable, so far I haven't heard of anyone breaking off or having a pike swallow the camera.
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