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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. How about particularly. Merry Christmas..
  2. Merry Christmas to all in whatever denomination you belong. Brian, I don't think I've caught myself smiling in a long time.
  3. I've got a bro in Scarboro, haven't heard from him yet, phone rings busy along with all his neighbours. Maybe have to do a mercy run down there with the Honda tomorrow.
  4. Hard to believe there's still a large number of folks out there in the GTA without power. Don't know how long the average house would go before thing start to freeze up.
  5. Sponge bath..bah..just wiggle your way through the snowbank barebutt..be a man.
  6. Good info, but I sure hope that the wifi and ipad/ipod(whatever runs off battery). Been trying to call my bro but his phone isn't hardwired through Bell.
  7. Is that FF hosing down the power line? Ya, another 3-4 inches of snow a thin crust of ice and that's it.
  8. Well we have audio and video, thank god there's no smello meter attached to the computer. Cardamom cookies, where did I put last years recipe. Got to try my hand at cinnimon rolls again, but not that pilsbury junk.
  9. Nice old sled, easy to work on and light enough to throww over your shoulder and carry it home if it dies.
  10. Health cards are not allowed to used as ID. http://A health card cannot be accepted as valid photo ID in many cases because of the Personal Health Information Protection Act
  11. Checked both Z11 regs and special extra's makes no such mention S50.
  12. Do you have incoming gamma rays or are you getting ready for next year hallowe'en, just curious. What are they for?
  13. Cliff, run the genny power through a UPS(not the guy in the brown truck, he might dance funny), they clean the power up to make it like commercial power.
  14. What you see when you don't have a videocam. Putting along at work tonight on the snowmobile alongside the fenceline, I see a car coming in the distance, kinda weavingn a bit, I stop. As the car gets closer, I can see the head of the driver is down, (texting shall we guess), and it keeps coming and coming into the curve and then PLOOF into the snowbank. Even during the PLOOF into the snowbank, she didn't break her fixation from the phone or ipad ipod whatever the jeeze she was cranking on. Window rolls down, I ask are you okay, oh like yaaa. You have a phone I ask and up pops the hand with the phone.....dizzy, dizzy, dizzy. Another 50 feet and she would have kissed a major hydro pole and I be stuck doing F/A and having to write a report.
  15. Ya, that puts another twist on Chets nuts roasting over an open fire. Lucky to be alive.
  16. Probably a good idea, wonder if they have different scents for different species. Didn't show much on the website.
  17. Went to Hoffmans in Stayner this morning, loaded up on on smoked ham, beef rouladen, pepperettes and a bunch of other goodies. Came home, off to the garage, mixed a litre of gas for the old auger, 3 primes, 2nd pull and it awoke from its off season slumber. Not bad for a 20+ year old Jiffy.
  18. Well you got three out of four, no more printer. The last one was used may 3 times a year, the ink dried up and cost more than the darn printer, otherwise I would have gone that route. Anyway, 3 more years before I get to rant about that one again..
  19. A week and a half ago I went to the one in Barrie, 10 wickets, 7 tellers or agents. 6 were for healt cards and D/L. 1 was there for fish/hunt licence renewal. I stood there while she dealt with a welfare scam artist. I even asked if any of the others were cross trained, it was like I was asking for the impossible..that's why I think of them as Beans.
  20. There was mention of ice on a small lake close to Barrie, the next day you couldn't find a parking spot..
  21. I'd probably have a couple more explicit explitives that we're not allowed to post. Or get out the special rod with the 20# test and airplane jig.
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