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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Like one of these: https://www.google.ca/search?q=ice+fishing+spreader&client=firefox-a&hs=78N&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=fflb&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=ZmDcUs7CA-y_sQTNjYG4Aw&ved=0CCsQsAQ&biw=955&bih=714
  2. When the wife sneaks in seconds while I wasn't looking and then she looks like a squirrel with cheeks full of nuts, it has to be good. Thanks.
  3. Making a Tourtiere a la Saguenay. When it miserable out and the fish don't want to come for supper, you get out some deer, moose, bunny and pork, potatoes, onions and garlic. Roll out the pastry into the big blue roaster, add the ingredients, cover with more pastry and slow bake for 5 hours.
  4. Exactly, had one hell of a time trying to convince the bank all I wanted was a card with $500 limit for eBay use and the like. If need be, I can up the limit over the phone and reduce it when I'm done.
  5. Just a handful of perch today and a pesty humongous school of herring. Nice sled.
  6. Definitely hard to mistake the m'stach on Lew, just like the big furry guy, big Chevy 4x4. Spelling
  7. I'll leave that one to Mother Nature, it can come as swift as the middle of April or as tardy as the first week of May.
  8. Oh my, Brian has aged. And my radar is telling me there's some incoming...
  9. Couple weeks before ice out to a couple weeks after, then they cruise off for deeper water. Sometimes you get lucky at the Orillia Derby, but that's been hit and miss the last couple of years.
  10. I used to belong to the church of the red haired clown, then I got too fat. Now I believe in Mother Nature.
  11. If there wasn't any money to be made from relgion, it sure wouldn't exist. Church is one of the richest groups in the world and what other issues do they hide.
  12. Steelhead.....some people have trouble pronouncing rainbow.
  13. Imagine if there was no religion at all. No more having to turn the other cheek, worrying about the other guy that wants to bump you off because you're an infidel, no more being told worshiping idols even though that one does pretty much the same thing. No more my idols better than your idol. Don't have to worry about heaven and hell because nobody invented it. And best of all, imagine half the holidays that could be cancelled and more work would be done. Unfortunately you'd have to take time off work to go fishing.
  14. So I'm not the only one that thinks their smell is a bit like cucumber
  15. We have 2 new Arctic Bearcat snowmobiles at work, other than comfortable seats and handwarmers, they are the worst machine I have ever used. Electronic instrument cluster is a "cluster". Have you ever seen 11:77 on a digital clock? Odometer adds 100km after going maybe 5 km. Thumb warmers don't. Steering is like trying to parallel park the Titanic. They don't float or ride on top of the snow, they plow through like a submarine. Fuel use is a disaster, 35-40 litres to go 40 km. I wouldn't even give one to my worst enemy for fear of them coming back and finding me.
  16. Check at Princess Auto, they have a variety of big plastic threaded knobs that might do the trick.
  17. For this effort, we have a lot of patience.
  18. That's probably the biggest factor. I've seen enough guys doing the 1,2,3...101,102 pulls or running the starter til the batteries dead with black anchors. Obviously some is due to no/lack of maintenance. My Honda ran without a hiccup for 16 years and then needed some gasket work and a thermostat. The mechanic that did it was amazed at the inner workings, still like new, almost no wear. That motor is in the garage and waiting for one of the boys to get a boat. I wanted to get another larger Honda(40) but the dealer I used before seemed to be having more interest in goofing around with his buddies in the shop. I went to the local Yamaha dealer, appropriately welcomed, clued into the brand differences and bought the same size 40HP for about $1000 less than Honda with better features. The electronic idle/troll control was one of the features Honda didn't have nor did the Honda 40 come in a tiller model, it's an accessory. Reliability was excellent with the Honda, unfortunately they are falling behind with the upgrades. Hopefully this Yamaha will keep me happy as long as the Honda did.
  19. May you can get her to focus on tenderizing some bad steak instead..
  20. Maybe all the tree huggers in the city will now understand you don't plant tree's under power lines and when it comes time for trimming, get on with it.
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