What you see when you don't have a videocam. Putting along at work tonight on the snowmobile alongside the fenceline, I see a car coming in the distance, kinda weavingn a bit, I stop. As the car gets closer, I can see the head of the driver is down, (texting shall we guess), and it keeps coming and coming into the curve and then PLOOF into the snowbank. Even during the PLOOF into the snowbank, she didn't break her fixation from the phone or ipad ipod whatever the jeeze she was cranking on. Window rolls down, I ask are you okay, oh like yaaa. You have a phone I ask and up pops the hand with the phone.....dizzy, dizzy, dizzy. Another 50 feet and she would have kissed a major hydro pole and I be stuck doing F/A and having to write a report.