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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Thanks for sharing the stories Mike they are always appreciated. Art
  2. nice Jeep now make sure your trailer has a lift kit and tires to follow you in the wilds. Art
  3. You will find that you have a lot of drag in the water and with the ability to hold 5 people you will want one that can move the boat without a gas motor pretty well. If it is used along side of a gas motor then you can get away with a much smaller unit. i have a 12volt 40 lb thrust on a 10ft pelican with 2 people and 3-4 mph is easily done. Since I only use it on small lakes and ponds it does not have a gas motor. If I wanted to I could put an 24 volt 80 on it which propels my 18ft Ranger at 4-5mph would get me 5-7mph in the pelican. Welcome to the board BTW. Art
  4. If you have the time you will find some great rod and reel combos come thru here. It may not be the specific one you are asking for but other combos may do fit the bill. Welcome to OFC. Art
  5. Good news Brian we are doing fine the weather is to the West of us we are mostly just rain for now. If you look on a map and find Washington D.C. you will be about 45 minutes from our houses. Art
  6. I have the xi5 80 24 volt on a 19ft Ranger it moves it around well. You will be happy with it but as others said you will not want to go any smaller. The XI5 talks to your HDS series lowrance units if you want to hook it up as a network. The xi5 will not follow a contour map however you can program it to run courses if you want. Most of the time I use the heading lock and just point it to a place in the distance and it will correct for wind and water to get there. I also use the anchor lock which holds you in a 5ft point as you catch and release a fish. My understanding is the ipilot does the same thing with contour following as a plus. I found the xi5 to be quieter, tighter on the spot lock and the foot petal less likely to over run on control input. Art
  7. Thank you to all of the members to OFC for making this past year a great one. The stories and inspiration that cross these pages make me proud to be here. The willingness to give advise and a helping hand in the world is getting rarer these days but as long as it is continues to grow and is strong here we will keep the lights on. Merry Christmas to all and a Prosperous New Year Art
  8. Sorry to see this Chad. Be safe on the clean up and best wishes for the days ahead. Art
  9. Check the ground strap from the negative side of the battery to the engine/starter motor. One test is to take a volt meter and go from the pos. and neg. posts. Turn key and see if the voltage drops when you are trying to start the engine. This will tell you if it is a loose wire (no volt drop) or a bad starter (fast volt drop) this test should be done no more than 5 seconds though. You also can take the jumper cable and go from the negative of the battery to the shell of the starter motor. If it works then the ground strap is bad. Check and clean all connections even if they look good between the battery and starter motor. The clicking leads me to believe that your circuits are good you just can't get the voltage to work. IE bad connection or brushes cooked in starter motor. Art
  10. Thanks Simon for your kind words as well as all of the trips you share with us. Merry Christmas Art
  11. Yea pick me John you know how much snow we get lol Art
  12. If you carry a 0 balance month to month you will not pay any interest. With careful shopping and a good credit score no fees is very possible from all of the major credit card companies. I can run 8-10 thousand thru my credit card from the business and personal purchases a month and reap the rewards from it. Using credit is not a crime it in fact is beneficial in this world we live in. The abuse of credit can ruin your life quickly though. When you are making a major purchase IE a car,boat or house the stronger your credit is the cheaper the rate is to borrow money. This in itself can save you more than most credit card give backs you can find. Art
  13. If I had my way alcohol as well as any recreational mind altering product would be dispensed with a license like and or some form of proof you can handle it. This is an unrealistic view and expectation that we will never see. Truth is I don't have the correct answer nor so far on the thread have I see a way out of this mess. Maybe keeping it illegal and closing our eyes as we have in the past is the answer for pot. Allowing another mind altering substance does not seem the answer either. So far alcohol. tobacco and firearms have been allowed out of the box and look at the detrimental effects it has had on society. We have a whole division of the government allocated to controlling the abuses of these products. Art
  14. Well said this is just a part of pandoras box that will be opened if it is legalized for recreational use instead of keeping it as a medicinal needed product. Art
  15. I have 3 inches of ice but it is in my whiskey..... Art
  16. The simple formula is this burn more calories than you take in. If you plan on eating something that is loaded with calories then you exercise before your splurge on calories. Some bodies are comfortable on 2000 calories per day other need more. it really depends on how active you are. The easiest thing to do is to drink a large glass of water before you eat the first bite of any meal. This gives you less room to fill and it also will help digest food properly. Art
  17. I do if you don't like the way we run it you are free to leave. We have a broad lateral on topics if it says NF it stands for NOT FISHING. If you read the rules you will see why it was deleted. If you have an issue contact one of the owners my PM is always open. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules Art
  18. Sorry to hear T.J. and Monique I always loved coming up and visiting with all of the family both the two and four legged ones. Art
  19. The chilling of the water to 1C or 2C will allow it to dehumidify as the wet air is drawn across the coil which has refrigeration condenses and then drips off into a catch bin. If you take the coils and cool them off to 0C then you will freeze the water on the coil rendering it useless it would insulate itself and no longer remove moisture from the air. Art
  20. I have yet to get a bill from the 407 when I travel up North driving USA Virginia with front and rear plates on truck and trailer. The plate is fairly low and the Ranger does hang a little off the back. I use a Fast Tool that reads when I come across the boarder though and it gets a charge. Art
  21. One of the issues we have when using a sump pump to discharge water distances is the head pressure ( amount of water it can move decreases as the distance is lengthened) as well as ground temperatures freezing water in pipes that have a negative pitch. Keep both factors in mind as you design your system. The claim of your dehumidifier company is exaggerated they can not get 6 times more water out of the air unless they are using around 6 times the energy. The process of dehumidification is the chilling of a coil slightly above 0 C to collect moisture and send it down the drain. Cooler coils will only freeze the water and make the coil useless. ( think glass of ice water in summer) Art
  22. Shephards pie sounds like a good thing to do the potatoes will give you the moisture you need. Art
  23. Didn't you hear it was not going to be released in Canada due to the cost of fuel.lol I found gas at $1.89 a gallon today. Art
  24. I ran diesel for 10 years without any issues the mileage was around 22 mpg while the gas is only 16. The hit we take on the price of diesel is harsh some times as high as 60 cents a gallon. Either way you go boosting is the technology that I think is the answer to getting the most out of your fuel dollar. People still remember the days where turbos were brass bushing and poorly balanced things that blew up frequently. The turbos of today are just about bullet proof and I have found people are replacing transmissions before their turbos have any issue. The secret to any mechanical item is to keep it maintained, lubricated and heat is the enemy. It is not to say the 5.0 is not a nice motor it is in my mind only 2nd because of the fine job Ford did building and designing the eco boost. I have worked on 5.0 and the power and performance we used to unlock was awesome. Art
  25. The important thing is to drill a small hole at the ends of the crack it will prevent them from running further. Hit the back side with a rasp to give the plastic some place for the jb weld for plastic to bite to. http://www.jbweld.com/products/plasticweld-epoxy-putty Art
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