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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. You missed your other trip when you came down to the D.C. area and didn't call me. Art
  2. A quality unit works fine. We have 4 dogs that are contained and after a few years it may or may not be working all of the dogs know the boundaries. Art
  3. My theory is the Celsius scale is to blame for the drama of how cold it is. With Fahrenheit it is 32 degrees and water freezes while you all are already at 0C. I personally find the weather outside to cold for me when I feel the hairs in my nose freeze when I inhale. Art
  4. While it worked in days of old it does not work in today's society. I have 20 acres that is huntable and it is posted for legal reasons. I have had people go on the neighbors property and cut a shooting lane thru my property facing my walking trails. I have found tree stands with people in them leaving trash and stuff all over the ground. I had a neighbor get sued for the injury of a trespasser on his property. While he won it cost him money and a lawyer. It is better to post it and allow only the people you can trust to be in back woods and be thought an unfriendly neighbor than the legal possibilities that now occur. Yes I do remember and long for the good old days....... Art
  5. The word you are searching for is Canada. Art
  6. You got an ugly foot......just saying....lol Art
  7. Before you drop it make sure you can qualify for a new plan that is less expensive. A preexisting health issue can make it difficult to get insured. art
  8. I got you a present I also have found shouting "give me back my Jacket" during an argument derails the other side really good too. Art
  9. You are correct Trump can't sing worth a darn. Please don't misunderstand this, William Shatner is one of my hero's he has survived longer than most actors in Hollywood and has turned tragedy into opportunity more times than I can count. Art
  10. I would buy 2 tickets for this half time show
  11. This is going down hill to fast. Art
  12. Ahhh got it it is a term we don't use when discussing rods. We refer to the speed and weight of the rods. Parabolic is a word we use when we discuss discs. I use rods ranging from 10ft salmon/ slow rods which are very limber with 2oz of lead and circle hooks for catfishing to ultra light/ fast rods for smallmouth. I have a few of the old glass rods for heavy catfishing and my best catfish catcher is an old fenwick flyrod that Spiel built as a baitcaster man that thing just doesn't miss a single pull down. Thanks Chris it is not only a catcher but it also won't let a novice lose a fish. Art
  13. Dave didn't you have some hockey kick boards from your boat bunker project? A few strips might help stop future holes? Art
  14. Yea I'm in trouble with this too,it wants to sell me paper from a local office store. I guess i need to look at more "manly" items to get the pretty women. Getting older sucks............ Art
  15. Sean I am not sure what you mean by parabolic it is not a term I have heard before in fishing rods. That aside the best fishing rod is the one that feels good in your hands. All of the major name brands are made with quality material and the difference between a 100 dollar rod and a 300 dollar rod is usually the hardware it is made of. A synthetic handle is much cheaper than a matching cork handle and ceramic guides are less than titanium guides. Both of these examples are the difference between the rods but unless you love cork and need the rod to be lighter are expenses you may not need. Rod materials are important in the blanks but an IM8 blank is the same IM8 blank material from brand to brand they differ in the way it is spun and or bonded together. Machine wrapped versus hand wrapped make the cost of a rod higher but for the average person you will not be able to feel the difference. With all that said look at the St.Croix series they are a very good bang for the buck. You can also look at other major brands either higher in price or lower in your budget. I am lucky that a good friend of mine (spiels custom rods) built me my first custom rod and has over the years made me 8 more. I just had to describe what I wanted it to do and he has been able build not only a great rod with state of the art materials but the look and feel can not be matched by any other rod i have held to date. This might also be the road for you but a warning from me is in order, don't do it unless you look at a custom rod as a work of art and a treasure to be cared for the rest of your life. Art
  16. O come on guys everyone knows an electrician is nothing more than a plumber who had 1/2 his brain removed. lol You also can click on the picture and it should open in a big window Art
  17. See if this clears it up. The 3/4 is black pipe and the green is !/2 inch. art
  18. We have 4 ad slots located 2 rectangles at the top 1/4 and one at the bottom they are Google driven and use your history to decide what ads you get. The top 1/4 to the right is our ads that you can purchase or sponsor for your personal business or use. They cycle through the ads we have sold. We keep our ads to a minimum using them to pay the bills. If anyone does want to place an ad feel free to contact Roy he will guide you thru the process. We have a pretty good spam filter here Roy works hard hand in hand with our provider to keep us safe. Thanks Roy Art
  19. The tee input side is 3/4 so we are feeding 72 fixture units of water. the two other outlets are 1/2 inch . Each of the outlets that are 1/2 will feed 2 fixtures. so with the set up we could feed 2 on the left and 2 on the right side of the tee. I am not a pex fan it loses a lot of diameter with fittings as pointed out it is very restrictive also because of the hoops and bends it loses a lot of flow. All of the houses that I have input on I advise copper if not then 3/4 cpvc through out the house using 1/2 only at the final connection. The people that spend the extra 20% all love the way they can run two or three faucets without a pressure loss and temperature change. Art
  20. The pipe rating for 3/4 copper is 72 fixture rating meaning I can supply that number of outlets and still hold the pressure within acceptable limits in water pressure loss. The rating of 1/2 inch pipe is 2 fixture ratings. It means If we have one 3 fixture bathroom then it can be plumbed 1/2 hot water one for the tub one for the sink. The cold water feed is 3/4 meaning up to the bathroom we would have a 3/4 tee with 2 1/2 outlets to be within code. The effects of pipe size is pressure drop as other fixtures are turned on and the friction loss of piping. The friction loss of copper is the least loss while plastics are a major loss as distance increases. Given a static pressure all pipes will go to example 50 lbs with no flow. Turn on a faucet that is equal to the flow in the pipe and you will have no pressure loss but have a flow rating of the pipe. This means a 3/4 pipe will flow 20 gallons a minute while a 1/2 will flow 4 gallons a minute ( numbers are for examples only). If you add the friction loss of plastic or galvanized and you can drop even more. This is all part of the local codes and engineering in the USA they are our guidelines we use while the physics are universal the code requirements are different from code governing rules that Canada follows. The last thought of volume and velocity is as you create back pressure by making a drop in pipe size you are not increasing the pressure greater than the feed pressure you are only creating lower volume without a decrease of pressure. If you start with 50 lb 1/2 and 50 lb 3/4 your bucket will fill faster with the 3/4.. Art
  21. Thanks Dan that is a great explanation of the volt drop test. Art
  22. You can use the meter to see what the voltage drop is when you try to start the battery. The best bet is to take the old battery and have it load tested if it fails then your problem is solved. If it passes the new battery might be just strong enough to possible mask a going bad starter motor. Art
  23. No after 50lbs you will need 24 volts. The new motors have charge indicators so you will most likely not be surprised with a dead battery without warning. I am using a agm battery which is a little lighter and a better battery in my opinion. Most of my fishing is done on 10-20 percent of the lowest speed and full throttle to get back to the dock. This yields me 5 hours of fishing with better than 1/4 of the charge remaining. Run full out and you can suck down a battery in an hour though. Art
  24. Sorry to hear Sam hope will keep you going. As to the food angel who ever you are THANKS you are the reason we fight so hard to keep this site open and healthy. Art
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