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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Lets see Grizzly the lab mutt ate. A exhaust gaket for a 1961 comet, 1 road flare, box of strike all matches, dress blue sock, green wool sock, 2 sockets from a 3/8 drive set, the middle of a one piece lanolium floor and wait for it 3 inch crab shell with the points intact. They all came back out either one end or another with no damage. The dog was as close to steve starr as you can get. Art
  2. A pot of maize and a few plastic beads should square things up. lol With that said a gift certificate to a local restaurant might work, Art
  3. I pressure wash mine no issues I also prop open the hatches and sun dry it so I don't get any mold growth. Art
  4. Here is the picture of the shaft with a 1/2 moon key. Remove your steering wheel nut and you can see a key down on the shaft in most cases. Art
  5. Copy and paste from another website. ITC Rules In Favor of Navico in Patent Infringement Lawsuit Egersund, Norway– Navico – parent company to the Lowrance brand – announced today that the International Trade Commission (ITC) has ruled that Garmin Ltd. DownVu™ scanning sonar products violate Navico’s patents for DownScan Imaging™ technology. This ruling reverses an initial determination issued by an Administrative Law Judge this past July, previously announced by Garmin Ltd. (NASDAQ:GRMN). In addition, this is the second adverse ruling in two weeks by the ITC that finds that Garmin is violating sonar patents. The ITC DownVu ruling prohibits Garmin from importing, selling, advertising, and aiding or assisting distributors or retailers in selling all its infringing DownVu products, including the echo, echoMAP and GPSMAP products with their respective transducers. Specifically, the Commission has issued a Cease and Desist Order barring Garmin and its distributors from selling, or aiding others in the sale of, these products and has also issued an Exclusion Order directing U.S. Customs and Border Protection to reject their importation. While all ITC orders have a 60-day period before taking full effect, the ITC has ruled that Garmin must post a bond equal to 100 percent of the value of infringing products, when they sell from inventory or import any of these products into the U.S. during the 60-day review period. Further, any Garmin products claiming to feature a “design around” solution are subject to ITC or U.S. Customs approval in order to confirm that such an alternative solution does not likewise violate Navico’s patents. As of this writing, Garmin has not initiated the process of submitting alternative designs. Garmin could file an appeal with a U.S. Federal Court in an attempt to challenge the factual conclusions or show the law was incorrectly applied by the ITC; however, in the meantime, the importation and sale of Garmin products featuring DownVu technology are subject to the ITC ruling. “We are extremely pleased that the ITC has ruled in our favor,” said Leif Ottosson, CEO, Navico. “We have invested considerable time, effort and resources to develop and bring (Our DownScan Imaging) to market. Our patents are designed to protect that investment. “We offered our competitors the opportunity to license our technology and incorporate it into their products for the benefit of their customers – and many have. This offer was also made to Garmin, but they declined – putting everyone who sells their products in a difficult position. The situation is unfortunate for many dealers and distributors in the marine electronics marketplace, but we will continue to vigorously defend the intellectual property that protects our position in the marketplace.” The International Trade Commission is an independent governmental agency in Washington, DC responsible for addressing patent infringement disputes relating to goods that are manufactured abroad and imported into the United States. Art
  6. I am running the seastar set up on a 350 commanche Ranger with a 150 and it runs great.The removal of the old cables are easy as mentioned by cutting them out but to get the new cables in you need to pull the motor or really fight to get them in. The seastar fishing the 3/8 inch hydraulic cables was a breeze and the head unit was also easily put in. The bonus is you will never have a rusted hard to move cable again. Art
  7. Yes it is but I will never have cables again. The ease of replacement made it easier to swallow. It took about 3 hours to do the conversion and the hardest part was removing the old stiff cables. The new ones are flexible lines that feed thru the hull area. The steering install of the pump is bolt in place. Check to see what adapters are needed for the motor. The end results where I did it at home and while it cost more than the cables it was cheaper than sending it to the shop to have them put in a set of cables. Art
  8. http://www.onthewater.com/applications-side-scan-sonar/ Here is a few examples of side scan and a tutorial. Art
  9. If you are structure fishing and looking for specific ledges or sunken objects then they are worth there weight in gold. I use the lowrance HDS 7 gen 2 and it works great. I will say the features of the gen3 are worth buying even though they are more expensive. The advances in the systems are going into hyperdrive and features are being added every few months. The ability to see things abstractly will determine if side scan will be helpful. I have shown people it in operation and read it to them and they see the features and some just see streaks and blobs. On a side note Garmin has been found in violation of patents from navico http://www.tradeonlytoday.com/2015/12/federal-agency-rules-garmin-violated-navico-patents/ Art
  10. So if a pickerel is a walleye what is a sauger? Art
  11. What do you mean i have been coming up North all these years and I won't catch one that big? Roy has hornswaggled me !!! Art
  12. Sorry again but I loves me handguns. lol. I went shooting yesterday and we had 45 revolver, 2 AR 15's, 2 glocks 9mm, Taurus 9mm , ppc45 s 9mm sub machine gun yes with rock and roll active(buddy has a class 3 license). We had a good old boy time running thru around 1000 rounds.One of my friends is part of the Capitol Police in charge of protecting Diplomats and Political figures. I will not be getting in a gun fight against him he is an awesome shot for sure.The total dead count was 10 bowling pins and a lot of paper targets. Art
  13. Don't be sorry it is not a big deal it was a question you had and it just has an answer that was already decided on. Art
  14. Well done Pete if you ever find your way down to Washington D.C. area give me a holler. With a little planning I would be happy to take you out for some blue Catfish/ channel catfish or the all mighty Snakeheads you choice. Art
  15. Sorry feel free to debate this but it will not change. We have a limited amount of time to check up content and if a NF slips thru then the first sentence will tell you if it is NF. I personally own/run a plumbing company and it and running the farm and taking care of my family take up a lot of my time. I am grateful for the chance to make this a pleasant place for a great group of people to come and hang out and visit. If this was a sole source of income I would dedicate lots of time tweeking and making it into sub categories etc. The trade off is we would have to fill this site up with pop ups and then spam the heck out of it. This is not our intent we keep a few ads running to pay most of the bills here and rely on people acting like sober adults. We have a few other mods that are quietly working in the back round and the time we all spend is time we steal from other things driving our lives. I won't go into details but we all decided the best course is to keep this site as simple as possible so we can keep it going. Behind the scenes we discuss ideas as they come up and weigh what amount of time we have to spend and if we felt like it would make the site better without burdening anyone to much we work them in. Hopefully this insight makes people happy with the path of this site given we have over 7000 members and we all look at things differently. Thanks Art
  16. Welcome to the board we are glad you are here. Art
  17. We learned a long time ago it does not benefit the board to chop it up into little compartments. We have separated it to an extent for the specialty things but past that we have asked people to just put NF Not Fishing at the header.On a brighter note we will be past winternet early this year and the fishing stories will flow again. Art
  18. The aliexpress is an easy place to order from and have delivered as expected on the half dozen times I have ordered in the USA. Art
  19. The poster of a thread can certainly request that a thread stay on topic and if it wanders it can be requested to have it locked. I have limited time to spend on reading the content but try to check it a few times a day. This thread has certainly gone sideways but so far it has followed the rules and Big Cliff has gotten enough feedback to keep him happy. If he sent a request to lock it down then it would be certainly honored. Art
  20. We have the ability to prevent a single persons post from being viewed by the board until we read and release it we call it Mod Q. We use it infrequently usually a P.M. is all it takes. We can also go as far as locking out a person from there account or banning them as they say. Usually by the time one person needs a warning the thread has divided into groups and is no longer salvageable. Art
  21. I have read and helped write the rules and I still do not see where this is written, Obviously we would prefer to keep away from touchy subjects and I admit I allow some of them to run longer than they should but only to keep my mail box from getting filled with P.M.s of censorship and "my right to free speech has been violated." For the record I rarely lock posts on content or subject but whether people are following the rules in their responses to the post. If political/pot/any other current hot button posts get to frequent then I will let the board cool off by removing ones that follow in a vein that has repeatedly gone wrong in the past. If you accidentally read a political post or offensive subject post and you do not want to read it again skip over it the next time you log in. I get tired of getting messages that this thread needs to be locked and from the other side this post should have not been locked. If you feel that a thread has gone wrong hit the report button and give me a reason you don't like the content. This alerts ALL of the owners/mods that we need to read the thread and if it is breaking rules we will adjust or lock it. This is a very broad subjected site it moves fast because it is not so focused that it gets boring we allow people to tell us their life stories both the good and the bad to help us bond and we have a very strong community because of this. While I quoted white spinnerbait it is not aimed at you it was just the door I used to get this off my chest. Thank you to everyone for debating within the rules Art
  22. What ever the final bid is thank you all for the donation to Tyler I am sure just as in the past it will all go to helping him develop both mentally and physically. Art
  23. Police just write the ticket it is the court system that is responsible for justice. I am happy with that what if the police could dispense justice and decided to target one race/creed/color of people ? The lack of facts will make this easily debated both ways so civilian driven justice is no good either. Art
  24. Looks like a good time to post this. please take a moment and read this The RulesWe'll keep it simple. Be nice and be respectful. Like your Mom probably told you, if you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all. Debate is encouraged, but please follow the basic guidelines of debate. No name calling. Back up your claims with proof. Don't get your knickers in a knot if someone disagrees. KEEP IT CIVIL! Things that will not be tolerated. Flaming, baiting, name calling, prejudice, racism, sexism, sexual comments and inuendos, swearing, spam, and general boorishness. Deleted or locked posts. If you disagree with a moderators decision to lock or delete a post, send them a Personal Message. DO NOT make a post complaining about it. We have opened the forums to children so we expect you to show them how adults should behave. Spam will get you banned faster than anything else. Spam is any unsolicited business ad or offer. If someone happens to ask about a product or service you may offer, then you are of course free to mention it. If you come in here and spam, you will be given a pretty rude welcome by the population and it will only hurt your business! We have very reasonable ad rates and can set you up very quickly. Contact TJQ for ad rates. We would prefer that you do not post pictures of fish caught out of season. Please do not post VERY SPECIFIC information on fishing spots, ie pinpoint locations and maps. It is our belief that sharing this type of knowledge to the general public is not at all good for the resource itself. When communicating info on spots, please keep it to email or a PM. Please do not post copyrighted material. Please keep your avatars tasteful and not degrading or insulting to any race, sex, religion or political entity. One image in a signature is allowed. Images in signatures must not be greater than 500 pixels wide and 75 pixels in height. Signature images must not be more than 100K in file size. Its OK to have a link to a website in your signature line, but if you do so it is mandatory to have a prominent link back to www.ofncommunity.com on the site. Signatures must also conform to language and content guidelines. Please keep signature lines brief, a line or two of text is fine. No lists! If you post is not about fishing please put "NF" at the end of the subject thread! If your post contains hunting images that may offend some, please note Hunting Images in your post description. We have a group of Administrators and Moderators all here to help you out.If you have any questions, ask us! Troublemakers will be warned and then if that doesn't work, placed on a Mod Queue. This means every post you make will need to be approved before it is visible. If being in mod queue doesn't help, offenders will be banned. Posting profanity, (swearing) is not permitted (this includes video)! Neither is the use of creative spelling or intentional mispelling, the use of symbols in place of letters and acronyms to get around the word filters. Offending posts will be deleted! We have children on the site, so behave accordingly. Before posting anything in the classifieds be certain to read the classified rules. Get together threads may be requested to be pinned, but no longer than 30 days before the event. AND JUST SO WE ARE CLEAR... these are the terms you agreed to when you registered... Thank you Art
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