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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Yea that 3 hour time warp at the border gets you every time. Art
  2. Brian I am sure I have never had the good stuff because it was fed to us at a lodge we went to in the past. It was tough, round and defiantly not sweet. We have since brought our smoke cured bacon with all of the bad stuff the pig could put into it. Next time we meet up I will look forward to some real Canadian bacon and I promise to tell everyone down here it is still horrible so there is not a run on the border. Art
  3. So I had to ask Google what Poutine is and while it sounds good to me I got a laugh from this line in the description. "Poutine is Acadian slang for mushy mess and is best described as a heart attack in a bowl." Art
  4. O.K. the maple syrup I can see people in the US wanting but that Canadian Bacon y'all can keep....yuck Art
  5. What you didn't eat the first fish you caught on the ice... bad karma is sure to appear.lol Art
  6. Good thoughts and best wishes Steve, thanks for being a Santa Claus. Art
  7. Actually the countdown of a level headed person should BE a warning. The reason most threads get locked is because of the report button which we encourage everyone to use. Pushing it does not mean we will lock it it means we will review it and make the decision. This thread is still going because it still has some FACTS to be presented the opinions expressed are allowed only if they 1. do not bash an individual person and 2. do not attack a group of people without a base of facts. Politics and religion are two subjects that bring out passion and stupidity and are the quickest to go wrong and locked. Now back to the thread. Art
  8. Let's get back to facts and not speculations on what is going to happen. Thanks Art
  9. The unit is just a signal generator and a receiver both can survive testing out of water with no issues according to Lowrance. This does not give you an accurate test though since water signals are what it is designed for. I am sure that everyone has left their units on at some point towing the boat home with no damage. I also agree that replacing the transducer every few years as a good way to keep the signal strong and the reception at its highest level since the signal generator is a mechanical item. You can also put the unit in this instance into the simulator mode to see if it is the unit or the transducer causing the loss of screen bits. Art
  10. Thanks for the trip down memory lane in your own special way. Art
  11. aplumma


    I have a challenge for all to just play in your head. Pick out any item you find in your house and ask yourself can you Kill, Maim or Destroy something/one with this item? While not a fun game it will illustrate that it is not the item that is at fault it is the mind that thought of that as an acceptable use for that item. I know that our mindset in the USA on guns differ from Canada we both will always feel our view is correct because it is the one we have been shown socially as acceptable. I have had guns in my life since I was born from shooting food for the table to target practicing and even defending our nation from others that want to deny me my Constitutional rights. I have my own thoughts about the Canadian health care system, drug policies and the ways of the government but those are not for me to decide it is how the Canadians have elected and voted to have there lives regulated. Down here with the same voting system if one American votes no and a thousand Canadians agree with that vote in the end it is still just one vote that counts. Discussing gun control on this thread is not going to cause the US to ban guns however it will detract from the original thread and will cause nothing but disagreements from pro gun and anti gun believers. Art
  12. That would be LE Meow I think. At least it was from the cartoons I watched as a kid. Art
  13. Good rambling.... Thanks for putting things back in prospective when we all seem to need it. This is the holiday season for all of us but some react differently this time of year. We have many people who do not feel they have anything to be thankful for so there emotions control their views in a different way. Some look at this time of year with despair and do not have the reserve or the guidance to overcome this and tragedy rears it ugly head. For some it is to curl up inside of themselves and hurt in silence. For some it is to act out on things that horrify the nations when it is brought to light. There is no simple solution if you know of someone who needs some extra love this holiday stretch out your hand and invite them into your holiday cheer. If you think someone is past that point alert the proper authorities it is better to be wrong and suffer a little embarrassment than for someone who needs the help miss out. I am one of the blessed ones I have many things to be thankful for and for the next 5 days I will spend them spreading cheer and helping others as I can. Merry Christmas to all Art
  14. Well done sir and deserved for sure. Art
  15. aplumma


    A pistol is as evil as a hammer is sitting on a table. It will never do anything wrong until it is misguided by a human. I use pistols just as some people find riding a snow mobile enjoyable. Both can kill the user or both can kill others it is all about how it is guided. I have served in the special forces and have fired weapons from a slingshot up to a 50 cal. sniper rifle that can literally shoot a fly off your shoulder at 500 yards. I do not own pistols for hunting nor will I use it for protection (a shotgun is much better) they are a recreational outlet for many people I know. This will be a difference of opinions that we will have, both of us see this in a different light. If you ever get to my neck of the woods I would be delighted to show you a safe way to enjoy something that takes skill, concentration and a steady hand. I will show you what a craftsman has created out of metal that not only is nice to look at but the machining and precision of it will amaze anyone who has an eye for mechanical beauty. All I ask is don't blame a tool for the actions of a human it does not make sense. If you would like to discuss this further feel free to P.M. me I would prefer not to side track this since it is going well and the guns/no guns argument will kill this thread. Thanks Art
  16. aplumma


    Sorry but it is not the fault of the pistol that it was used in a negative manner. You can make a number of innocent items into weapons of mass destruction. Pistols are nothing more than tools that have both work related and recreational uses. I am not a gun nut but do own both long barrel and pistols and to date my pistols and rifles have not done any thing illegal. Canada has chosen to limit the ownership of pistols I am sad for this ruling it deprives you of a freedom that you do not have the pleasure of pursuing. Shall we also take away your right to drive a car or have diesel and fertilizer banned too? One has kill thousands of people a year the other can be misused and do a huge amount of damage or power a car and grow plants. Sorry back to the thread I am heart broken for the families that are affected by this tragic event but to blame a tool for the acts of a human is incorrect. Art
  17. Here is a nice knife that is made by SOG a large company that puts out a quality blade for the buck. SOG seal military knife I am sure there are local places up North you can order from. Check the blade length to see if it is legal to carry up North also. Art
  18. I have living proof that stocking works. We had someone throw a few snakeheads in the Potomac and less than 10 years they are classified as established. This is a fish that is illegal to return to the water alive and tastes good. We have a few tournaments a year now that you can bow hunt, shine (with lights), fish, snag and use any means except explosives to catch. With that much going against them they still have a firm foot hold and we can not get rid of them. Personally while I hate that they got there now they are there they are a blast to fish for and great dinner fare also. I think that stocking is a way to mitigate the damage that harvesting is doing and hopefully everyone can enjoy the bounty of the lake. I for one know as long as the effort to continue improving the fisheries is present I will continue to spend my dollars up North. Art
  19. You got a better chance of stapling water to a tree than this making it off the first page before it goes downhill. Please prove me wrong. Art
  20. I have been up to see Kevin and Leslie for many years at Lake Air Lodge. The fishery has been excellent as far as fish to catch, if you take the time to learn the patterns. I personally fish for mostly Pike because I like the aggressive bite they are capable of. I have fished a few times with a few of the Musky men of OFC and to this day my record is unbroken beating them despite there hardest efforts to put me on fish. The Walleye/Pikeral have been more of a bycatch than a species I fished for. I have had the pleasure of a trip to the ponds that Kevin has been supporting and working hard at for at least the 12 years I have known him. If you want to help you can do it one of two ways Volunteering is one and financial support is another. I know that 100% of any money that you get to Kevin is spent on making a difference in the walleye population for all of the people that make a living from the lake. Art
  21. Y'all are all making stuff up everyone knows the universe freezes at - 10F. Art
  22. Looks like a few nice water pigs from the Deep South. Good deal Art
  23. You know what my thermometer says when you throw water up and it powders into ice? MOVE FURTHER SOUTH. Thats cold enough to kill a Cajun yaa know Art
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