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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Hand painting something that resembles the local forage can in most cases make for a more productive lure. Art
  2. I once painted Grandma and couldn't sit down for a few days... Art
  3. Nice trip for a great group of folks. Art
  4. It is a great group of friends you have for sure. The measurement of the gift is not the value of the lures but that they thought about what would make you happy and they did it. The taking of the original owner fishing is a way to show them that you value what they passed on and that they will not just end up rusting in a pile or sold for a few bucks. I don't see that the comment is incorrect and would be thrilled if someone called me and thanked me in that fashion when a gift is give. Art
  5. Glad to see you can still find a place that beautiful Dan. Art
  6. Actually no investment firm are there to satisfy the country they are there to make the investors happy. I have chosen 2 investment firms to make the most of the money I earn and if they are not maximizing my money they they are offering me an inferior product. I am afraid that I have a different view on this subject than some and it might be best I think for me to talk quietly amongist myself.(did I say that right Roy?) Cheers Art
  7. Take an old pole and weld a flat plate on the top. Mount the scotty mounts to them with bolts and troll away. I have a double made up that go directly over the motor so turning is a breeze. You can fit 4 of them on a bigger plate just template it with rods in place so you can make room for the butts at the angle you want to set them at. Art
  8. In 1981 I was making $198.00 every week in the military and in 1983 I made $8.00 an hour as a plumbers helper. I don't begrudge that amount because it allowed me to live on my own and save just a little if I didn't spend it on things that I didn't need. No doubt Americans lose jobs to other places and it is the people that drive it by demanding more bang for their buck either as a consumer or as a investor. I am certain there is no easy answer to the question here it is strictly the way we look at the issue. I now have a new quote to share it is Problems are just opportunities in unattractive packages. Thank you Pike Hunter. Art
  9. Actually Taxation in its simplest form is money collected by the government to pay for the bills that the masses run up. This is not a black and white or cut and dry issue and I don't want to sidetrack this discussion with this train of thought. In this world economy we need to remember that it is the people who can adapt to the changes that will survive with the least amount of negative impact. I subscribe to the train of thought that sometimes you need to take a positive action to offset issues you cant control. For example I can't stop the price of gas from going up at the pump no matter how much effort I put into a rebellion it just ain't going to happen. I changed tactics I did the research and found that oil companies are making huge profits at this time from the price of gas and can blame it on the economics or government etc. I offset my price at the pump by purchasing stock in the oil industries. Last year I came out of the year with "free" gas for the year plus 12% profit. Destiny is in each one of your hands by adapting and studying the patterns you can change the way your life goes. A gentleman once said "Think harder work smarter" I give thanks for that quote every day. Art
  10. Actually the bottom line is the ruling drive in every culture. Karma is not a factor here. If any country wants to be the leader in a sector of a world economy they must make the sacrifices needed to bring a product to market that satisfies the most people either by quality or price. Jobs that are farmed out overseas are because they can provide the labor or material cheaper than the area where the product is sold. Now everyone has an idealist thought that we need to all make sacrifices to keep the jobs at home which is a noble thought that few can afford. We see this every day you open a BassPro flyer and see that rod X is $5.00 more in Canada than in the USA. The thread becomes a grumpfest on the injustice of the price being more up North. Now if it was just as easy to purchase and there was no shipping or taxes or penalties would you buy the rod from the USA? (Meaning save the $5.00 but send your money into an economy that does not support your infrastructure)( please answer this in your head so you can be honest). If we take this one step further and we decided that we all would take on the responsibility of buying only items made at home no matter the cost the system will still break down. The percentage of money (our income) that we have is divided out with priorities being met first Taxes, Food, Roof over our heads and essentials. The money we have left over for non essentials fishing gear, vacations, boats, and dinners out would become less and hurt the local tackle maker, cottage owners, marina, and restaurants. The currents of a world economics is like a tide it moves and flows, strong in some areas as it weakens in others. While the INK has moved to the USA I am sure we can find examples of jobs that the USA has lost to Canada that will replace the jobs that went South. Art
  11. I not sure who "they" are my thought is it would have to be the owners of the business that sold it. A business leaves to become more profitable or to cut out overhead from the employees or the taxes/governmental structure. The company has a responsibility to survive and to it's investors before it has a duty to employ an employee. I have no hard feelings when Moen moved to Canada it was the outrageous requests of the employees that made the decision for them. The company is now very viable and provides a product that is less expensive than had it stayed in the USA. I see this as a positive not a negative. I am sure with your talents you will be employed in a place that if with everyone's cooperation and willingness to help out in these competitive times can stay profitable and in Canada. Art
  12. I feel your pain Chris. I even hired (for a handshake and a smile) one of the Musky legends to get me a fish and let's just say I beat him and have keep my musky status at zero. Thanks for trying Lew we will give it another go Next Year. Art
  13. If it helps I will still overlook the Cormorants to visit up North. Art
  14. You also can leave a section of the pond grasses from the shore out to 20 or 30 feet out uncut. This allows insects to get to the edge of the water and become a free source of food. I have also collected frog eggs from other places and planted them in the water in the spring. The final way to help is to screen off a section with wire fence and put branches in the penned area for the fry to have a haven from being fed on. All of these are very inexpensive but will yield big rewards. Art
  15. I found hanging around a boat launch with a subway bag with 2 sandwiches a cooler and a $10.00 bill taped to your forehead will break the ice and get you a spot on your new not yet found friend. Art
  16. With limited amount of water you can cover from shore go for the finesse fishing styles. As Misfish (Brian) said that is a good start. You can also go for a soft bait Called a Sinko wacky rigged. This is a lure you cast out to an area of weeds or structures and allow it to sink to the bottom. Then lightly shake it for 5 seconds every 30 seconds for 2 or 3 cycles. Retrieve and cast to different spot 10ft away from the last cast. This is mainly a bass or walleye trick but it works well when the bite is neutral it gives the fish time to look and decide if it is something they want to bite. The bite is usually light and the key is to watch your line move get slack or tighten when between the shaking time. Art
  17. It seems to be a common bug here on the farm. On a quick check on the bushes you can find 2 or 3 in a five minute trip. They are fun to watch when the little ones hatch out and they are feasting on aphids in the garden they are all swaying and bobbing in groups waiting for the next victim. Art
  18. I manage a 30 acre pond and a forage for bass is shiners not bluegill. They will eat bluegills but it is not preferred due to the spinny fins. You can also consider Crawfish as a good forage base for bass if you have a creek head for them to breed in. Art
  19. Look at high voltage electrical tape it has no adhesive on it it sticks to itself only. Also look at drumstick tape available at music retailers. Art
  20. Happy Birthday Paul hope the day is well. Art
  21. I can pick you up at the airport if you want to fish a little further South Roy. Free room and board with guide service too. Art
  22. Maureen give a P.M. to Bernie and see if he has a few tricks to keep the car going. Art
  23. Welcome Steve glad to see you are a member. Now go catch a fish and show us a picture. Art
  24. It looks like if they had thrown it it would have blown up in the air. I know when we fish with dynamite for musky we use a 10 second fuse at least. Art
  25. Remove the magnesium anode rod and flush out the heater. Contact manufacture and ask for an aluminum rod to replace it with. If one is not available remove all traces of the magnesium rod and use it as a plug. This will put you at risk for corrosion but it will be the lesser of two evils. The chlorine bath is used if the smell is from a bacteria growth the same thing can be accomplished by raising the temperature of the water to 160 degrees F for 2 hours and then setting the thermostats back to there original place. Warm every one in the house that the water will be abnormally hot till you cycle the heater to below the temperature it was set at.
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