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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. P.M. sent I can't help you but I decided to take you up on your offer. Art
  2. The question is what size and colors do you use the most of . It is to help someone adjust inventory so he has a better chance of having what the masses want on hand. There is no wrong answers here. Art
  3. Check it again tonight Roy I will blink my lights twice at 8:00. Art
  4. Nice year for fishing foe sure. Lets hope the next trip to the hospital has better answers for you bud. Art
  5. That pretty cool we have a grocery store called Giant that if you spend $100.00 it gets you 10 cents per gallon. This is good for up to 36 gallons of gas. A four hundred dollar grocery spree gets us $14.40 off at the pump which is easy to do with the truck and boat. Art
  6. Nice report and yes you are correct the senko can be fished a million ways. Art
  7. Black orange and white 1/16 jigs. The closest I come to ice fishing is fall Crappie fishing Down here we don't have safe ice. Art
  8. Glad to hear that Roy I know the kids are excited about the thoughts of Santa and greatful fortheir "elf" he has to watch over them the past year. Art
  9. The perpetual trolling machine what a concept. Art
  10. Insurance in the States can be expensive depending on what area you live in. I would be charged $200.00 difference if I lived just one county over. The big breaks here are age 21, Married and no tickets. We also get discounts for the number of things you insure with the company. I would think it is similar up North? Art
  11. I would think about getting a smoker that is mid level or better. The cheap units will aggravate you to the point of not enjoying the process of making some of the finest eats you can have. I have used 3 smokers and the electric is the way to go. The ability to control the temperature is important and a unit that you can regulate the smoke by removing the chips is very helpful. The other nice feature is the ability to load more wood chips without opening the main door. Here is a link to a good manufacture of smokers. MASTER BUILT SMOKERS Enjoy Art
  12. While it is harder to scape off the windshield it is really easy to spot it in the parking lot. Art
  13. aplumma


    I would love to see the people at 2 a.m. after they have been drinking walk across that thing. Art
  14. It is a very fair price consider also it is a condo. with the access and the parking being a premium. This is to say nothing about elevator usage and demo removal... Nothing but a nightmare in my experience. I would ask for a list of products he plans to use and make sure they are brand name and inspections and permits are pulled as per local codes are done for insurance reasons. Art
  15. Good move bud I am sure you will be happy with the new truck. Art
  16. Great sled but arn't you a little small for that thing? Enjoy it this winter. Art
  17. It is funny over the years my brother and I have collected a good bit of tackle to fish for pike up North. The majority of the lures were bought not knowing what worked and what didn't. We continued to haul a monstrous amount of lures up North over the years and a pattern began to form and it eliminated about 50% of our stash of lures. We continued to haul the bulk of the lures with the thought that what IF..... we needed THAT ONE to catch fish and low and behold last year it happened the one lure that worked great was the lowly Williams Wobbler. The point is planning the trip and sorting through the tackle sparks the memories of fish caught with this lure and not with that one are priceless. We still carry to much tackle with us but you can bet we have 3 of the really good ones in the box one for me one for Joe and one for our new friend we meet on the water. Art
  18. The wireless MOB is really nice if you have others on the boat or areas where you can't see everyone. I am talking boats you overnight on with a lower deck or galley ect. They will shut down the boat if someone falls out in a blind spot while you are running the boat. It is important to have them put in a bypass in case one of the senders malfunction. We were out once getting ready to ski when we went to start the boat it wouldn't start. We looked all over the boat for the issue when we finally figured out the skier had the wrong vest on it was one with the sensor on it. The issues of them are Batteries to replace, false trips in the rain and no protection if you are tossed around in the boat but not over board. Art
  19. I would check also what support there is for parts and people who can work on them if you can't. It sounds like you want to go to some pretty out of the way places and while it should be durable it would stink if you had to get parts that are order in only. Art
  20. Coupons for coffee from your favorite vendor. Gas card from a local station. Warm waterproof gloves. A furry hat that makes you look ridiculous but you don't care because it is sooooo warm. These are just a few of my favorite things. Art
  21. common sense is dictated by changing conditions not inflexible statements. There are many cases where a tether is not needed or wanted. You can be trolling baits and you shut down the motor every time you get out of the seat? Running a no wake zone and standing to see wood or channel markers. Art
  22. Why Cap. I do believe there is a story here lol. Art
  23. That style is quite popular for larger boats that see big water. The inboard boats usually do not have lanyards to use but have keys and toggle switches for starting/stopping the motors. You can also find MOB alarms that clip on the vest if the boat is large enough to not be able to see kids/ adults that need the extra pair of eyes on them. Art
  24. I am guilty of not wearing mine always. I do put it on when it is cold or the conditions are rough in the bass Boat. Art
  25. That is great man. I am so glad to see it snow up there. It means it hit the ground before it got down here. Art
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