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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. It would work on big water with more current as far as that goes but if your not into it for a float reel right away a spinning reel would do a better job ,all pending on who you talk too. It boils down to personal preference..
  2. Ah yes,they can be very clever but this could be to there disadvantage...Time to leave out a special can of gas for them to use up next time
  3. Hey Wayne, You ever here the saying "Birds of a feather flock together" :rofl2: :rofl2:
  4. Nice touch Lew
  5. Racking wine and beer sounds like the plan...Maybe tie a couple fly's,who knows..
  6. Bill, Just in case you decide to do this yourself and you need the schematics..... http://www.reelschematic.com/schematics/shimano.php
  7. I would go with the stocking foot with the separate boots. This way you can get a top quality boot or waders and replace one or the other when needed. Many brands out there but price usually dictates quality but once again many may disagree. 8lb Suffix is good line and stay away from the colored lines but not because they are gay but because you don't need to see the main line when running a float like mentioned above.Oh ya,stay away from using braided main line ,personal preference of mine. Your backing can be a dacron. Just keep in mind that it is a filler and will never be used in battle unless of course you don't have enough main line on your reel for some reason or another... Good Luck !!
  8. Welcome to our board Roy !!
  9. Welcome aboard Glen Your all ready making me work Fixed your double post....
  10. Good news for sure Kelvin
  11. So glad to here she's ok Ryan,congrads
  12. Yup,lovem...Was the first spoon my dad ever tied on to my pole when I was a youngster. He used to buy the knock offs at Whoolco and give them to me to go use in behind East Park Golf Gardens. I used them always and caught big pike and smallies out of that spot on a regular basis...The odd carp as well would latch on to them. To this day I still have red devels in my arsenal except the real ones of course...
  13. I reading 5 here
  14. I think the word is "winternet" if I'm not mistaken
  15. He's quite the fisherman already and that shirt is hilarious. I can't wait to see him land his first walleye through the ice Simon... Thanx for sharing !!
  16. Welcome to our site Darren
  17. Just made some plans with Slowpoke. We will be there late morning. His concern was will he be able to drive out on the ice ???
  18. Congads,nice fish FF. Glad to see you finally got your big laker and nice pictures too !! Cheers
  19. ChrisK


    Around here we don't discriminate..Everyone gets'em
  20. ChrisK


    Ya, must of been me...Ive had a spastic mouse the past week until I gave it a good cleaning yesterday
  21. The way I saw it is the fish spooked when he fired up the auger and then as the auger noise subsided the fish returned ???? So this tells me the gas auger spooked the fish ???
  22. I caught a rock
  23. No...your Spiel and I'm Chris
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