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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Couldn't be better Doug Now if only we could figure out a way to stop polluting Lake Simcoe and all the surrounding waters in Ontario and on a grander scale, the world. Any ideas Doug cause I think the banning of cars on the ice has pretty much been ruled out here....
  2. Congrads to you and your family !! Now you got yourself a new fishing partner
  3. Good to here your home and getting better
  4. I know I had this thread locked but did some thinking and I'm interested were this is going to go so have at her folks !!
  5. Hey Lew, Is this what you saw
  6. I've been up since about 4.30am cause my brain is telling me to go to work. Common brain its saturday and a long weekend to boot,give me a break
  7. I'm sure this thread will open up a can of worms but I can't resisit. I'll take the first poke at it. So does that mean that all motorized vehicles would be banned from the ice like snowmobiles,Atv's, modified snow machines,ice augers,generators and or anything that runs on gas using oil additives ??? Just wondering
  8. Pretty sure we beat this one to death.... Night night sleep tight
  9. Welcome to our site Jacob. I fly fish and do some tying myself.
  10. Lyra, My Austrian cousins are like that as well. They don't get out much to fish and mostly pretty boring stuff to them. Also, its darn expensive over there to get your fishing licence as well so they don't bother with it to much. You got to take the equivalent of a university course to get a licence over there so it remains an elitist hobby for most.
  11. All depends if Trout is specifically what your using it for but other than that I'm with Irishfeild
  12. He's doing great Gerrit. Can't wait to here him again in another two months. He'll be a shredder by then
  13. I don't see no repost
  14. Welcome to our OFC home Dan... Got any cool pics of fish you caught,we like pics
  15. No worries Cliff. You just brought to the surface what I had been asking myself all day since it happened. If anything its probably good therapy just talking about it.
  16. Thanx again guys and especially from our own OFC retired firefighter Lew. I appreciate your blessings Lew seeing that you used to do this on a daily basis. I even got a few thank yous from the firefighters that came to the call. Very moving.... I guess it could of went either way but one thing for sure,if the fire was to far advanced I certainly wouldn't of went in the second time...
  17. Cliff, The reality of the situation is starting to sink in. Not sure what I was thinking but when I first stuck my head in the door all I saw was smoke and a fire place on fire. Split second decision. Let this semi detached house go up in flames and the house attached to it or do something.Theres no time for pondering in thought when this kind of thing is happening. I knew there was a calculated risk but it didn't seem to matter at that moment.
  18. Thats what the medics told me as well Billy Bob. So far so good !! Time to take Sam to the doggy park
  19. Brian, Ive done four driveways this morning. Broke one auger sheer pin and pretty sure the auger belt is on its way as well. As for them horse shoes,got rid of all those awhile back and replaced them with cute little fuzzy rabbits.
  20. Thanx Art. Its funny how fast things happen when adrenaline takes you for a ride. We will have a couple of beers at Lakair together for sure like all the other times and lots of storys....
  21. Ya had to go and say it.....over 50 Just had a chat with the neighbor who owned the house with the fire. She said she was just getting dressed to go out shopping and would of been out of the house for a few hours.OMG !! This could of been a total disaster especially since this house is a semidetached with two older retires next door and both homes have pets... I just thank god that somehow this turned out the way it did...
  22. Thanks all for the kind words. Just to let you all know the paramedics came to my side shortly after they showed up and chatted with me asking questions like,are you short of breath and did you get close enough to the fire to inhale the fumes and such. At that point I was already back to blowing out my other neighbors driveway, so they say,guess your all right then ? I said,ya,I'm alright and yes I'm out of breath but only cause I'm fat and out of shape and I just did the equivalent to running a quarter mile
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