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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Raf,What are you using it for ?? I mean what type of fishing ?
  2. Some guys are Raf, Some are loading up there spools,some guys are using a section at the end of there main line for casting baits and others like myself are using the lighter stuff like like Frog Hair and Scientific Angler for fly fishing and float fishing...
  3. Raf, That seems to be the real division point between yea and nea. Seems the heavier stuff is rock solid but the lighter steelhead stuff doesn't have such a good following. Always boils down to personal preference. Me, I had a great fall season landing over 60 bows.High percentage of those fish were caught on,you guessed it,fluoro. Never had a brake off due to nics and abrasions,why..Cause I check my tippets for wear and tear between fish and or rubs on boulders and sometimes timber. However,I did loose two fish.The first was a big fresh rainbow. Took my fly and belined it straight into the timber on the other side of the river. I tried to slow him down to no avail,broke me off at the knot. Second fish same thing exept this time it went aerial right before the timber and landed on the other side of the downed tree and then threaded its way back under back into the pool and broke my main line 8lb suffix mono...go figure ! So really this is all personal preference going on here. I tried fluoro,it works for me only cause I like the 6lb 4x fine diameter. I realize I can pull out my Maxima and have that same diameter but I would be reducing to 3lb to 4lb to get that so this double edged sword always seems to be the kicker.
  4. Sounds like the boys out there are traditional fly fisherman. Seems like a lot of that is going around these days even here in the Huron tribs I fish. I see more and more guys walking the river lately with fly rods in hand. I also use a center pin and offer up flies to the steel here but slightly different patterns mostly in black or purple stonefly. Ive been debating for awhile now to go with the fly rod but its a big step and its going to take some major commitment.
  5. Do you guys float fish out there or fly fish and whats your preference in baits ?? Just curious
  6. Looks like a helicopter stuck in a tree
  7. Garry, Your totally correct by stating that the steelheaders are more put up to the task when it comes to using or not using flouro's. Personally I think the spooky highly lethargic steelhead is overated and made up by anglers that have troubles hooking up with them . Like the muskie,a fish of a thousand casts, I think not. If you put yourself in the right place at the right time delivering the right presentation you can catch these steelhead with or without flourocarbon. Ahhh,theres that word again that may open up a hole new can of worms,but I'll let someone else start that thread. PRESENTATION !
  8. Not sure whats available these days but I have a 10 year old 62 inch Toshiba rear projection set and it hasn't skipped a beat since the day I bought it. If thats any inclination as to the quality I'm definitely going to buy another Toshiba when this one finally gives up.
  9. And now we are the dumb
  10. My bad,we were talking about line abrasion and somehow I made a connection with controlling a hard fighting fish out of harms way of abrasive situations. Typical self consumed steelheader
  11. Cliff, These jigs are sweet. They are made specifically for pitching into heavy cover with weed guards on them and rattles for sound detection. We used them in Long Point Bay back in the Port Rowan cat tails and we were pulling out some pretty respectable LG mouth back then. I still got a few of them kickin around in a box somewhere
  12. Brian, Sorry to here about Bubba. I can only imagine what your family is going through. They are like children to us. Just like any other family member. I'm sure he will be sadly missed but when one door closes another opens.
  13. Float fishing is a hole different animal bud. You can't horse a freshly hooked steelhead on a float rod or you'll just end up snapping him off especially if your using a finer tippet. You just got to let them run there course and try to steer them out of the trouble areas like wood and huge boulders. I find when I'm fishing stained water and running main line with no tippet I can control them a little more but these fish are strong and will even brake you off when using heavier line. As for abrasion resistance,never an issue for the float fisherman cause we use the stealth from above method
  14. Ok Solo,quit suckin up to the dwarf
  15. Well said fishgreg. When I was a more avid muskie fisherman a few years back I used 80lb tripplefish mono to tie my leaders on the spot. Hand full of quality snap swivels and swivels kept in a container.Usually took no more than a few minutes to make a fresh leader using the trilene knot. I picked this up off a muskie guide one day while I was out on St Clair and have been using it ever since.
  16. This is another steelhead fluoro tidbit, Theres a time and a place for everything so I like to keep all my options open so I use all the tools available to me. The key to success is to keep an open mind and adapt to the elements placed before you. Like Solo said above,its all about tippet diameter and sometimes a little color so how you go about achieving this is all up to you,fluoro or no fluoro or maybe a combination there of...Unfortunately for steelheaders this only the tip of the iceburg but its a good way to put the odds in your favour if your a novice steelheader just starting out on your journey of information overload. Heres my take on this subject. I like to use fluoro in certain conditions and other conditions I may run maxima green and other times main line straight to the hook.Fluoro carbon is just another tool given to us by the fishing gods just as braided lines to some. You can carry all these tools in one pocket so why not take full advantage of a good thing. The trick is being able to read the water when you approach the river and tie your rig accordingly,its just that simple right
  17. Yes Garry,things have definitely gone high tech. I for one have tried to keep my heels dug in over the years and not give into the dark side but there are some things out there that surely make life a lot easier so I would be a hypocrite if I said I never used special application reels and rods,not used flourocarbon tippets on my steelhead rigs and the odd spool of power pro on a muskie pole. I think everyone has their limitations or is it just me ?? Personally,I enjoy a river walk with my fly rod and a box of hand tied flys. Gives me a chance to get back to the basics and shake off a little stress.
  18. Sorry to here about your dads passing Phil. My deepest condolences to you and your family.
  19. My bridge was a train trestle
  20. Thats a great painting Bushart. I like that style a lot. Reminds me of when I was a kid fishing my favorite stream behind the house
  21. Welcome aboard Moxie.
  22. Truly sad news Beans... My condolences to Jackie and the family. Rest in peace Jack
  23. Hope he has a valid drivers licence and theres no open alcohol in the vehicle
  24. Happy birthday TJ
  25. Anything mooing will do along with a glass of Chianti
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