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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. My friend has malamutes and they do the same thing. Possum,rabbits, raccoons,rats and any other small critters are all fare game. Beautiful dogs and very loyal to there families. If anything get rid of the chickens and other small animals and keep the dog.
  2. Makes me wonder if they are all doing it ??
  3. I can only think of one thing and its frightening
  4. Now go and talk quietly amongst yourselves
  5. Welcome aboard Colin
  6. MJL,thats great news !! I'm so glad you beat it. Those under water pics are excellent !!!
  7. Definitely going to be a lot of fun !! Looking forward to it
  8. Deeper ponds seem to stay cooler longer while shallower ponds may have quick temperature snaps and algae blooms do to sunlight penetrating into depth. That being said if the water is cooler where you fishing try looking for shallower water near fallen trees or any other structure like stated above. Good Luck !!
  9. Most of the times it forage related. No food to eat mean its time to move on to greener pastures. Perhaps the cooler weather is playing havoc with the food chain which would inevitably change the feeding paterns of your bluegills until it warms up... Smaller bodies of water are very sensitive to this kind of stuff.
  10. First coffee, giving my head a shake . Like said above Merc
  11. Are you putting a positioning motor on your ride or is this a transom mounted kicker ?
  12. Lets take a vote. All who want this thread locked down thumbs up
  13. Some days are harder than others but the trick is to keep everything calm submisive...Thanx Ceasar
  14. It came in close for a bit. Twas a Sturgeon
  15. Looks like a lot of fun but seriously....Somebody is going to get impaled or smoked into a tree
  16. Nancy that was very kind of you. Our OFC community ceases to amaze me when it comes to generosity.
  17. Sorry if we may have interpreted this in a unbecoming way but now it makes more sense. All we have is what we read so its important to give us all the details Hope you and your family find a great spot to wet your lines Cheers !!
  18. Got to agree with Shurik on this one. High water and youngsters don't go together well.With fast currents and slippery banks its hard enough for us seasoned steelheaders to keep a good footing and stay dry at times.
  19. Excellent opener Ron ! You did amazingly well there brother and although we discurage the posting of OOS fish here on OFC that was a huge smallie. Betcha it would of went at least five pounds if caught in the summertime. Cheers !!
  20. Billy ya got to admit though that all the making of a functional smoker are right there..Nice fresh container with a lid and all ya got to do is add a couple of things to it and thar ya go !! You could even go as far as to cut out a side entry door and add an extra rack or two pending on what size of can you buy.
  21. Well if anything there is a good side to your day. You know you can hook up with them so your doing it all right but now a little refining on your hook set. See,its all good...Your not the only guy that has done this on a good day of hook ups. I watched my buddy hook into for in a row on his first outing with the his new float rod and broke every one of them off. A little coaching and his next couple of fish where landed
  22. OMG ! Its a wonder your braking off fish. Nothing under 4 lb if using mono and 6lb for fluorocarbon...If the water is murky I just run main line to the hook and thats when when you can really apply a lot of resistance on bigger fish without the worry of brake offs.
  23. I've always been into simplicity seein I'm a city boy http://www.cruftbox.com/cruft/docs/elecsmoker.html
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