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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. The rates have increased also, the girlfriends dad drives it end to end twice daily and he said last months bill was close to $1500... Good thing his boss pays it haha
  2. Hmmmm I wonder if they are taking anything from the Dutch/Moxie chronicles
  3. Yeah they found another 3 or 4 in doing some trapping
  4. And here I was happy because I got it at 0.87 cents/liter this morning hmmph! Hahaha
  5. Wouldn't be a bad idea to try and get everyone here that's willing, to share your online edition on their facebooks, I will be! And I'll end up purchasing it eventually, once I find a new employer lol
  6. One of these haha http://www.spinchill.com/products/spin-chill and a new job! I quit my last job and was supposed to start my new one last Monday and I've worked 4 hours... So much for being a busy company jeez
  7. Read that the other day, If those were my dogs I'd be getting charged with something
  8. What a surprise, great game by sparks too
  9. Another beauty! They sure do pack on the feed bag this time of year
  10. Sucks to hear but he was living on borrowed time for a long time already
  11. Great game played by the boys tonight, just couldn't get an allowed goal due to the offside challenge that aside reimer was solid again
  12. They are good from princess auto, I installed a pair on both of my dads trailers, utility and boat last year. No problems (except when he lent the utility trailer to a friend and he smashed the one side light so I had to redo that one on his friends $)
  13. Isn't that not allowed in Ontario? In the Netherlands its common practice, I went and visited for a family reunion last may and it was "grab a bike and head to the disco!" Then head home on the bike haha
  14. So cleaning your car with the keys in the ignition for the sole purpose of listening to music is impaired driving if you have a couple beers?
  15. Looks like the honeymoon is over for sparks lol
  16. I think we've all been there at one point or another, with my group of friends it was when we were around 19-20 it was someone in the doghouse for a month every couple months and then it would be back to the usual, still happens here and there but a lot less likely as we've ironed out (on a personal level) all the do's and don'ts so to speak Glad to hear he doesn't seem to worried about, and so shouldn't you
  17. Maybe should be looking for a referral to a chiropodist, again family doctor for referral, (they are in a bit of short supply) my friend is currently in school to be one because of how easy it would be for him to open his own practice in the Hamilton area, if you're Mississauga or Toronto I'm sure you can find one close to you
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