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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. Lol those are some serious editing skillz
  2. Also pleased with Kasperi Kapanen... Marner, Brown, Nylander, Kapanen the future is looking good! Hoping the leafs can somehow scoop up Alex nylander as well, kids got some skills
  3. I did the same, sometimes my dad would hold the sticks though and grab the door for me as I smushed my way in the doors lol
  4. Great year, one to be envious of for sure!
  5. Surprisingly enough I've see gar pike in there too, not large and for some reason unafraid of people, it was swimming between my legs lol, happened about two years ago fishing Caledonia dam on may 24
  6. What ribs do you guys all prefer? Generally I go for back ribs but have done some reading about smoking ribs and have found some people preferring side ribs
  7. After all the prime rib was sliced up we had on mini kaisers and it was deeeelicious, luckily I still have leftovers for me
  8. Well she's all done and sliced up.... I'm pretty pleased with it, its delicious! And here's a pic of my new wireless thermometer setup just as it was getting up to temp
  9. So I upgraded the little 2 rack smoker I got for Christmas to a 4 rack Shortly thereafter I noticed prime rib was on sale at farmer Al's for $4.99/lb soooo I picked one of these up and am bringing it to my new years bash with all my buds She went in the smoker not long ago looking like this And hopefully after 8-10 hours of smoking with cherrywood she's ready around 130 degrees I'll pull it out, wrap it in foil, a towel and into a cooler and then I head to Guelph as it rests and then we can gorge! Happy new year everyone
  10. Nice, in my next house I'll be doing one of these http://projectnursery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/How-to-Make-a-Pallet-Wall.png
  11. Considering we haven't gotten gold since 2009 I haven't gotten my hopes up for the juniors in a couple years
  12. 2015 was good and bad, personally I saw some house projects come to fruition as I'd wanted to for some time, didn't get out fishing as much though and would've liked to have gotten out a lot more, but wasn't able to. Working was so so, I should've made probably another 20k because work was so slow prompting me to quit and find a new job (actually doing my orientation today woohoo) so here's to starting off 2016 right!
  13. Rest in peace, I got to see them play in Montreal a couple years ago, glad I was able to
  14. It is really weird service in my experience a friend has it, and where I have full bars of 4g lte with Rogers at a friends house out in mount hope, he is "roaming" and if he texts or calls it's an extra charge
  15. While largely it seems it's an afterthought, I know of a place in dundas that has it on tap, Domestique its called, I tried it a year or 2 ago at a beer & wine shindig at the careport center and was chatting with the rep about it as me and all my friends were smitten by how delicious it was
  16. There's one in Hamilton/stoney Creek called the starlight drive in still!
  17. Just learned that if you price match at CT you earn 10% of the matched price in CT money, I got $30.14 on a CT card today for price matching there
  18. Nice beans! We ended up with a single Kitty, we found one online going up for adoption Wednesday night and I was at the pet store Thursday waiting for the doors to open He's a ball of energy and its a blast!
  19. So I got the Bradley 2 rack digital smoker, its a decent little unit, I was having some issues with it shutting off on me in the morning for some reason so the ribs I started at 11 I wasn't sure how they were going to turn out! I ended up doing a 3-2-1 method for them, 3 hours wrapped in aluminum lightly and covered in bbq sauce and let them smoke at around 230 fahrenheit, though when I came out sometime it was down around 140 so I was getting skeptical, I took them out of the smoker, re sauced and double wrapped tightly and into the oven at 225 for 2 hours. After that, straight into the smoker with some holes in each end and an hour of that and I ended up with some delicious, fall off the bone ribs!
  20. Yikes! That stinks but we can be thankful for insurance! Merry Christmas and hopefully it doesn't continue into 2016 lol
  21. Looks delish! And those deviled eggs yummm I had some last week at a family get together with 50-60... So much food lol
  22. Well he already stopped at my house!
  23. Woooweeee who pays triple time and how can I meet them! Haha
  24. Been working on my house and helping out my dad and working with the girlfriends dad in my time off but I start a new job next Wednesday.... It was nice having the last month off though haha
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