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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. Lol dunno if you realize the cost of asbestos abatement, but I wouldn't peg that for being a small part of the budget to renovate
  2. Can't forget a lot of these guys are signed long term, they still gotta lock up a couple, Estrada, maybe price and I think revere I could be mistaken but the core is pretty well in tact for the next 4 or so years
  3. Wowza those are some sweet fish! Awesome colours too, congrats
  4. Happens in healthcare as well, my buddies dad was an engineer for Hamilton Health sciences and he did that when he retired a couple months ago
  5. I don't watch minor hockey anymore, but I did go to my girlfriends youngest brothers game the other day and it was booooring, they live in a suburb of Hamilton and their team is 9 players, of which half are 11, and the rest are 12-14 with 3 girls who appear to still be learning to skate haha, I remember hockey when I was 14 being much better, when I have a kid he's going in power skating like I did early and playing competitive hockey not house league Congrats on your sons hat trick!
  6. http://m.huffpost.com/ca/entry/4143431 This hour has 22 minutes funny skit wait til the end haha
  7. 8 years or longer, no reason to suggest any less
  8. Crazy, glad to hear it was a good outcome! One of the reasons I don't like fishing out of my dads tinner, and won't buy one myself I don't like the tippiness that is possible in them. Again glad to hear it turned out ok but I'm sure it was an eye opener for your friend
  9. All those eggs Benedicts they showed at the end.... Oh lord haha that salmon one looked awesome
  10. Can't help with the hull numbers, but the trailer should be able to be registered as a home made one.
  11. Haha wow! Pretty good I suppose when you want to make some variations on leftover's haha
  12. Haha no sour cream today... Just 4 over easy eggs and sriracha
  13. Mmm lunch/breakfast! Had a long night after the jays lost haha.
  14. Shieeeettttt, after you get 3 stolen bases
  15. That rain delay really messed up the forward momentum the jays had
  16. Only if he was in Canada, bet they love him down there for keeping them alive, this should be a 1-1 game
  17. Came across this, seems relevant https://www.trudeaumetre.ca/
  18. Haha yes sour cream, with sriracha drizzled over all of it, I should've added mushrooms as I saw in m2b2's I had another slow cooker full aside from that skillet lol I over did it but thats fine with me!
  19. Good take on it https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=942155405856350&id=254768477928383&_rdr
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