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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. Just look in the classifieds here, money to be saved for sure! Mike helped me out large with my first bunch of lures
  2. It might be, I'm not a gas tech, but I work with a bunch and if its not answered by Monday I'll ask one of them. But I have seen in the past a hot water tank and furnace share the same b vent stack, though from what I remember they were both power vented so that could be why
  3. If you need a dish, and are in the Hamilton area you can have mine free, dunno if brand or anything makes a difference it was on my house when I bought it and I've never touched it lol
  4. My uncle does in waterdown, off of hwy 5 I'll message him to see if he minds me giving you his info.
  5. "...in a drunken stupor" Haha I could only imagine the hay day the media would have
  6. Haha nice, I was just checking out Derek Hollands twitter, people are roasting him, rangers fans even are hahaha
  7. For real, when you are the face of baseball for an entire country's team in your barn, please do as you like haha, if that was in Texas probably not but at home definitely
  8. That hits the nail on the head, similar to what I said in the other thread about big business wanting breaks or taking their business elsewhere
  9. That's brutal to say the least, how someone can just pull the rug out from underneath so many people that are dependent on what they've earned is a travesty and I can't believe its not been a talking point in any part of any parties platform. The tough part here is big business wants the breaks and the big bonuses or they'll just go somewhere else and get it sadly, tough to play ball when its always in the other guys hands ie Siemens down to Carolina, that was $500,000 a year in business for the company I work for because of the size of the facility we had a guy there full time for just maintenance, who would in turn say this should be replaced/serviced whatever and the cheque was written to do it without a second question
  10. Netminder posted earlier he had tickets. And I don't get why people don't like dickey? He hasn't been as good as he was when he won the cy young in 2012 obviously, but he's pitched a number of beauties, even my good friend who breathes baseball and isn't a fan of him gives him credit especially pitching that beauty in texas! Also dyson can suck it! Who is he to tell someone what to do in their own barn in a game like that? Bat flip all day if you hit an hr like that lol
  11. If Trudeau gets in, the ORPP is kind of a moot point because Trudeau wants to increase the CPP contributions by 1.9% I believe is the number
  12. Watched a bit of the pens game, not a fan of their system
  13. Its funny because during the off season cam Neely and Don Sweeney got all sorts of praises for "solving the bruins cap issues" Lol how's that working out for them!
  14. Yes, but that's it. Then you lay down large amounts of cash betting on them haha
  15. I would at least give it a shot, job stability is something to be had these days. If I could find a job like that right now I would take it in a heartbeat personally but our paths in life are vastly different to say the least haha. Even then I wouldn't want to do those long hours for more than a few years, I've been there doing 14+ hour days up to 90 hours in a week, and I felt like a zombie come week three, but I only had Sunday off, not 3 days which would be awesome, with that overtime (do they pay after 40 or 44?) You would be easily over 100k
  16. Almost a third of the paycheck they make goes to tax making in that area, a lot of guys I work with in the trades are in that area and you pay quite a bit, gross 1700 roughly on the week and take home around 1200 is what I've heard, though I'm not there yet...
  17. If I ever see the article I'm about to read is one of his I promptly close it, guy has no morals and just seems to want to hate on everything for no apparent reason other than to throw fuel on the fire
  18. Wooowooooooo! Price looked like they had his number for a bit, glad they worked their way to the end but dickey was pitching a gem I think they shoulda left him in another inning or two
  19. I've noticed this happening more and more, in my line of work I meet a large amount of people in all different walks of life in various manufacturing settings, there's a place in east end of Hamilton called tasus, they fabricate stickers for all sorts of different things, decals for cars, boats, anything really. My friend and his dad worked there before it was purchased by a Japanese company, and his dad was responsible for doing all the 3d rendering and design in the program they use, when they were bought out it was "take a 33% pay cut or we're going to have to let you go" and I've heard the same story too many times since then at other places too, and even looking at the staff now they were bragging to me the other day "we went down from 89 employees to 73" I held my tongue because some of those people had been there a long while and deserve better than what they got
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