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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. Yeah they've dropped quite a bit actually, I'm going to have to make a stop tomorrow and get some for all the Christmas dinners ahead of me lol
  2. I am a huge fan of the Granville island English bay pale ale, very smooth beer not too hoppy but a nice sipping beer for sure, other than that innis & gunn is my absolute favourite, and they have a bunch of variety in terms of the finish of the beer due to them being cask brewed
  3. This time in 2013 in Hamilton we were having that crazy ice storm, my neighbors hydro lines were on fire and transferred flames to his tree
  4. Looking good! And yes the green is a good call I think as well
  5. Yuengling is fantastic, I bring back generally 2 or more 24's every time I visit the US, wish we could get it here in Canada
  6. Crazy game! 5 against the kings.... Whaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
  7. A friend of my cousins recently went down to California for a wedding, he went to the doctors on day 2 of his trip saying he had migraines, they prescribed him a card for the dispensary within 15 minutes for $50, he was busy once everyone learned he could go to the dispensaries hahaha
  8. Lol I'm sure it will be an adventure! And I only have a fakie tree and its small so I should be ok on that front... Fingers crossed hahaha
  9. Haha funnily enough one of the names is Morris already... So we were thibkkng of leaving that and the other will be Jim, so we'll have Jim and Morris (on)
  10. So in passing I made a joke to the girlfriend that if we were to get a kitten as she's been bothering me about pets for the past while, I would name it Jim. For some reason she thought it was hilarious, and its now been decided her Christmas present is a kitten named Jim. So I've been looking around and with any luck I can pick up these two cuties around Christmas, they are brothers and I can't wait to get them home already haha And with 2 hours and some extra scrap from my house renos this was born... And I happen to have extra carpet from just having my basement done! And here's some progress pics from the basement for those who are interested from my previous topic on asking what products I should be using Meow
  11. Hey he said it "there's pain coming...." So whatever keep it up Bernie! The worse we do now will dictate if it becomes a pipe dream for the leafs to get a cup before Babcock's 8 years are up.
  12. Sweet vid! Like the underwater shot when you break through the ice
  13. An ex girlfriend's dad did a cabbage cleanse, dunno what it did for him other than affect his odors... Lol
  14. My neighbor is a teacher in Taiwan and purchased me a new snowblower so long as I keep his sidewalk and side drive clear while he's away... Ok deal
  15. I like Yukon men best, Tanana seems like a pretty desolate place to be
  16. leaf4

    More Deer

    Beautiful pictures! How on earth do you manage to find 49 deer in a day lol
  17. Moving west keeps looking better and better sometimes...
  18. leaf4

    UFC 189

    I have paid for 2, and I believe they were both for GSP, but when I order it all my friends pitched in so it was only $5 each. Past that one of them ended up getting an android box and its simple to watch it on that
  19. You need to have some respect.... He comes here asking a question and all you add is get a life? Maybe take your own advice.
  20. leaf4

    UFC 189

    Edgar vs McGregor would be an exciting fight, and Weidman vs rockhold was quite the spectacle for sure though I don't see how the fight wasn't finished before the bell in one of the earlier rounds I can't remember which and when it was finished those punches rockhold was throwing seemed like they were half power he looked gassed
  21. Wowza what a card!!! Anyone else watch it? McGregor is the real deal, can't believe the first exchange was the last!! Months of training for 13 seconds
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