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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. Nice morning, I'd spend an hour for those any day
  2. leaf4


    So this is why I keep coming back.... You guys crack me up haha. Thanks Roy!
  3. Aren't you supposed to be watching what you eat! Haha just kidding looks delicious
  4. Can't disagree with that but going to a bar isn't necessarily a precarious situation until this happens, how many times do you think he went to the bar prior to that night in that offseason alone? Probably a lot more than just then
  5. They added a rule, you can't pick 1st overall 2 years in a row if I'm not mistaken (read it on a fb NHL group) so I don't know how reliable that is haha Edit: just tried looking it up but couldn't find anything
  6. Yikes haha no way would I be paying that!
  7. What's it cost for a pack of ribs up your way? These ones were on for 2.99/lb I think, 6.4lbs cost me around $20 will be my lunch/dinner for the next few days haha
  8. Shows up as public to me but I can't see any pictures
  9. Ribs happened to be on sale again when I was stopping in at no frills on the weekend.... Same results as always moist and fall off the bone!
  10. Awesome report! The colours on those first salmon was neat, the close ups on the sturgeon are killer too! Thanks for taking the time to share
  11. Yup, I find it ridiculous the way he was painted in the press, it was guilty before proven innocent the way the media portrayed it, and how stupid do all the fans that chanted at him "she said no" and "no means no" Also for anyone that wants to read into my comments and say he might still be guilty they just can't prove it... Exactly, no one but him and her will actually know 100% what happened that night, but with the DNA evidence its very strongly suggesting nothing happened
  12. So Patrick Kane seems to be in the clear! Although I did read the chick could potentially file a civil suit for stress etc (which she would more than likely lose because she was the one who came forth with the allegations)
  13. I highly doubt he said while selecting "you know jimbo you're a bit more experienced and probably deserve the cabinet position but you see she's got those lady parts there and I need 15 of them in my cabinet" he picked the person he felt as the elected prime minister that was to fit that position based on merit on his personal dealings and perception, but I just hope he didn't do a harper like netminder just alluded to
  14. Its because they're attempting a rebuild correctly and going about it with transparency, how can you be mad at someone when they say hey this is what it will take for us to get the prospect pool we need to put us in contention, I would much rather see that, then finishing in 9th with a later draft pick
  15. Its now Collar McBroken hahaha, all kidding aside that sucks bad
  16. If you have a princess auto close to you, they have a couple different ones on sale at the moment
  17. Nice report and sweet fish you're slaying them!
  18. Very sad. How does that happen wearing a lifejacket? Guess we'll never know but seems mind boggling. I have a friend who's father passed on Georgian bay because his strap in the middle wasn't done up holding his PFD on
  19. I'm pretty sure he's not planning one, but that's the cost that was proposed in 2008 from the auditor general. The house has knob and tube wiring, asbestos, window units for air conditioning, its understandable that Justin Trudeau wouldn't want to downgrade, I'm sure the house he lives in isn't in shambles like 24 Sussex is
  20. Dunno about 24 Sussex being a heritage building even http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/politics/24-sussex-drive-should-be-torn-down-1.3292650
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