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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. Sadly those are all realities and large factors in this instance for sure, I know when I buy a truck, it'll be GPS monitored with an immobilizer and a silent alarm
  2. Congrats man! What a marathon, I bet you're glad he's out haha
  3. It is sad for sure, 26 years old with a promising career ahead and it's potentially derailed by a split second decision. As the details emerge, knowing there was a confrontation it makes me wonder to what extent? If this was the states in this situation would he be in custody still or would he be at home later that night for dinner? I drive by his house multiple times through the week, as stated in the article he moved in, in July. Dunno if he's done anything on the inside but he already put on a double garage addition and re roofed with a steel roof, I was enjoying seeing the progress haha.
  4. Interesting thought on the corian, never knew it existed and when I looked it up theres like 15 different types of countertop I've never heard of lol, what's the ballpark for price per square foot on that stuff? No site I've come across has any pricing
  5. Hey, moving along with my house Reno's I'm a couple weeks to maybe 2 months away from gutting my kitchen, I've checked out some places for cabinets and I don't mind spending the cash on decent stuff but I do have to keep in mind I do rent rooms here... That being said I have looked at IKEA and I'm happy with the prices they have on their new cabinet lineup for what I want, does anyone have any feedback on any of their newer stuff? Secondly I'm looking to do quartz countertops, any places I should look into or avoid? Also I'm in Hamilton on the mountain Thanks!
  6. This one sheds a bit more light, apparently there was an altercation, and its just who you think it'd be, sorry to say. https://hamiltonpolice.on.ca/community/news/2016/02/news-release-homicide-detectives-charge-binbrook-man-second-degree-murder Its tough owning a truck out haldimand/Norfolk way, a buddies dad has had his 2006 Silverado stolen, replaced with a similar one, stolen again, replaced with another and then stolen and replaced with his current, the last one was kinda funny, he was golfing in the afternoon with a buddy off of hwy 6, end of the day comes and he goes to his truck, only its not there anymore. An older truck with a slot screwdriver is running beside where his used to be
  7. Terrible, that's unbelievable for that to just happen all of a sudden between two who are so used to each other, so sorry for your loss! I've had my kitty for a little over 2 months now and couldn't imagine something like that, he's such a good companion
  8. NF but going to this for sure, got my presale tickets yesterday $100 for the weekend
  9. Dunno if anyone else has heard about it yet, the guys truck was in the process of getting jacked at 3am he shot the guy and ended up having good aim, unfortunately for the shooter and himself as he's now facing second degree murder charges. 26 years old http://m.thespec.com/news-story/6263150-update-glanbrook-homeowner-charged-with-second-degree-murder
  10. Nice, seems you guys are getting a decent haul for the table! Can't complain about that
  11. I've been pondering, when do I take my winters off? Its such a crap shoot, +4 today, with the new job I work downtown Toronto, but I'm up and at em starting work at 6am so I can beat the traffic by heading out at 2:30 doing this much driving daily (150kms give or take) I'd like to take them off sooner than later but how do we gauge it this year lol
  12. What escapades exactly? The accusations that couldn't be proven? The "evidence tampering" on the mothers part lol give me a break
  13. Lococo's in Hamilton has it on for $1.99 a head!
  14. Dunno your budget but this ones in Peterborough. 2013 Lund Alaskan, http://www.kijiji.ca/v-powerboat-motorboat/peterborough/2013-lund-alaskan/1126328356
  15. Forgot to take a picture, but I did this recipe for dinner tonight and it was great! Used maple for it and the aroma was amazing once I took it out of the smoker http://www.north-america.bradleysmoker.com/recipe/bradley-smoker-hot-smoked-salmon-bay-scallop-stuffing-ted-reader/
  16. 16 ft aluminum tiller , http://www.kijiji.ca/v-powerboat-motorboat/norfolk-county/16-ft-aluminum-tiller/1134643327 Price: $ 5,500.00
  17. Kinda silly Kaner is getting booed, feel bad for him
  18. If anyone's interested, pork belly is on sale at $2.99/lb at nations in Jackson square, I'm going to get probably 5-10lbs if I can lol
  19. Nice, that's pretty cool I bet that'd be a fun day. Never a dull moment with an NHL player around, a guy I work with grew up with Paul bissonnette and he has some stories about going to Scottsdale that are hilarious
  20. Some people do that without going in 0c! Badum tssss Haha terrible joke I know
  21. Would be interesting to see if that could happen on a lake like scugog, wouldn't doubt it
  22. Crazy story dude, happy to hear you're doing relatively good, all things considered
  23. Been filling up at around 0.82-0.89 in Hamilton for the past couple weeks! Loving it
  24. Parentau was absolutely robbed! That hunwick blast was pretty sweet too. Also Patrick Kane is a beast!
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