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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. I think penguins will be making a coaching change this season, sooner than later. With the star power on this team how are they scoring this little? I've been watching any games of theirs I can catch and it seems the system doesn't play to the strengths they have
  2. Tough call, you have reports of a wild animal from people thinking its a coyote/wolf, what any of us would do in the same situation is hard to say
  3. Ah yes didn't see the added bit haha
  4. Obviously not for use while working, but the 28 day rule restricts you from using it at all in your personal life
  5. Also curious, it would equate to getting drunk on the weekend, but with their "28 day in your system" I wonder if there will be legislation to enforce ability to be able to use it in such situations
  6. That's why cholula is great it won't burn your face off, even my gf loves it and she complains about medium wings lmao. I think I'm going to make some chili for tomorrows dinner now though...
  7. That is pretty awesome! Haha very creative
  8. Awesome, will definitely be checking it out! Congratulations on entering a new chapter and good luck!
  9. Looks awesome! Now we just need some pictures from Gerritt reporting back how my rib recipe turned out! Haha. Do you ever add cholula to your chili? I know back a few posts you said heat is no biggie, but I put cholula on basically any Mexican ish food, the flavour plus a little kick is amazing
  10. They didn't miss the point, hearing from a pharmacist that there are better synthetic options is equivalent to a car mechanic telling you your tires will explode if you don't pay him to put them on - of course they won't, but he won't make any money then. Pharmacists endorse what lines their pockets, and that's not marijuana. Also, ask anyone who suffers from multiple sclerosis, my dads cousin who is in his 60's and is a very successful person suffers, and uses weed to deal with it and that's how he medicates, so anyone who says it doesn't help, please look into all of the different ways it does help before saying so.
  11. Nice report thanks for putting it together!
  12. Yes,but he brought it together to bring himself down through his actions
  13. Sounds like he's dehydrated a lot!
  14. The Prime Minister greatly values the thoughts and suggestions of Canadians. You may write or fax his office at: Office of the Prime Minister 80 Wellington Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2 Fax: 613-941-6900 You may also use the form below to share your ideas and feedback. Please understand that, due to the volume received an e-mail response cannot be guaranteed. http://pm.gc.ca/contactpm
  15. I was just thinking how good a job he did on both songs, bravo
  16. Awesome Gerritt, let me know how they turned out for ya, easily the most consistent rib recipe I've tried
  17. The ribs are fall off the bone! And what a coincidence my furnace went for a crap but was able to fix it myself, pm me the error code I may be able to troubleshoot for you
  18. Pork back ribs on the menu tonight! I use this recipe and its been great every time http://www.food.com/recipe/beths-melt-in-your-mouth-barbecue-ribs-oven-107786
  19. This would be hilarious to drive around!
  20. Wowza that's sharp! Nice work
  21. So with all these solar farms going in, why is there an increase in our prices? When if ever will we see the benefit of this energy source?
  22. Yup, the volquez show last night. He was on fire and they couldn't get any offense going unfortunately, hopefully price has the monkey off his back for today's game!
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