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Everything posted by Harrison

  1. Fishing from a tinny tomorrow.
  2. I rarely get the lakers on the metal. The odd time if one comes in hot and spun and just smokes it. IMO, the flash brings them in and the plastic (tube, swimbait etc.) or live bait is usually what they eat once in the area.
  3. We used plastic and glass beads before for whites, but to be honest we still found pearl their fav. That was quite a few years ago now. I have some Trout beads coming to my shop soon, maybe worth giving it a go again on the ice.
  4. Can"t see the video, but I think Solo beat me to it! LOL...
  5. Study the below Randy, I'll be Doug, you Bob and we'll stroll into KFC together... see what happens. [sCENE FIVE - Beer store] Bob What's going to happen if this plan doesn't work, eh? Doug The old man will boot us out of the house and we'll have no place to sleep, eh? Bob Yeah, I can live in this van, eh? I don't need... Doug Take off! You need money to live or you'll starve! Bob Well this plan sucks, I'm not going in. Doug You are, too, or I'll tell the old man you gave away his beer money. Bob Ok, ok...you boss me around... Patron Morning George! [buys beer and walks off] Attendant Well? Doug Elsinores. Bob Twelve! Doug Twenty-four, yeah, twenty-four Elsinore beers. Attendant Twenty-four Elsinore! That will be $14.70. Doug I believe there will be no charge on this two-four of beer, thank you. Attendant Excuse me? Doug Ok, uh, we found this mouse in a bottle of Elsinore beer that we bought at your beer store, eh? And we heard that when that happens you get your beer free. Bob It's in the Canadian Criminal Code, eh. Like there's legal precedence set in cases in law, eh? Doug So, like give us our free beer. Attendant You want free beer? Go to the brewery. Now get out of here before I put the two of you in a bottle. Doug You sure you don't want to think this over? Attendant [seizing them both by their collars] I'm sure. Doug Ok, we're going. Bob Yeah. Doug See ya. [Everybody in store ridicules them]
  6. I don't stink, my boat don't stink, my tackle don't stink, islands don't stink, commorants are making things stink, freaking quit it. Ron Whites view on Commorants.
  7. Very nice fish, solo is right, that is a rare beaut.
  8. I would contact someone who wraps truck or boats. They may have some scrap pieces laying around to do your box.
  9. I dunno, looks a little banked salmon sun baked.
  10. Good for you guys getting out and quite the multi-species trip. Nicely set up in that aluminum too. I would say the Flicker shads are an under rated bait, I use them alot.
  11. While I have no doubt some folks do intentionally foul hook some fish. I've iced quite a few whitefish foul hooked, usually under the mouth or in the belly. I watched on a camera one time why this happens. Most the time they would come flying in on the bait and either lose it or protect it from others by hovering themselves over it. Jsut a theory, but it sure looks that way. Guys who have seen them on camera have possibly witnessed the same thing.
  12. Pfft, those guys don't know what they are doing!
  13. Holy Hoffa, that thing is fat.
  14. Brian, what I have heard is there is a real strong couple year classes right now. They are being monitored to see if they will sustain these current levels with the new year classes before they will open them up again. This should take a few years yet.
  15. Sounds awesome! Sounds like there is a few Geetar pickers here, we should have a jam session and fish off one day!
  16. Good to hear Crappie, good luck!
  17. Rizzo, did you find some? I did. Phil
  18. Hey Woodsman they are an item I do not stock (tough to ship), but I do and have special ordered them in. I can get one tomorrow, no problem. Just not as a Lost leader
  19. Crappie, if you really want this shelter I can get it for you. Just not at a loss like that pricing, however not far off. PM me if your interested and we can discuss it there.
  20. There may be another shop coming to a town near you soon, actually really near, we'll talk.
  21. HI Mike, I have some of the smallmouth rods heading my way shortly. I will get back to you! I am really impressed with the elite Ice Rod myself and so are some of my customers.
  22. Ha! Two words, Angry Birds. I am not a gamer in the least, but it is addicting.
  23. Get yourself better Bud. The fishing sucks. All the best. Phil
  24. That looks awesome. I love the winter in that part of town. I bet it was dead quiet. Well. except when that black and tan got a scent. Awesome ornaments too!
  25. Thank you very much Cliff, too kind sir. Look forward to chatting more.
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